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WarCraft III - Rankings and ladders


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I was wondering what level all you guys are at, and if any of you have actually made it on to the ladder yet!

I am currently level 4 (almost level 5) for the random team ladder. I would be level five if I didn't lose two games from my cable disconnecting me ( >:() Do any of you guys have the same problem where you lose connection to battle.net in the middle of a game twice within 1 hour, and then can't log on to either of the U.S. servers?!?!?! Yah, it sucked big!

BTW my nick is HydroFlux and I'm on Azeroth server.

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hmmm I havn't played any of those mods (or custom games for that matter), mainly because they are unbalanced, and often lack quality because they are made by amateuristic mod makers looking for a quick fix. Normally the mods don't have good replay value and tend to get boring very fast. Plus they will compromise your skill level from the unmodded version due to the different attributes and rules.ini in the mods. Plus there is a lot of cheaters and plain old assholes on the custom game servers.

Did I mention I don't play custom games? (Except over my LAN ;D)

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i'll explain each map =Hero Arena = You start out with a wisp, and choose a Hero from a list of 40+ , usually the map creator creates the heros with existing units, ne ways, and then you go into an arena and battle it out. There are also Creeps in the corner of the Arena so you can lvl up, and gain other items. When you die you go back to your base and can go to the stores and buy Tomes and other merchandise. Occasionally every 4-5 min theres a dual, where the players with the most kills for each team battle it out 1 vs 1. And every 20 min a super creep thats lvl 20 and has around 90000 HP comes out and when you defeat him u get SUPER ITEMS, like Mask of Dead and Necklace of Spell Immunity, or Orb of Lightning. Tower-&-Maze Defense = You start out with a builder, and are in a maze with 8 other ppl. You then build towers to prevent creeps from reaching the center, or "killing the children".Each one varies, so play them and have fun.

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I am level 5 and I have a ghoul icon so that makes me cooler than all of you so: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!But War3 sux anyhow. If War3 was a real strategy game, I might be bothered to get good at it, but since it sux, who cares what your rank is? War3 is not a game of strategy, it's a game of sheer dumb luck combined with unbalanced races and clunky, awkward gameplay.

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I am level 5 and I have a ghoul icon so that makes me cooler than all of you so: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!But War3 sux anyhow. If War3 was a real strategy game, I might be bothered to get good at it, but since it sux, who cares what your rank is? War3 is not a game of strategy, it's a game of sheer dumb luck combined with unbalanced races and clunky, awkward gameplay.
I can usually respect other's opinions, even if I don't agree with them...but your just plain retarded. War3 requires WAY more strategy than ANY other RTS game. If your talking about fog-of-war being LUCK because you can't see what your ally is building, then you just plain SUCK at playing the game. Do you think in real life you would be able to see every thing your enemy;s army is harbouring, ESPECIALLY back in medievil times?!?! NO, absolutely not. All you have to do to see his base is pay a merchant with one of those telescopes. ::) And if you think the races are unbalanced your just about as far off the mark as you're gonna get. I've been restraining myself from saying this in such a harsh manner, but I can't contain myself anymore...navaros...you're a retarded, stupid, immature, whining, unappreciative, idiotic, poor-excuse for a forum member! And I recall in a thread I made a long time ago when you said something like... Navaros: "You can play generals all you want and suffer with westwoods poor support, lack of patches, and uninitiation with the community. I will be playing warcraft3, where patches will be released regularly, and the teams will be balanced perfectly, and there will be a large online community where it won't be a cumbersom task to find a game. I will be benefiting from tons of user made maps, which will add to my enjoyment for years to come.[6 weeks later...WC3 has been released]Navaros: warcraft3 sucks ass! It is a poor excuse for an RTS. The races are unbalanced, and there are so many bugs! Where is blizzards patches for these bugs?!?!---------------------------------------------------------------------------Meanwhile the "bugs" and "limits" of the game are SUPPOSED to be there. And sorry if you find that they make you play worse, but you suck at playing video games anyway - find a new hobby ffs ::). Blizzard has already released two variations of the 1.01 patch and the game has only been out for a little over 2 weeks. All the FEATURES you're complaining about now, such as build limits etc. are things you wished would have been in emperor to prevent the "turtlers" "rushers" and "stockpilers". Now they're in and you can't build your lame-ass 30 mino armies anymore so you start bitching again... >:(----------------------------------------------------------------------------Navaros: bitch bitch bitch bitch bitchfed2k members: Navaros STFU, and get the hell out of our forum!
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you quit bitching about the group cap! >:( it is fine you only need an 18-14 person army to win ok? and having 90 unit cap is fine you can get there really easy without using more that 45 food.

Damn lame noobs bitching about everything and the group cap is all really the only specific thing you bitch about. >:( >:( >:(

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you quit bitching about the group cap! >:( it is fine you only need an 18-14 person army to win ok?

Wait a second...

That 14-18 person army won't fit in one group, thats how low the group cap is...

I'm not "b*tching", I'm pointing out that it is unnescassary and only detracts from the overall game play...

There should be an option to turn it off, or at least make it higher, like AOE2's 50.

Overall, it is a fairly decent game, I suppose...

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But really Duke, I think everyone has herd your complaint. I think you can stop now ;D ::)

But really, in WW games you need big armies cuz 1 unit can die in a milisecond. In Blizzard games you can have a 12 unit army and it last the duration of the whole battle. Even the weakest unit will take some time to kill.

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Except for grunt-type units. They are slaughtered to easily by Knights and such. :(

lol, incase you havn't noticed grunts have loads of armour, and 2 grunts could easily kill 1 knight! Anyway, grunts are a basic unit, while knights are very advanced...maybe you should compare tauren to knights eh?

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OK, Razorox, calm down... 8)

I didn't raise my voice once that whole article. And what gave you the idea I wasn't calm in the first place. Just because I'm slapping navaros across his virtual face doesn't mean I'm not calm... ;D

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