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From Paris With Love


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I have no idea what you're talking about.

So I wikied it, and got


Unless you are referring to novel.

Hmm, it's a 007 remake?

rotten tomatoes says it's crap. 33%


saw fed2knews now, so I understand why the thread.

I like that post.

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  • 3 months later...

Well seeing as how this isn't that old, I'll reply here. Saw the movie a week ago (courtesy of my roommate who works at Blockbuster) and it was fantastically fun. It didn't take itself seriously, and let's face it this is Travolta doing what he loved after growing out of Saturday Night Fever. Being a bad ass. The movie had little parts that really stuck with me that brought this movie out of the ordinary action flick -


[hide]like when Travolta sighs with regret before he kills the friend at the dinner table. And right afterwards frantically trying to prove his case with the bugs, you could really feel his desperation in trying to prove to his partner (and maybe more importantly to himself). The scene didn't last long, but it was more impactful than other longer scenes.[/hide]/spoiler

- but I'm not sure if this movie helps the case for the director taking on the reigns of such a different feeling and mood of a movie, Dune. He's capable of making a movie seem more than ordinary, so I'm willing to give it a shot.

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  • 2 months later...

I've finally got round to watching it, and I have to say, I really enjoyed it, but its obviously a totally different kind of film to what Dune would be. It felt like something more than the usual action thriller, as it had some interesting plot twists and Travolta was brilliant in his role.

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