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I wouldn't advocate the Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory style because it greatly widen the gap between the good players and the weaker players. Think of the commando medics ripping player after player apart.


Bah, that's what all the ET newbies say :P  I would like some kind of skills level if possible, rather than just basing it on kills.  You could take other details into account, such as time gone without being killed, amount of repairing done, amount of time in a vehicle, as well as dividing kills into different weapon classes.


It is possible to have skills which carry on from game to game, and still keep it balanced.  A system that rewards constant players will attract people to keep coming back to this game.


The vet system will be you get X amount of points and you rank up one level, then you get anouther x amount of points then you rank up again and this will be the highest levle (or one more level) when you die, your player will just be normal again but we might add a feature were you get discounts on your purchaes and abit more armour. But, this will not be carried over to the next game.


What about resetting all stats every week/month/time interval?

That way every so often everyone is on a level playing field at the start of the reset at least. And people who play longer online during that period will get better and thus rewarded with powerups or whatever you are planning. But once a reset occurs, they lose everything and everyone starts over.

I know with one online game I've played in the past, the player stats are cleaned every 2 weeks I believe (kills/deaths and a bunch of stats. But these stats do not impact on the player at all anyways, it is more of just a way to know who is active/good during the time frame).


A veterancy system that does not reset can remain balanced, as long as the advantages are not too great.  Perhaps people could lose "XP" if they do not play for a certain amount of time, so it 'decays'.


Erm, I'm not sure what kind of veterancy you are talking about here. If you mean ladders, that won't be kept under control by us.

The ingame veterancy, whereby you kill an X number of stuff, and gain more health and better weapons etc, that will be implemented based on the E:BFD system. We found that it was extremely balanced.


Unfortunately, when I opened the rules.txt that is available on this site, the information was on one continuous line for some reason, but I managed to sort some of the data out.  I don't have an unmodded rules.txt, so the site one will have to do for the moment.

Atreides Infantry

Score = 2
DeployInf = TRUE
House = Atreides
StormDamage=74 // (1*64)+10
StormDamage=10 //only damages is never picked up
PrimaryBuilding = ATBarracks
UnitGroup = FromBarracks
Terrain = Rock, Sand, NBRock, InfRock, Ramp
UpgradedPrimaryRequired = TRUE
Cost = 150
BuildTime = 144
Size = 1
Speed = 4.0 //game coord per update
TurretAttach = ATKindjalGun, ATKindjalBigGun
TurnRate = 0.2 //radians per tick
Armour = None, 50, InfRock
Health = 600
Infantry = true
//SoundSelected = Selected
//SoundOrdered = Ordered
//SoundID = 00
ViewRange = 10
AiFoot = TRUE
TechLevel = 4
ReinforcementValue = 3
Crushable = TRUE
ChaosEffect = SmallChaosFX
HawkEffect = SmallHawkFX
TastyToWorms = TRUE
WormAttraction = 3
CanMoveAnyDirection = TRUE
CanBeDeviated = FALSE
CanBeRepaired = FALSE
AIThreat = 50

// LEVEL 1 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 2 // Score required
Health = 800
ExtraDamage = 50 // 50% more damage - applied to all weapons

// LEVEL 2 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 10
CanSelfRepair = 1

// LEVEL 3 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 20
Elite = TRUE
//ExtraRange = 50 - removed // 50% more range
ExtraDamage = 100 // 100% more damage - applied to all weapons

Score = 2
House = Atreides
StormDamage=138 // (2*64)+10
PrimaryBuilding = ATBarracks
UnitGroup = FromBarracks
Terrain = Rock, Sand, NBRock, InfRock, Ramp
Cost = 60
BuildTime = 87
Size = 1
Speed = 6.0 //game coord per update
TurretAttach = ATInfGun
TurnRate = 0.2 //radians per tick
Armour = None, 50, InfRock
Health = 600
Infantry = true
CanBeSuppressed = TRUE
//SoundSelected = Selected
//SoundOrdered = Ordered
//SoundID = 16
ViewRange = 7
AiFoot = TRUE
TechLevel = 1
ReinforcementValue = 1
Crushable = TRUE
ChaosEffect = SmallChaosFX
HawkEffect = SmallHawkFX
TastyToWorms = TRUE
WormAttraction = 3
CanMoveAnyDirection = TRUE
GetsHeightAdvantage = FALSE
CanBeDeviated = FALSE
CanBeRepaired = FALSE
AIThreat = 20

