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9/11 Disinformation

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"...did you just learning those words in ESL?"  ;D

You're angry when you're beautiful. ;)

Instead of wasting time responding to me, shouldn't you be working harder to overturn the IRS and income tax? I'm hoping you can get 'er done before April so I won't have to file next year.

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  • 2 months later...


I tried to watch that YouTube video ... but my RFD2 C3PO chip kept shocking the hairs inside my nose, causing my eyes to tear up so badly I couldn't see anything AT ALL! And in my ears I kept hearing Renee Olstead singing "Do Me Like Ya Do Me When Ya Do Me Like I Like for Ya to Do Me When I'm Done!" SO I COULDN'T HEAR ANYTHING!

Was that a dude in the video? Or a fat chick in a moo-moo having a bad hair day? I really COULD NOT SEE!

Man, I think it's grate how yore getting the word out there to everyone! Your a grate American! A credit to yur species! 8)

You be careful and watch out for them there giant Royal Britisher Liz Ards!

(Hey ... you think Eddie Izzard is one of them their thangs? That'd be to bad, 'cause he really cracks me up. :D )

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The point of this was to show that the federal reserve act is a fraud and the 9/11 is created by those who control the banking system and use American people's tax money to fund their sick games.

Wow this is new, the interpreted illegality of income tax got connected to 9/11. Amasing what the conspiracy theorists will connect next? Global warming? President Obama? Current financial crisis? All of those are just a secret plan to keep income tax illegal.

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Wow this is new, the interpreted illegality of income tax got connected to 9/11. Amasing what the conspiracy theorists will connect next? Global warming? President Obama? Current financial crisis? All of those are just a secret plan to keep income tax illegal.

Absolutely, with out a doubt everything in the world controlled by the same people is connected, including Obama, lies on global warming and everything else that they have lied about. (Example) Every ice cap on every planet of our solar system is melting yet they keep that secrete and blame global warming on humanity or man made event which is absolutely fouls. Just remember where ever they make money that's where you'll find their signs. Americans don't even know on their own dollar bill is printed Egyptian signs and foreign language scripts and of course the Illuminate pyramid sign. Yes I know it

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By National PostMarch 12, 2007

Mars's ice caps are melting, and Jupiter is developing a second giant red spot, an enormous hurricane-like storm.

The existing Great Red Spot is 300 years old and twice the size of Earth. The new storm -- Red Spot Jr. -- is thought to be the result of a sudden warming on our solar system's largest planet. Dr. Imke de Pater of Berkeley University says some parts of Jupiter are now as much as six degrees Celsius warmer than just a few years ago.

Neptune's moon, Triton, studied in 1989 after the unmanned Voyageur probe flew past, seems to have heated up significantly since then. Parts of its frozen nitrogen surface have begun melting and turning to gas, making Triton's atmosphere denser.

Even Pluto has warmed slightly in recent years, if you can call -230C instead of -233C "warmer."

Dante Shhhhhhhhhhhhh... before you look really bad... The point is not Mars's icecap to crack off, the point is that, this is actually happening in our solar system as a whole and not just earth.

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In the 1990s, observations from Earth were made of Triton's limb as the moon passed in front of stars. These observations indicated the presence of a denser atmosphere than was thought from Voyager 2 data.[29] Other observations have shown an increase in temperature by 5% from 1989 to 1998.[30] These observations indicate Triton is approaching an unusually warm summer season that only happens once every few hundred years. Theories for this warming include a change of frost patterns on Triton's surface and a change in ice albedo, which would allow more heat to be absorbed.[31] Another theory argues the changes in temperature are a result of deposition of dark, red material from geological processes on the moon. Because Triton's Bond albedo is among the highest within the Solar System, it is sensitive to small variations in spectral albedo.[32]


In other words, what is predicted is not global warming on Jupiter but a change in the distribution of heat with the equator getting hotter and the poles cooling. It's also worth mentioning this climate change is yet to be observed - it's a prediction based on the modelling of the disappearing white ovals.

