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Ancient Races


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I'm restarting my race.

Faction name:Jaskurath Clan

Leader/Cheiftan:Sawney Rath

Description:This clan is a renegade group of bush animals(IE,fox,badger,otter),except a bit larger.They have 1 elite warrior called the Taggerung,a beast born with skill,strength,and speed.A SEER oversees who is the next Taggerung.



Intelligence:5(Don't get me wrong,they're smart,just don't use advanced technology




Sawney gazed over the horizon,a sense of unease in his stomach,and his paw to his dagger.He had been feeling like this for the past few days,ever since he heard rumors of war being whispered about.His Seer came hobbling up to him.Grousell was a old,sly badger,but the most dependent Seer Sawney had ever known."You seem uneasy.Rumors?"She asked."Yeah,and it's not just that.It seems that dear Father is dieing out,isn't he?"Sawneys father was the Taggerung now,but he had gotten ill,and was dieing."Yes.....That was what I wanted to talk to you about."She heaved a big sigh,and sat down on a small boulder."I think I know who the next Taggerung shall be." "Who?"Sawney asked,very anxious to know."That otterbabe,Denya." "Denya....that one.Aah,he'll make a fine warrior,his mother shall be proud."

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Now, your old race, the mountain elfs right? Well do you want thenm to have died out, dissapeared, or do you want them to still live and i'll control them for a while[have them be like the other races i control, i'll use them on quuests...etc] until i find somewhwere for them to die?

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Dadao is finally complete. The clan is growing well. The gods seems to be blessing them, too, as they had struck into a gold mine while mining clay for weapons. Khan Fenrir orders half the population to construct an arena, which would be complete in 2 posts.


The Fenrir Elites surrounds the warturtle. "What business do you have in here? Explain or die!"

Civilians: 80, growing by 10% per post

Soldiers: 20 Fenrir Elites (equilvlent to guardians), armed with 2 cereamic sword, 1 wooden armor

20 new Fenrir Conscripts(equilvlent to soldier) is being trained at the moment, would be ready in 1 post.


3 Oak-houses(supports 50 units each)

1 Barrack, 50 gold for each conscript

1 Workshop(forge), 20 civilans are working.


10 cereamic blades, 10 wooden armor.

Cereamic blades->30 gold each

Wooden armor->10 gold each

Khan Fenrir had ordered the workshop to craft 10 more ceremic blades. The blades will be ready after 1 post.


Gold mine:250,20 civilans are mining.

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When the night falls, the knight seeks the cover of an undeep cave and starts to sleep- the sac with the orc chief is hanging by a rope tied to a brench on a nearby tree.

Timili asks Hrogg what to do.

"We could take the knight right now, as he is asleep- but that would be cowardly. I wish I knew what the chief would do."

Timili thinks, then says:

"We could liberate your leader now, and let him decide what to do."

"Good idea. We'll cut the rope."

Timili approached the tree with his knife. Just as he prepared to cut the rope, a sword came unsuspectedly down. Timili only just managed to dodge him- the dark knight wasn't asleep to begin with.

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As a coicidence ;),one of the Jaskas'(short for Jaskurith),MilkEye,was hunting doves into the forest when he overheard the racket.he went out to the forest edge,and saw the sac,the knight,and 2 furry creatures that had a human shape.He thought about what to do,then,with a flick of his wrist,launched a dagger at the rope.It cut clean through and landed in the ground somewhere 20 feet away.Then he slinked back to see what the outcome would be.

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The knight jumps forward, sword in hand. He attacks Timili, jumping forward, and reliesing a frenzy of painful, but non-fatal blows. Timili is to weak to fight, and the knight picks him up by his neck, throwing him into the charging Hroog. Hroog gets back up and comes up to the knight and places a couple of strategic hits, one on his shoulder, cutting through the armor, and one on his wrist. The strength of the impact on his wrist sends his sword flying through the air...

What does Hroog do?

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The Comander of teh wartutel shouts out to the Fenrir "We come in peace and offer trade and teh freind ship of our good king Fingolfin"

Encelon status:


Civilians: 554 growing by 10%

Soilders: 47 Guardians.


110 residences

1 barrack

3 forge

1 tempel

Armory: 50 swords and 50 full plate armor.

Gold: 2193 + 1113

Goldmine: 250

Tax: 776 (one gold per civilian)

Avalon status:


Civilians: 281 growing by 10%

Soilders: 20 Guardians.


