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The makers have a very big splash damage, so very useful against infantery (with short range) And they keep sandworms away (they have a negative worm attractivity)

And for the NIAB. Punish people with that who don't have defenses in their base (but only at the edges), by teleporting them. Or go hunt for single units or Harvester, since they are very fast (and for that are projections of NIAB's very useful)

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NIABs sent against harvesters can also teleport once the enemy notices their lack of a spice flow. :)

A 2-3 maker, 4-5 mongeese, 2 repairs combo is very good at spice field defense.(anti-worm, anti air, anti infantry(even without a mino!), and anti vehicle, anti leech...)

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I try and turtle up some with enemy until a stale-mate of some sort has turned up (i.e. I can defend myself and my spice easily, but he still keeps my forces weak)

Once I have the economy, build about 15 NIAB tanks. Split them in two groups. Teleport them both close to the base, but still safe, so when you teleport in, they don't hover as long. Then hit them from two sides. Either at the same time, or let one go first and attract all the units while the second dives in behind. 7 or so can take out almost any building if you focus them. You may lose a few, or all if you are going for it all at once, like I'm fond of. I just hit the con yard, constructrion yard, and starport. And get out with what NIABS are left.

The best def against them seems to be lots of heavy inf scattered all over your base. Turrets aren't that great. A turret will take out one while the other 6 take it out and the building next to it. Inf are cheep, and if you have enough you'll do fine. Feyds and Sard are very nice if you have those subhouses, but your normal inf, will usually get most of em. I like Feyds as anyone using NIABS won't see em until all their tanks are dead. :)

Don't use makers much, as they are also expensive and slow. However some of these ideas seem nice. I'll have to try em.

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  • 3 weeks later...

NIABS (Good) :

High attack power

Space Folding (To get into and excape from battles)


Above Moderate Hovering Speed and Armor

Effective Against Any Type of Unit

NIABS (Bad) :


Takes a Long Time To Build

Time Delay After Folding Space

Long Reload Time

So since the good out weighs the bad AND most of the bad can be solved by simply having more of them. The NIAB should be considered one of the strongest

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