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I just wanted an update on what your guys nicknames are in wc3. I bet you find the ladder "slightly" more challenging than the emperor ladder! ;) Well...that's the warcraft III part, now for the WOOHOO part!

I have saved up almost enough cash for a new rig, and I will be ordering it in 2 weeks, along with it I'll be getting warcraftIII! So get ready to get yo asses stomped on by de ol' raz!

My new rig will be:

AMD Athlon XP 1800+ (maybe 1900+ or 2000+ depends on how prices drop)

768mb PC-2700 DDR333

nVidia Gefroce 4 Ti 4200 128mb

Asus A7V333 mobo

SoundBlaster Live! 5.1

Logitech Dual Optical Mouse

Microsoft Internet Keyboard

Samsung SyncMaster 753DF 17" FlatScreen

Toshiba 16x DVD-ROM

WOOHOO!!!! And it's DAMN cheap too...

$925.49 USD + tax (I shop around... ;D)

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Flat screens suck, no offense. I have a huge 19' and it's a bigass muther fucker. The stand is also steel, wich is kool ;D

Well, just before you call me an idiot, big screens have more crystalline in them wich equals better quality pictures..and better quality video, period...

I have no problem with my sound card...all i need is a new secondary HD, and maybe a newer AMD Athlon processor, I already got a huge one, but i just want a bigger one ;D and more RAM

I dont know about my vid-card tho....Rage 128 Fury Xpert 180002000 I might get the new radeon...who knows

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I would not take the flatscreen and I would wait with a videocard.

There are some great changes comming very soon (AGP 8x for example). Intel will come with a new processor, which will drop the P4's. To remind you, the P4 2.4 with FBS 533 IS faster then any AMD currently (and in near future) out there. Also, if you want AGP 8x, try the new motherboards with SiS648 chipset, which offer support for DDR400.

Take a look at the test found on this link

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Yah the monitor isn't set in stone yet, but I have that monitor with my current computer and it owns, and it is a solid, well priced, well performing monitor. IMHO the flatscreen is much better than the curved screens which are extremely glary and give off more radiation.Nyar, as for w8ing, there really is no point. Buying computers is a never ending cycle of constant obsoletion. I'm not gonna wait for all the next gen stuff to come out because it is too expensive anyway. I will just wait till it comes down in price and then upgrade. As for the P4 2.4b ghz being faster than the AMD 2200+...it is true, but the 2200+ actually outperforms it on SOME games(www.anandtech.com). And the 2200+ is $200 USD cheaper. And incase you didn't notice I can get the 1800+ for CHEAPER than the P4 1.6ghz. And the 1800+ royally OWNS any P4 before the 533mhz FSB enhancement (which is any P4 before 2.26ghz)Desert Eagle...your judgement is flawed. Look at the best quality televisions, they are ALL flatscreens. The flatscreen monitors have better picture than the regular tubed ones as well.The flatscreens have so many advantages, and I for one prefer the flatscreen even though they are slightly more expensive. (and where do you get the idea that a 19" regular tube monitor is somehow bigger than a 19" flatscreen monitor??)Just incase you and nyar are somehow confused by the term "flatscreen" it is different then "flat panel". Flat panel monitors have worse image quality, yes. And everything you said would be accurate if you were referring to flat panel monitors instead of flat screen monitors. A flatscreen monitor just means it has flat glass instead of curved glass, and produces much sharper pictures than regular curved screen monitors...trust me.cheers. 8)

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And I wouldn't trust SiS with any other graphics card in their mobo, now that they've come out with there own graphics card, and will undoubtedly optimize it for that card, and that card especially. I will always stick to Asus mobo's. Always have, always will.

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And I wouldn't trust SiS with any other graphics card in their mobo, now that they've come out with there own graphics card, and will undoubtedly optimize it for that card, and that card especially. I will always stick to Asus mobo's. Always have, always will.
True and me with you, but the new SiS chipset owns all Intel chipsets currently :)About the video card, I didn't mean that you needed to buy one of the new cards that are coming out, but to wait for them cause the price of your desired GeForce will drop ;D[Edit: better yet, you might get an Ti4600 128mb for the price of an Ti4200)
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I would not take the flatscreen and I would wait with a videocard.There are some great changes comming very soon (AGP 8x for example). Intel will come with a new processor, which will drop the P4's. To remind you, the P4 2.4 with FBS 533 IS faster then any AMD currently (and in near future) out there. Also, if you want AGP 8x, try the new motherboards with SiS648 chipset, which offer support for DDR400.Take a look at the test found on this link
heh AGP 8x very nice :), the only problem.. the newest programs don't even require AGP 2x.... i doubt if they even require AGP 1x... AGP 8x will make no difference in performance
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whoa whoa... did somebody say intel has a better chip than AMD? well you are talking to an AMD freak. you are right about the speed but itwill be much more expensive. and anyways soon AMD is coming out with new processors with a higher bit rate and more transistors.

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I'm undsputed on there also. I find the competition on there much more challenging. It is in part because I don't play as much...and part because of the talent. In fact, I don't think I've won yet :( I keep getting stomped, even in 3 on 3 games (which I like to play the most I think).

The system sounds pretty good, especially for the price. War3 isn't that much more taxing on system requirements than Emperor, so you should be able to handle that easily. Flat screens sound cool but I haven't been around them much. It appears to be the trend for the future.