20 residences

1 barrack

1 forge

Armory: 35 swords and 35 full plate armor.

Trade post status


Civilians: 113 growing by 10%

Soilders: 10 Guardians. 0 Bowmen

Warturtels: 2 (not ready)


11 residences

1 barrack

Armory: 45 swords, 45 full plate armor and 10 bows.

sword price 15 gold

armor price 15 gold

set price 20 gold

Turtel heard: 104 turtels growing by 1% per post.

Offensive forces

Warturtels ready (whit howdows (fortifed shooting platforms) and 10 Guardians and 10 bowmen) for battel: 1, enrute to the Sons of Fenrir

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"Sheath your swords then. We'll lead you to the Khan." replied the squad leader.

~Later at the Great Hall~

"Khan the cereamic blades are complete."

"The new conscripts are now ready and awaiting orders!"

"Great Khan! A group of elves had come to discuss some matters with you."

"Send them in." said Khan Fenrir.

"Greetings Khan Fenrir. I represent my good king Fingolfin to offer trade and a peace treaty with you."

~Political matters takes hours or even days to come to a conclusion, so let us skip it~

"Very well. You may return to your lord with the good news. Please also bring this letter to you lord."

"The letter is about...?"asked the elven messager curiously.

"Well I'm planning to select 10 young fenrirs to stay at your country to learn at your forges and barracks. A sum of 500 gold would go with the students. I am looking forward on your lord in agreeing in that."

Dadou status:

88 civilians, growing by 10% per post

20 Fenrir Conscripts, armed with 2 cereamic blades, 1 wooden armor

20 Fenrir Elites, armed with 2 cereamic blades, 1 wooden armor


1 Great Hall

3 Oak-houses

1 barrack

1 workshop, 20 craftsman are working.


0 cereamic blade, 0 wooden armor

Cereamic blades->30 gold each, cost 20 gold each

Wooden armor->10 gold each, cost 5 gold each


Gold mine:250, 20 miners

Arena 50% complete, 28 builders, finishing in 1 post.

Trading post under construction, 20 builders, finishing in 1 post.

10 cereamic blades crafting, would be complete in 1 post.

(OOC: If Sardukar agrees, Twin-Head please decide after how many posts the students would return with metal forging and bow/crossbow tech.

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When the wartutel returns a messenger is sent to the fortifed hall in encelon, Whne king Fingolfin recives the message he agrees, and the sons of Fenrir will learn the secets of the metals.

Encelon status:


Civilians: 609 growing by 10%

Soilders: 47 Guardians.


110 residences

1 barrack

3 forge

1 tempel

Armory: 65 swords and 65 full plate armor.

Gold: 3806 + 1264

Goldmine: 250

Tax: 776 (one gold per civilian)

Avalon status:


Civilians: 281 growing by 10%

Soilders: 20 Guardians.


20 residences

1 barrack

1 forge

Armory: 40 swords and 40 full plate armor.

Trade post status


Civilians: 124 growing by 10%

Soilders: 10 Guardians. 0 Bowmen

Warturtels: 2 (not ready)

Warturtels ready (whit howdows (fortifed shooting platforms) and 10 Guardians and 10 bowmen) for battel: 1


11 residences

1 barrack

Armory: 45 swords, 45 full plate armor and 20 bows.

sword price 15 gold

armor price 15 gold

set price 20 gold

Turtel heard: 105 turtels growing by 1% per post.

Offensive forces

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Milkeye watched the chaos,then quickly slipped into the darkness and retreived his dagger.Not to mention he snatched up the sac while fleeing.When he was quite a bit away,Milkeye cut open the sac.In it was another furry creature."Well,well,Sawney shall be pleased..."And he slipped away into the darkness.


Meanwhile,Deyna had become the Zann Jaskurath Taggerung.Meanwhile,a messenger was sent to King Fingolfin and The Sons Of Fennir.It will take a post for him to get there.

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"Khan, both the arena and the trading post is now complete."

"Tonight it's full moon rite, Sage?"

"Yes Khan."

"Very well, than the arena is completed just in time...Announce that the ceremony would start tonight! " said Khan Fenrir, smiling.

