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I don't think an atomic missile taking out one or two buildings is realistic.

the death hand is actually more than 1 warhead, so it shuld take out the whole damn map!!!


some superweapons i haf as an idea.................

1. one that orders an worm to pop out of the sand instatly 4 a second and the n dissapear

2. like RA2 weather control the big whirlwinds

3. moral lowers......like an phycic attack makes em...well unhappy

4.illusion.....big allusions....that dissaapear when a scout comes to near to it...like if an big army attacking  u set up a cliff hologram


Super weapons from subhouses would be awesome. For Fremen you could let them, as Loki said, bring up Shai-Hulud anywhere on the map, but about as accurate as the deathhand. Any ideas for other subhouses?


well i can make sum up rite now :)

oh yeah about the hawk strike well um i use it when i haf snipers picks the infantry of while the tanks panic

lets see ummmmmm.....bene tilaxeu: a virus that attacks alarge area killing every infantry and then also its rusts all the tanks amking them vunerbale to attacks like one hit death but heal back to wut they were over time

guild: massive tetlpotation like the NIAB tanks and like the chronnoshifter in Ra2 but at a bigger scale and infantry can go to fremen as i said b4 raise the wroms to attck a spot all the wroms but they aslo mite miss....a gamble bbut if it wrks MASSIVE dammage

ix; all weapon upgrades....or as i said b4 the BIG

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Ordos_Yogurt

The hawk strike is good against units that are very close to the edge of the map. they p_ss their pants and run like hell


All annoyance is     d.      receives annoyance

Yogurt of the future

  • 1 month later...

It is best against hordes of infantry and/or laser tanks; they are fast, and get off the map easily. Especially AA troopers, as they are imortant as defence to many Ordos players.


;Di think your cool how do you beat level 6 though

;Dwith the atreides i always get beat by their tanks
  • 2 months later...
Guest Chaos hand

Subhouse Superweapons:

Fremen: Worm Strike

Sardukar: Combat Reinforcements (like in the 7th HK mission)

Guild: Fold Space (Chronosphere)

Tielaxu: Plague missile (everyone in blast area slowly becomes contaminators and leeches, respectively)

Ix: Stealth Projection (temporary cloaking field around target area)

P.S. How do you get fremen to ride worms?


u get a fedykin deploy him and he starts to thump........anda worm comes thats it........also we had posted up superwaepons b4 in another thread.,....... 8)


"Worm Strike as superweapon"...

Damn, it would be cool (read: overpowered) if you can summon a Shai-Hulud! Yer whole attack force whiped out! Whoehoo! :D

Guest Chaos Hand

Clarifiying worm strike: It would be the worm that pops up right under the units, not the worms like the fedakin ride


well it could...maybe just a whole bunch of words rding towards a spot at once so u can kill some of them ahead of time..cause its going to be pretty devasting  ;D 8) :P

Guest Crockerjarmon

Oh..I thought worm strike is dropping a shai-hulud from the sky onto any chosen spot on the map...u know like any other superweaps in the game... ;D

Guest Crockerjarmon

hey in that case, that  big fat falling worm will become something like a "crusher" from the dune chronicles.hahaha..

anyway..u guys remember the Hark Nuke from the original Dune 2? Dood one of those missle can take out half your base!  Not just a single building...i'm talking about half of an entire base. Now thats what i call a real superweapon. but too bad Westwood didnt implement that into the EBFD. :-/

Guest Chaos Hand

About the 5 fedakin riding, one gets a worm and eats the others >:( but you can get a fedakin to ride and use an ixian projector to create more, whats more, the projections will obey every order, and stay still when they dont have an order

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