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Lord J

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So you will face him again? Frodo, are you up for a re-match? I'm sorry you're having such pitiful luck. Maybe your luck will change in the next thread. Just don't go to Vegas any time soon ;)

hey, just get something with 10 sides.. 8 sides for me... 2 for him... that should be a bit mroe fair to me

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Alright, I'm chnging the rules, and I will change my entry post.

Attack/Defense uses two rolls of six-sided dice.

That way, people who attack or defend will have a better chance of catching up with the eight-sided/six-sided rolls.

Earthnuker vs. Sardaukar.

Earthnuker attacks, Sardaukar defends.

Dices rolled.

Sardaukar: 14

Earthnuker: 15

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...... ok.. that's it?

Yo, lord_Johnsonius.. if i happen to have bad luck again.. give me some extra points for his lack of creativity ;D

*Terror switches from knight to MegaMutt*

Terror opens his mechanical chest and a saw comes out....

ok feel the pain little man. FEEL THE PAIN! SCREAM FOR ME!

anyway... in all Terror's fun a scissors comes out of his head and start cutting Frodo's hair... HAH i like your hairstyle much better this way. He activates his inbuilt jetengines and grabs frodo with his two mechanical hands. He then flies high into the sky and drops him from 300 feet high on a spiked barricade

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Hey no fighting, lord oj does that for us :)

Acriku sees the arms of the cyborg raise high, almost a foot above him and coming down fast. With his quick reflexes, he attempts to jump backwards and grab the nearest plasma grenade in his belt.

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sorry, forgot about this thread. Frodo plunges at Terror, and begins attacking him with his sword, but as soon as Terror begins to defend, Frodo quickly pulls on the one ring, drawing all evil to him. Waiting long enough, he quickly takes the ring off and runs behind a tree. Terror did not see him hide, and did not know where the little bugger went. Then all of a sudden a loud high pitched screech. Frodo's plan had worked, it was a Ring Wraith! The ring wraith advanced on Terror and attacked him using his poisin sword.

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Cool beans :)

Earthnuker vs. Sir Sard.

Earthnuker attacks, Sir Sard counter-attacks.

Dices rolled.

Earthnuker: 21

Sir Sard: 17

The Sir Sard and Earthnuker's next round will be Final Combat!! Will the Icky Arachnid spin an unyeilding web of defeat for Sir Sard?!? Or will the Huskarl rise in the name of his people and defeat the spider in a battle of hero-ific proportions!?!
Dang, I love these ending announcements ;)
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