~At night, Arena~

*20 Fenrir Conscripts lined up in 2 rows of 10, facing each other. They're all fully armed and is ready for the ceremony. Khan Fenrir step forward and gives a speech.*

"My fellow fenrirs! Tonight the warriors shall smear the arena with blood! May the gods accept the offering and bless us! Let the ceremony begin, and may the best survive!"

*What follows is a series of duels between the 20 conscripts, where the conscripts fight until either or both dies. The ones that survived would be granted the title of being a Fenrir Elite. This time, there are 10 survivors.*

"Warriors! You've all fought well and we're all pleased with that. May the fallen ones rest in peace and serve the gods well in their afterlife. I hereby declare the survivors Fenrir Elites!"

Dadou status:

97 civilians, growing by 10% per post

20 Fenrir Elites, armed with 2 cereamic blades, 1 wooden armor


1 Great Hall

3 Oak-houses

1 Barrack

1 Workshop

1 Arena

1 Trading post


10 cereamic blade, 0 wooden armor

Cereamic blades->30 gold each, cost 20 gold each

Wooden armor->10 gold each, cost 5 gold each


Gold mine:0

Holiday to the clan due to ceremony, all works halts.

Ceremony conducted, takes 500 gold.

10 Fenrir Elites would be avilable in the next post.

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The Fenfir elite capture a cerature that attacked one of the oakhouses. The creature has 6 arms, scaled, greenish-black skin, with a slimy overcoat. The oakhouse is damaged, but is repaired for 10 gold. The unconsious creature is brought to its new home, The arena dungeon, where all creatures are kept to fight later.


The Fenrirs will study metalcraft for a month.[3 posts]


(OOC: Lord j, you still here?)

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Ztraag stepsd into the structure. He looks arouind after lighting his flare. on the walls are the inscription that appeared on the door. Near the end of the hall, before the turn around the corner, he spots a pink door with tons of little buttons and levers and blinkie light things on it.

What does Ztraag do?

read this post carefully, lord_J, It'll help you.

If you still don't get it, then

[hide]Remember i said near the end of the hall,

before a turn around the corner[/hide]

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"Khan, I suggest we send the students to Encleon soon." proposed the Sage.

"Why are you so confident about it being a success?" replied Khan Fenrir, "Afterall, we still haven't got a reply."

"The Almighty DM had appeared in my dream last night Khan."

"That doesn't prove anything, Sage"

"Well, but what follows in my dream is a scene of the students working at a forge."

"Hmm...This does seems like a guide from the DM. Sage, tell the students to get ready. I want them to be off by tonight."

*Suddendly a Fenrir Elite rushes into the hall, phanting*

"Khan! We've a messager from the Jaskurath Clan!"

"A Jaskurath messager!? Quick, send him in!"

*The messager comes in*

"So Jaskurath Clan is not a rumor,it really does exist. Tell me, what message you've arrived with?" asked Khan Fenrir.

Dadou status:

98 civilians, growing by 10% per post

30 Fenrir Elites, armed with 2 ceramic blades, 1 wooden armor


1 Great Hall

3 Oak-houses

1 Barrack

1 Workshop

1 Arena

1 Trading post


10 cereamic blade, 0 wooden armor

Ceramic blades->30 gold each, cost 20 gold each

Wooden armor->10 gold each, cost 5 gold each


Gold mine:250

10 Fenrir students starts journey to Encleon with 500 gold, would reach there in 1 post.

Due to the recent attack by an unknown creature, there would be more units(actually, all Fenrir Elites) patrolling Dadou at the night.

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*The students finally arrived in Encleon*

"We're the students that our Great Khan had mentioned about! With us is a chest with 500 gold! Please unlock the gates and inform your lord!" shouted one of the students to the guards.

*Back to Dadou*

Khan Fenrir is still discussing matters with the Jaskurath messager...

Accepting the suggestion of the Sage, Khan Fenrir order a new Oak-house to be constructed.

Dadou status:

107 civilians, growing by 10% per post

30 Fenrir Elites, armed with 2 ceramic blades, 1 wooden armor


1 Great Hall

3 Oak-houses <--I assume they cost 100 each to build.

1 Barrack

1 Workshop

1 Arena

1 Trading post


10 cereamic blade, 0 wooden armor

Ceramic blades->30 gold each, cost 20 gold each

Wooden armor->10 gold each, cost 5 gold each


Gold mine:250, 50 miners, guarded by 10 Fenrir Elites.

