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Battle Realms Rocks!!


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;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

I just downloaded the demo and played it...and frankly i think it's fantastic !!

Well, I must say, i've played about 4 times so far and i've lost terribly each time :'(

All i really need to know is how to earn Ying and Yang, and how to upgrade...then i'm set !!

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Lol, you get yin and yang by killing enemies :). You upgrade your soldiers by not only sending them in the mojo for example but also in the other buildings... this changes them into different units.. and you can also give them special abilities at 2 different buildings (don't ask me their names)

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it is awesome! I played the demo today and I kick my opponents arse! and the unit comabt is soo nice I mean usually in a strategy when melee units attack an archer he shoot arrows at the guy even when hes a foot away in battle realms the archer beats the guy with his bow sweet!

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I don't know how long this has been here (I had computer problems the last couple days), but I told you so :P

The game is very innovative. Well some of the innovations are really cool others don't work out as well. It is definitely worth 10 or 20 dollars though...I'm sure of that. You can probably get it dirt cheap on EBAY if you check.

The horses and unit animations are some of the coolest things about the game. You probably noticed some similarities to War3 but also some major differences.

Now go get the retail version ;)

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I will when i earn the dough

And also the AI is so fucking hard dude, like i swear, when i put on "No horses" setting they had horses sum how...like uber freaky...

And i finally figured out how to make samurai and kabuki warrior

but whut other kool units can i make? Can i take the monk and the other hero units and transform them aswell?

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Apparently its so cheap all you would have to do is mow a lawn ;D

I'm not sure how much the demo lets you do, but I don't think a hero can be transformed into anything else.

One of my favorites is the ronin with bloodbond (something like that). Can you play as all 4 races in the demo? Note some of the cool differences in animations, like even in how each group collects horses (especially the wolf). Also note the random explosions of people...kinda cool huh?

You probably noticed that unit control can be difficult at first, especially in a major battle. It takes time to learn the keys. But I'm sure your impressed by watching some of those battles.

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Demo only has dragon and serpent clan and two skirmish maps. My favo is samurai cuz it has both melee and ranged attack.. and no you can't transform heroes or so.... you can put them on horses though. Also you get horses by ordering a peasant/peon/villager/worker (whatever it is) to get it... it will then make love to the horse (;)) and then bring it to the stables.. AI is ok... at least it attacks with large armies instead of contstantly sending 1 unit :) which was the problem in most older RTS games. Further though it does not bring too many surprises.. it won't attack you from the back or whatsoever.

What you might find disappointing though is that all the units you can build in the demo is all you can build in the full version (well except the 2 other races ofcourse) but at least i was somewhat disappointed with that at the beginning cuz it is realy few.

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I WANT REAL VERISON SOOOOO BAD..............*sobs in corner*

i herd Lotus Clan is like some evil clan on the side of evil ro whutever

So there are 2 good clans, 2 bad ones then?

Yin(Good) Clans:

Dragon Clan

Wolf Clan

Yang(Dark) Clans:

Lotus Clan

Serpent Clan

Am i correct?

Also i love how you make the melee units for Serpent Clan in the tavernbar...lol

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Yes, I think heros come from the keep.

And yes, there are two yin and two yang. The lotus seem truly "evil" to me though. I would say that the wolf have been my favorite to play. Did you check out that sledger unit I attached to one of my above posts...wait until you hear the voice...kinda funny. It will remind you of someone.

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  • 5 months later...

Arnold the "Terminator" (LOL!! You know who he is...Hasta-la-vista baby!!)

The max. unit limit in the retail version is only up to 40.

And I like the Lotus Clan... Their watchtowers are the best!! Think of a Tesla Coil... And I also like their warlocks.

And if the AI is so f****n hard, why not try and set it to major or minor disadvantage? (Pardon the cussing, but I do know when to censor it...)

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  • 2 weeks later...

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