Skeptical science.

The radiation output of the Sun does fluctuate over the course of its 11-year solar cycle. But the change is only about one-tenth of 1 percent
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By National PostMarch 12, 2007

Mars's ice caps are melting, and Jupiter is developing a second giant red spot, an enormous hurricane-like storm.

Maybe something hit it there was one hit in 2006 so we are seeing its effects now

Neptune's moon, Triton, studied in 1989 after the unmanned Voyageur probe flew past, seems to have heated up significantly since then. Parts of its frozen nitrogen surface have begun melting and turning to gas, making Triton's atmosphere denser.

Tridon is slowly falling on Neptune so heating up could be the result of that.

Even Pluto has warmed slightly in recent years, if you can call -230C instead of -233C "warmer."

Pluto has weird orbit sometimes being closer to the sun sometimes less so it could be the result of that.

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Not to mention Pluto isn't a planet anymore. :P

This just keeps getting better all the time. I wonder if David Icky pays income tax? :D

Oh yeah, almost forgot: yesterday on CNNj I saw Ron Paul debating one of the Baldwin brothers (the stodgy, thick-set one [head and body], whatever his name is) about the legalization of marijuana and other drugs.

Talk about an epic *meating* of minds! Hilarious. :D

(^^^ not a typo!)

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I'm still laughing at the fact that Tatar_Khan said, "Wow. Amazing, what will they [nutjobs] do next? Link 9/11 to global warming?" and then spazelord, God bless his soul, actually gave it a shot.

I think the graph of Total Solar Intensity vs. Average Ocean Temperature is pretty telling, and at around 1980, the world reached a high enough critical mass of carbon emissions to begin doing serious damage to the planet. My only worry is that the West can't green itself fast enough to outpace the amount by which Russia, China, Brazil, Iran, to say nothing of the rapidly-developing Middle East and Africa increase their own carbon emissions. This is a done deal.

And as for the lengthy diatribe against the IRS... I mean, spaze, I actually agree with you to some extent that, the way we wrote our Constitution--amidst what was for all intents and purposes a tax revolt--may have made it such that compulsory taxation, if not illegal, is at the very least unprincipled. However, no national government can survive without taxation. Like it or not, our Founders rapidly discovered that taxation was a necessary evil that Americans must endure if they'd like to enjoy the protections of an effective government, and the language of "voluntary" is, indeed, a way around this fact. However, it isn't a "con" perpetrated on most Americans. Most Americans don't even bother to look deep enough into the Constitution to consider whether or not the IRS' activities are suspect, and of the few who do, most of that category realize that, "Oh yeah, they did this because we rebelled against taxation, but then realized we need to get money from somewhere, makes sense to me," and move on with their lives. Only a very small fraction of a fraction manage to think about the issue enough to get all hot and bothered, but not enough to realize that there's a rational explanation for why that is the way it is. I must congratulate you for finding that sweet spot between fruitful skepticism and thoughtless dismissal.

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I'm still laughing at the fact that Tatar_Khan said, "Wow. Amazing, what will they [nutjobs] do next? Link 9/11 to global warming?" and then spazelord, God bless his soul, actually gave it a shot.

I never said 9/11 was hand in hand connected to global warming, my point was if they lie about simple things they sure as hell will lie about national security and every sick things that the Elite are doing behind closed doors.

Wolf you have it all wrong, if you only knew where your income tax goes you would change your thoughts and paragraph listed. Our income tax does not go for anything other than the national debt, in the pocket of the Federal Reserve Bank, the FRB is owned privately leading to England and the queen of England. American

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Actually, spaze, I don't have it all wrong. The exact opposite, in fact. I know full well where our tax dollars--and many other kinds of dollars, quite frankly--go, and I can tell you that the problem isn't that taxation exists, the problem is what we do with the taxes that we raise. See below:


Particularly, this:


But I've posted these before. Right now, if we clean up our act, we can stop the debt before it gets out of hand. We have until about 2030, 2035 to do so, but the sooner we act, the easier it will be.

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