1 Oak-house under construction, 57 builders, guarded by 20 Fenrir Elites. Would be completed in 2 posts.

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Ok, gold will now have a value.

Train a Warrior: 50 gold

Make a sword: 10 gold

Buy a sword: 25 gold

Hire a sorceror to enchant a sword: 5,000 gold

Enchant a sword yourself: 1,000 gold[for material components of the spell]

Train a WarHorse: 50 gold

Train a Guardian[stronger warrior]: 100 gold

Build a barracks: 1,000 gold

Build a town hall: 2,500 gold

Build a shop[blacksmith metalsmith etc]: 500 gold

Build a farm: 250 gold

Hire a shop owner: 200 gold

Build a temple: 4,000 gold

^Magicaly enhance a building or warrior^ 10,000 gold

You will gain 250 gold per post if you have an active gold mine

These are the prices. I am assuming that oakhouses are farms, so they would be 250 gold + any materials[ie wood, metal..etc]

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"Great Khan! We've an emergency situation here!"

"Sorry, please wait a few minutes."said Khan Fenrir to the Jaskurath messager. "What is the problem!?"

"The builders are on strike! They demand a pay rise from 100 gold to 250 gold!"

"Fair enough, accept their deal."

Dadou status:

107 civilians, growing by 10% per post

30 Fenrir Elites, armed with 2 ceramic blades, 1 wooden armor


1 Great Hall

3 Oak-houses <--I assume they cost 100 each to build.

1 Barrack

1 Workshop

1 Arena

1 Trading post


10 cereamic blade, 0 wooden armor

Ceramic blades->30 gold each, cost 20 gold each

Wooden armor->10 gold each, cost 5 gold each


Gold mine:250, 50 miners, guarded by 10 Fenrir Elites.

1 Oak-house construction halted. Would resume in 1 post. The Oak-house would take 2 more posts arter that to be completed. Construction site guarded by 20 Fenrir Elites.

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The King Fingolfin was hunting goblins in an forgotten tunnel when he was killed by goblins, his son prince Turgon take to throne, he resmes all deal whit all other empires

no growth due to teh national murning

Encelon status:


Civilians: 609 growing by 10%

Soilders: 47 Guardians.


110 residences

1 barrack

3 forge

1 tempel

Armory: 65 swords and 65 full plate armor.

Gold: 3806 + 1264

Goldmine: 250

Tax: 776 (one gold per civilian)

Avalon status:


Civilians: 281 growing by 10%

Soilders: 20 Guardians.


20 residences

1 barrack

1 forge

Armory: 40 swords and 40 full plate armor.

Trade post status


Civilians: 124 growing by 10%

Soilders: 10 Guardians. 0 Bowmen

Warturtels: 2 (not ready)

Warturtels ready (whit howdows (fortifed shooting platforms) and 10 Guardians and 10 bowmen) for battel: 1


11 residences

1 barrack

Armory: 45 swords, 45 full plate armor and 20 bows.

sword price 15 gold

armor price 15 gold

set price 20 gold

Turtel heard: 105 turtels growing by 1% per post

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The Jaskurath messenger returns with talking to the Khan."We wish to make a pact,not to attack each other.If you will comply to our wishes,we will not interfere.Also,we cannot make a stable alliance,as we are always on the move,but we can send you small divisions of infantry,if you will send us 1 Fennir Elite for every 20 infantry.Agreed?"

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"The non-agression pact would be made but I'm afraid that we can't comply with sending you Fenrir Elites. This is due to some old Code of Law, which we wouldn't dare breaking." explained Khan Fenrir. "Even so, we would come to your help if you need so. And from now on, the gates of Dadou would be opened to all Jaskuraths."

Dadou status:

117 civilians, growing by 10% per post

30 Fenrir Elites, armed with 2 ceramic blades, 1 wooden armor


1 Great Hall

3 Oak-houses

1 Barrack

1 Workshop

1 Arena, the unknown beast is being looked after by 10 arenakeepers.

1 Trading post


10 cereamic blade, 0 wooden armor

Ceramic blades->30 gold each, cost 20 gold each

Wooden armor->10 gold each, cost 5 gold each

Gold:90 + 250

Gold mine:250, 50 miners, guarded by 10 Fenrir Elites.

Oak-house construction resumes, would be completed in 2 posts. Construction site guarded by 20 Fenrir Elites.

Fenrir students starts learning in Encelon forges. They would return after 3 posts.

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