// LEVEL 1 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 5 // Score required
Health = 800
ExtraDamage = 50 // 50% more damage - applied to all weapons

// LEVEL 2 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 10
CanSelfRepair = 1

// LEVEL 3 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 20
Elite = TRUE
ExtraArmour = 50 //50% less damage received

Score = 1
House = Atreides
StormDamage=202 // (3*64)+10
PrimaryBuilding = ATBarracks
UnitGroup = FromBarracks
Terrain = Rock, Sand, NBRock, InfRock, Ramp
Cost = 30
BuildTime = 65
Size = 1
Speed = 7.0 //game coord per update
TurnRate = 0.2 //radians per tick
Armour = None, 50, InfRock
Health = 200
Infantry = true
StealthedWhenStill = TRUE //stealth
CanBeSuppressed = TRUE
//SoundSelected = Selected
//SoundOrdered = Ordered
//SoundID = 40
ViewRange = 20
AiCritical = TRUE
TechLevel = 1
//ReinforcementValue = -1
Crushable = TRUE
ChaosEffect = SmallChaosFX
HawkEffect = SmallHawkFX
TastyToWorms = TRUE
WormAttraction = 3
CanMoveAnyDirection = TRUE
UnstealthRange = 5
ExcludeFromSkirmishLose = TRUE
CanBeDeviated = FALSE
CanBeRepaired = FALSE
AIThreat = 0

Score = 2
House = Atreides
StormDamage=74 // (1*64)+10
PrimaryBuilding = ATBarracks
UnitGroup = FromBarracks
Terrain = Rock, Sand, NBRock, InfRock, Ramp
Cost = 150
BuildTime = 99
Size = 1
Speed = 6.0 //game coord per update
TurretAttach = ATSniperGun
TurnRate = 0.2 //radians per tick
Armour = None, 50, InfRock
Health = 600
Infantry = true
CanBeSuppressed = TRUE
//SoundSelected = Selected
//SoundOrdered = Ordered
//SoundID = 6
ViewRange = 15
AiFoot = TRUE
TechLevel = 2
ReinforcementValue = 2
Crushable = TRUE
ChaosEffect = SmallChaosFX
HawkEffect = SmallHawkFX
TastyToWorms = TRUE
WormAttraction = 3
CanMoveAnyDirection = TRUE
CanBeDeviated = FALSE
CanBeRepaired = FALSE
AIThreat = 30

// LEVEL 1 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 4 // Score required
ExtraArmour = 50 //50% less damage received

// LEVEL 2 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 12
CanSelfRepair = 1

// LEVEL 3 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 30
Elite = TRUE
StealthedWhenStill = TRUE //stealth

Score = 2
StormDamage=74 // (2*64)+10
Engineer = TRUE
PrimaryBuilding = ATBarracks
UnitGroup = FromBarracks
UpgradedPrimaryRequired = TRUE
Terrain = Rock, Sand, NBRock, InfRock, Ramp
Cost = 400
BuildTime = 350  //was 144
Size = 1
Speed = 4.0 //was 5.0 //game coord per update
TurnRate = 0.2 //radians per tick
Armour = None, 50, InfRock
Health = 400
Infantry = true
CanBeSuppressed = TRUE
//SoundSelected = EngineerSelected
//SoundOrdered = EngineerOrdered
//SoundID = 35
ViewRange = 6
AiSpecial = TRUE
TechLevel = 3
//ReinforcementValue = 5
Crushable = TRUE
ChaosEffect = SmallChaosFX
HawkEffect = SmallHawkFX
TastyToWorms = TRUE
WormAttraction = 3
CanMoveAnyDirection = TRUE
CrateGift = TRUE
CanBeDeviated = FALSE
CanBeRepaired = FALSE
AIThreat = 100

