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Final change to Tiberian Sun: 3 sides

Caid Ivik

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You must have that XCC mixer. In Tibsun.mix find cameos and extract one. Then try some editors. One will be able to edit them. But which?

For RA2 I extracted it as a PCX, and edited it with PSP.. Maybe I can help you  :)

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But RA2 may be using another cameo palette. But send to imperiumsk@hotmail.com some in TS functional cameos and I'll trust you.

It's not hard to get the TS pallete.. Just extract the cameo as PCX, open it in PSP and click Colors -> Save palette as..

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hey guys wutssup???........guees u all forgot who this si.for all the old guys..its LOKI agian...= ) ...wow i c alot has happned will i was gone.to much work and now me kinda free...i c PAN1234 has become a mentat!!!! amazing.i still rmweber her as a sand flea hehehe = ) ...and alot of the emps are now kwisrtz herdachs = ) .man me to slow eheh.well see u guys aroind.ang GOB why wont u authorize me on ICQ????/

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hey guys wutssup???........guees u all forgot who this si.for all the old guys..its LOKI agian...= ) ...wow i c alot has happned will i was gone.to much work and now me kinda free...i c PAN1234 has become a mentat!!!! amazing.i still rmweber her as a sand flea hehehe = ) ...and alot of the emps are now kwisrtz herdachs = ) .man me to slow eheh.well see u guys aroind.ang GOB why wont u authorize me on ICQ????/

Next time write in Oxford English, please.

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My mod isn't doing anything, but I'm still working on it. You know, creation of a good mod is a thing of 2-3 weeks (without cameo and voxel changes). But months are taken by detail correctures. Dune III mod has three main versions: first (wasn't on dune2k.com), second without internal errors  (:-X) and many new units and third, bringing you House Ordos. Version 3.01 is already on site, 3.02 (or 3.03?) will be when I'll think is a time.

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Who said I'm creating new units? But if you have some SERIOUS ideas (no super-hypernuclear plasma-devastator with subspace disruption missiles and other things like this  ;D ) report here. Things like mods never have a final form (unless you've stopped making them).

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In RA2 -> V3 rocket (the weapon on the car) is an aircraft

Maby you can make Deviator shoot/spawn a hijacker unit (shp=Rocket) and the units hp-is dropping, i think after a while, the hijacker rk dies, but i dont know if a hijacker loosing health, will give back the unit if it 'dies' inside.

But yo can try

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've borrowed RA2 for a day, but after five seconds all my units exploded, so I think it isn't very stable game. If you send me good small photo of Usama bin Ladin, I've sent you my older (fifth) mod Operation Ethernal Freedom  ;D

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