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whoa whoa... did somebody say intel has a better chip than AMD? well you are talking to an AMD freak. you are right about the speed but itwill be much more expensive. and anyways soon AMD is coming out with new processors with a higher bit rate and more transistors.

So is Intel.. The Pentium 5 is on it's way ;D

(btw, I'm an Intel freak :))

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I just wanted an update on what your guys nicknames are in wc3. I bet you find the ladder "slightly" more challenging than the emperor ladder! ;)

Gee, maybe because you LOSE POINTS (not just rank, POINTS) on the War3 ladder if just for *not playing* the exact amount of games Blizzard wants you to play per week. (so good luck trying to gain a good rank if you have a life). Also because War3 is a game of sheer dumb luck. There is no strategy involved at all. There is no viable way to scout the map, hence you can not build to counter what your enemy builds. It's simply a matter of happening to have the right units the first time your army runs into the enemy army (because fog of war will prevent you from seeing the enemy army until you encounter it, at least until the map hack comes out, once the map hack is out that might at least add a bit of strategy to the game). And whichever player wins the first small battle at the start of the game will proceed to win the game almost every time. No strat at all.

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Well sure... otherwise if you won 1 game and play never again you have a win/loss ration of 100%.. that would not be fair to people who have played like 200 games.

btw, war3 is not more taxing than emperor... processor perhaps the same... but graphix card is way less important for war3 than for emperor

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Good point Terror, I didn't have any problems when I started War3 but I did with Emperor. I have a P3 450 mhz computer with about 200 mb ram and an S3 Savage 4 video card and it runs great. Even 3 vs 3 games are not a problem...I also use a 56k modem.

If it can run on mine, yours won't be a problem.


I think several night elf units but I don't know enough about them yet. For one, one of the heros has a bird that can easily scout any area of the map. I think some of the regular units have an owl or something. Plenty of scouting choices there.

The orcs, of course, have the farseer who can view any area of the map for only a minos amount of magic. Also, there is some sort of stick that the witch doctor has which allows for scouting.

The humans have the helecopter which works just fine and probably some other things that I'm not thinking of at the moment.

The undead have shades, which is the closest thing you'll find to emperor's version of scouts, if that's what your looking for.

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Warcraft III, its exactly like all the other games Blizzard has released, except with flashy 3D graphics.

But about the new system, wish I was getting one like that. All I have is an AMD K6-2 with a Voodoo 2 card but I do have over 400 meg of ram.

I would of had a Geforce 2 card but my AMD doesn't support it got flashing on direct 3d games. So I put my old card, runs my favorite games fine.

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Warcraft III, its exactly like all the other games Blizzard has released, except with flashy 3D graphics.

But about the new system, wish I was getting one like that. All I have is an AMD K6-2 with a Voodoo 2 card but I do have over 400 meg of ram.

I would of had a Geforce 2 card but my AMD doesn't support it got flashing on direct 3d games. So I put my old card, runs my favorite games fine.

thats odd

i get that sometimes too but only in lithtech games and once i dloaded the newest drivers it all worked fine =D

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Warcraft III, its exactly like all the other games Blizzard has released, except with flashy 3D graphics.

But about the new system, wish I was getting one like that. All I have is an AMD K6-2 with a Voodoo 2 card but I do have over 400 meg of ram.

I would of had a Geforce 2 card but my AMD doesn't support it got flashing on direct 3d games. So I put my old card, runs my favorite games fine.

Long live Intel ;D

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Flat screens suck, no offense. I have a huge 19' and it's a bigass muther fucker. The stand is also steel, wich is kool ;D

Well, just before you call me an idiot, big screens have more crystalline in them wich equals better quality pictures..and better quality video, period...

I have no problem with my sound card...all i need is a new secondary HD, and maybe a newer AMD Athlon processor, I already got a huge one, but i just want a bigger one ;D and more RAM

I dont know about my vid-card tho....Rage 128 Fury Xpert 180002000 I might get the new radeon...who knows



are we talking about LCD or Flatscreen

lcd is very expencive...

in norway u must pay about 1000$ for a 17"

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are we talking about LCD or Flatscreen

lcd is very expencive...

in norway u must pay about 1000$ for a 17"

Like I said, I think they are getting flatscreen mixed up with flatpanel (aka LCD)

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correct.... lcd may be more relaxing for your eyes. It is not very good to play games on, Flatscreen is good though. (not that i have one, YET) btw... upgrading ur K6 to an duron 800 or something is very cheap. perhaps u should consider it.

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correct.... lcd may be more relaxing for your eyes. It is not very good to play games on, Flatscreen is good though. (not that i have one, YET) btw... upgrading ur K6 to an duron 800 or something is very cheap. perhaps u should consider it.

Huh? I don't even have a k-6!

Anyway...with the setup I have now:


128mb PC-133 SDRAM

TNT 2 32mb

I should be able to run warcraft 3 fine if I turn the graphics down a bit? I am wondering, is WC3 more demanding than emperor for system resources?

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[quote author=Razorox link=board=2;threadid=3687;start=0#56883

I should be able to run warcraft 3 fine if I turn the graphics down a bit? I am wondering, is WC3 more demanding than emperor for system resources?

I'll let you in on a little secret. Emperor and War3 both run just fine on a 4MB AGP Card. LOL. It's true. The system specs on the box are way over-the-top in terms of what you actually need to run the game decently.

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