//Harkonnen Infantry

Score = 2
House = Harkonnen
StormDamage=138 // (2*64)+10
PrimaryBuilding = HKBarracks
UnitGroup = FromBarracks
Terrain = Rock, Sand, NBRock, InfRock, Ramp
Cost = 50
BuildTime = 87
Size = 1
Speed = 4.0 //game coord per update
TurnRate = 0.2 //radians per tick
TurretAttach = HKLightInfantryGun
Armour = None, 50, InfRock
Health = 600
Infantry = true
CanBeSuppressed = TRUE
//SoundSelected = Selected
//SoundOrdered = Ordered
ViewRange = 6
AiFoot = TRUE
TechLevel = 1
ReinforcementValue = 1
Crushable = TRUE
ChaosEffect = SmallChaosFX
HawkEffect = SmallHawkFX
TastyToWorms = TRUE
WormAttraction = 4
CanMoveAnyDirection = TRUE
GetsHeightAdvantage = FALSE
CanBeDeviated = FALSE
CanBeRepaired = FALSE
AIThreat = 20

// LEVEL 1 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 3 // Score required
ExtraDamage = 25

// LEVEL 2 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 10
CanSelfRepair = 1 // Need 0.5?

// LEVEL 3 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 20
ExtraDamage = 50 // 50% more damage - applied to all weapons
ExtraArmour = 50 // Takes 50% less damage

Score = 2
House = Harkonnen
StormDamage=74 // (1*64)+10
PrimaryBuilding = HKBarracks
UnitGroup = FromBarracks
Terrain = Rock, Sand, NBRock, InfRock, Ramp
UpgradedPrimaryRequired = TRUE
Cost = 150
BuildTime = 144
Size = 1
Speed = 4.0 //game coord per update
TurnRate = 0.2 //radians per tick
TurretAttach = HKFlamerGun
Armour = BPV, 50, InfRock
Health = 800
Infantry = true
//SoundSelected = Selected
//SoundOrdered = Ordered
//SoundID = 18
ViewRange = 12
AiFoot = TRUE
TechLevel = 4
ReinforcementValue = 3
Crushable = TRUE
ChaosEffect = SmallChaosFX
HawkEffect = SmallHawkFX
TastyToWorms = TRUE
WormAttraction = 4
CanMoveAnyDirection = TRUE
GetsHeightAdvantage = FALSE
CanBeDeviated = FALSE
CanBeRepaired = FALSE
ExplosionType = CrushedInfantry
AIThreat = 40

// LEVEL 1 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 4 // Score required
ExtraDamage = 25

// LEVEL 2 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 10
CanSelfRepair = 1 // Need 0.5?

// LEVEL 3 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 20
ExtraDamage = 50 // 50% more damage - applied to all weapons
ExtraArmour = 50 // Takes 50% less damage

Score = 2
House = Harkonnen
StormDamage=74 // (1*64)+10
PrimaryBuilding = HKBarracks
UnitGroup = FromBarracks
Terrain = Rock, Sand, NBRock, InfRock, Ramp
Cost = 90
BuildTime = 99
Size = 1
Speed = 4.0 //game coord per update
TurnRate = 0.2 //radians per tick
TurretAttach = HKTrooperGun
Armour = None, 50, InfRock
Health = 300
Infantry = true
CanBeSuppressed = TRUE
//SoundSelected = Selected
//SoundOrdered = Ordered
//SoundID = 9
ViewRange = 12
AiFoot = TRUE
TechLevel = 2
ReinforcementValue = 2
Crushable = TRUE
ChaosEffect = SmallChaosFX
HawkEffect = SmallHawkFX
TastyToWorms = TRUE
WormAttraction = 4
CanMoveAnyDirection = TRUE
CanBeDeviated = FALSE
CanBeRepaired = FALSE
AIThreat = 40

// LEVEL 1 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 4 // Score required
ExtraDamage = 25

// LEVEL 2 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 10
CanSelfRepair = 1 // Need 0.5?

