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Ghosts exist. Yes or  No?


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I have a story but it is too long to write down.

Let's say i can't say i don't believe, yet i can not say either i DO believe!!

But i know a man who believes totally in it. And this man is a normal man. And actually he does not want anything to do with it.

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Well, most of people that believe in ghosts are normal. They are only opened. I think is good to be opened, human see more things there than people that aren`t opened at all. I am on the middle too. I am able to accept ghosts existence but nobody knows anything sure about it and we can`t say they are exist for sure. Pictures and strange voices in old house is not evidence that prove it. It just thing that makes this possible.

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Ghost's doesn't always appear in the sight of your eyes. Stress has nothing to do with seeing things, i'm very healthy and i don't have problems with my brains or other things. I see thing's very clearly, also i think ghost's and spirits is a every day thing in our lives.

And Science/people always make up excuses with

" You are tired "

"You are mentally stressed "

"Its only a thing of our brain"

If it is a Thing of my brain, how can i sense other people and strange things. I do alot of Ki Training so its pretty "normal" that you gain that feat.

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It isn't an excuse, it's a fact sometimes. You don't think stressed out people hallucinate or exaggerate anything?

Also, you can be perfectly healthy, but the point is that that doesn't prove anything. And who says you are sensing other people and "strange" things? Your mind interprets things, most of the time not in a very accurate way. You have to understand how the mind works.

I have done training with Ki, and does not give you the ability to sense spiritual beings. It can help you become aware more, but sensing other beings? It isn't normal to do that, it might happen as Ki does have interesting effects, but it isn't normal and isn't a goal to commonly be searching for.

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Well too bad? You can't sense people, but i can. Thanks to my Ki training, besides did you even meditate or do you perform Ki training DBZ Style?  ::) *grins*

[ Some of the student's has the ability to sense someone from miles away. Don't get suprised ]

A high percentage of people who saw ghost's wasn't stressed.

Stress = Irritation, Tired. Since when does Stress have much Effect on the Visual Option's of your eyes?

Weird... why didn't i saw ghost's when i was stressed....

I wonder..... hmmmmmm..

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So you are saying, i'm trying to Imagine ghost's in the Background all the time. I had High stress once, "overworked" too much heh  ;D

The only thing's i had was irritation... Screaming at people. Aggressiveness.

But i didn't saw a Optical illusion. Not even one.

Once again its your opinion about it. You don't believe in Spiritual beings and the Unknown.

I "do" believe in it.  :)

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So you are implying that only because "you" didn't see any ghosts when you were stressed my theory is invalid? Do you realize what you are saying?

And I say again, high stress isn't just irritation, it is on a "higher" level, anxiety breaks out, sweating of the palms, paranoia, heart rate rising, and again hallucination. These are some of the symptoms (not always any of the symptoms).

And don't say what I believe and do not believe, because I am very open to every side, just because I take one side doesn't mean I believe in it...

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So you are implying that only because "you" didn't see any ghosts when you were stressed my theory is invalid? Do you realize what you are saying?  

I was very stressed and i didn't sweat, have optical illusion's. Just Aggressiveness and Irritation.

And your Stress Sympton's theory's doesn't Validate at all.

Alot of people who has high stress sweats over the whole body. Your head can possibly sting.  Your heart rate can increase and your body will shake.

But once again stress doesn't always have to be Visual Related, if you blowed weed or eated Spacecake or XTC it could be explainable.

Maybe that you see thing's when you are stressed.

But "I" don't.

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Are you blind?? I said it didn't have to have anything to do with optical senses, but it can have something to do with how you interpret what you see in your brain. Whether it be a ghost-figure in the smoke, or whatever.

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When you are stressed or frightened, your brain can imagine a lot of things like move on the corner of your eyes. Even a simple tree in the dark can became something different. If you have imagination, of course.

But all ghosts cases couldn`t be explain by people imagination. Most of them possibly are and most of people that sat they have seen ghost can exaggerate. Its normal, human is able see everything if he/she believe that he/she can see something. But why we shouldn`t accept that some of ghosts watchers have right. Some of they could.  Not everyone who saw it was under stress, I think.

I say once again, it still don`t explain ghosts existence but we shouldn`t be as sceptic to say that all we can`t explain isn`t true only becouse we can`t explain that.

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