// LEVEL 3 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 20
ExtraDamage = 50 // 50% more damage - applied to all weapons
ExtraArmour = 50 // Takes 50% less damage

Score = 1
House = Harkonnen
StormDamage=202 // (3*64)+10
PrimaryBuilding = HKBarracks
UnitGroup = FromBarracks
Terrain = Rock, Sand, NBRock, InfRock, Ramp
Cost = 30
BuildTime = 86
Size = 1
Speed = 6.0 //game coord per update
TurnRate = 0.2 //radians per tick
Armour = None, 50, InfRock
Health = 200
Infantry = true
StealthedWhenStill = TRUE //stealth
CanBeSuppressed = TRUE
//SoundSelected = Selected
//SoundOrdered = Ordered
//SoundID = 1
ViewRange = 20
AiCritical = TRUE
TechLevel = 1
//ReinforcementValue = -1
Crushable = TRUE
ChaosEffect = SmallChaosFX
HawkEffect = SmallHawkFX
TastyToWorms = TRUE
WormAttraction = 4
CanMoveAnyDirection = TRUE
UnstealthRange = 5
ExcludeFromSkirmishLose = TRUE
CanBeDeviated = FALSE
CanBeRepaired = FALSE
AIThreat = 0

Score = 2
StormDamage=74 // (1*64)+10
Engineer = TRUE
PrimaryBuilding = HKBarracks
UnitGroup = FromBarracks
UpgradedPrimaryRequired = TRUE
Terrain = Rock, Sand, NBRock, InfRock, Ramp
Cost = 400
BuildTime = 350  //was 144
Size = 1
Speed = 4.0 //game coord per update
TurnRate = 0.2 //radians per tick
Armour = None, 50, InfRock
Health = 600
Infantry = true
CanBeSuppressed = TRUE
//SoundSelected = EngineerSelected
//SoundOrdered = EngineerOrdered
//SoundID = 53
ViewRange = 6
AiSpecial = TRUE
TechLevel = 3
TurretAttach = HKEngineerGun
//ReinforcementValue = 5
Crushable = TRUE
ChaosEffect = SmallChaosFX
HawkEffect = SmallHawkFX
TastyToWorms = TRUE
WormAttraction = 4
CanMoveAnyDirection = TRUE
CrateGift = TRUE
GetsHeightAdvantage = FALSE
CanBeDeviated = FALSE
CanBeRepaired = FALSE
AIThreat = 100

//Made this one easier than normal as the weapon is crap
// LEVEL 1 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 2 // Score required
ExtraArmour = 25 //Takes 25% less damage

// LEVEL 2 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 6
ExtraArmour = 50 // Takes 50% less damage

// LEVEL 3 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 12
ExtraArmour = 75 // Takes 75% less damage

// Ordos Infantry

Score = 2
DeployInf = TRUE
House = Ordos
StormDamage=74 // (1*64)+10
PrimaryBuilding = ORBarracks
UnitGroup = FromBarracks
Terrain = Rock, Sand, NBRock, InfRock, Ramp
UpgradedPrimaryRequired = TRUE
Cost = 100
BuildTime = 144
Size = 1
Speed = 4.0 //game coord per update
TurnRate = 0.2 //radians per tick
TurretAttach = ORMortarInfGun, ORMortarInfBigGun
Armour = None, 50, InfRock
Health = 700
Infantry = true
//SoundSelected = Selected
//SoundOrdered = Ordered
//SoundID = 42
ViewRange = 8
AiFoot = TRUE
TechLevel = 4
ReinforcementValue = 3
Crushable = TRUE
ChaosEffect = SmallChaosFX
HawkEffect = SmallHawkFX
TastyToWorms = TRUE
WormAttraction = 3
CanMoveAnyDirection = TRUE
CanBeDeviated = FALSE
CanBeRepaired = FALSE
AIThreat = 40

// LEVEL 1 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 4 // Score required
CanSelfRepair = 1

// LEVEL 2 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 10
ExtraArmour = 50 // Takes 50% less damage

// LEVEL 3 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 20
ExtraDamage = 50 // 50% more damage - applied to all weapons

Score = 2
House = Ordos
StormDamage=138 // (2*64)+10
PrimaryBuilding = ORBarracks
UnitGroup = FromBarracks
Terrain = Rock, Sand, NBRock, InfRock, Ramp
Cost = 50
BuildTime = 87
Size = 1
Speed = 6.0 //game coord per update
TurnRate = 0.2 //radians per tick
TurretAttach = ORChemicalGun
Armour = None, 50, InfRock
Health = 575
Infantry = true
//SoundSelected = Selected
//SoundOrdered = Ordered
//SoundID = 25
ViewRange = 8
AiFoot = TRUE
TechLevel = 1
ReinforcementValue = 1
Crushable = TRUE
ChaosEffect = SmallChaosFX
HawkEffect = SmallHawkFX
TastyToWorms = TRUE
WormAttraction = 3
CanMoveAnyDirection = TRUE
GetsHeightAdvantage = FALSE
CanBeDeviated = FALSE
CanBeRepaired = FALSE
AIThreat = 20

// LEVEL 1 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 3 // Score required
CanSelfRepair = 1

// LEVEL 2 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 10
ExtraArmour = 50 // Takes 50% less damage

// LEVEL 3 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 20
ExtraDamage = 50

Score = 1
House = Ordos
StormDamage=202 // (3*64)+10
PrimaryBuilding = ORBarracks
UnitGroup = FromBarracks
Terrain = Rock, Sand, NBRock, InfRock, Ramp
Cost = 30
BuildTime = 65
Size = 1
Speed = 8.0 //game coord per update
TurnRate = 0.2 //radians per tick
Armour = None, 50, InfRock
Health = 200
Infantry = true
StealthedWhenStill = TRUE //stealth
CanBeSuppressed = TRUE
//SoundSelected = Selected
//SoundOrdered = Ordered
//SoundID = 2
ViewRange = 20
AiCritical = TRUE
TechLevel = 1
//ReinforcementValue = -1
Crushable = TRUE
ChaosEffect = SmallChaosFX
HawkEffect = SmallHawkFX
TastyToWorms = TRUE
WormAttraction = 3
CanMoveAnyDirection = TRUE
UnstealthRange = 5
ExcludeFromSkirmishLose = TRUE
CanBeDeviated = FALSE
CanBeRepaired = FALSE
AIThreat = 0

Score = 2
House = Ordos
StormDamage=74 // (1*64)+10
PrimaryBuilding = ORBarracks
UnitGroup = FromBarracks
Terrain = Rock, Sand, NBRock, InfRock, Ramp
Cost = 100
BuildTime = 99
Size = 1
Speed = 4.0 //game coord per update
TurnRate = 0.2 //radians per tick
TurretAttach = ORAATrooperGun
Armour = None, 50, InfRock
Health = 300
Infantry = true
CanBeSuppressed = TRUE
//SoundSelected = Selected
//SoundOrdered = Ordered
//SoundID = 23
ViewRange = 8
AiFoot = TRUE
TechLevel = 2
ReinforcementValue = 2
Crushable = TRUE
ChaosEffect = SmallChaosFX
HawkEffect = SmallHawkFX
TastyToWorms = TRUE
WormAttraction = 3
CanMoveAnyDirection = TRUE
CanBeDeviated = FALSE
CanBeRepaired = FALSE
AIThreat = 40

// LEVEL 1 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 4 // Score required
CanSelfRepair = 1

// LEVEL 2 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 10
ExtraArmour = 50 // Takes 50% less damage

// LEVEL 3 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 20
ExtraDamage = 50 // 50% more damage - applied to all weapons

Score = 2
Saboteur = TRUE
House = Ordos
StormDamage=74 // (1*64)+10
PrimaryBuilding = ORBarracks
UnitGroup = FromBarracks
Terrain = Rock, Sand, NBRock, InfRock, Ramp
UpgradedPrimaryRequired = TRUE
Cost = 150
BuildTime = 260
Size = 1
Speed = 6.0 //game coord per update
TurnRate = 0.2 //radians per tick
Armour = None, 50, InfRock
Health = 600
Infantry = true
CanBeSuppressed = TRUE
//SoundSelected = Selected
//SoundOrdered = Ordered
//SoundID = 15
ViewRange = 8
AiSpecial = TRUE
TechLevel = 5
ReinforcementValue = 6
//No turret, uses SaboteurBomb as a bullet
Resource = SaboteurBomb
Crushable = TRUE
ChaosEffect = SmallChaosFX
HawkEffect = SmallHawkFX
TastyToWorms = TRUE
WormAttraction = 3
CanMoveAnyDirection = TRUE
CrateGift = TRUE
GetsHeightAdvantage = FALSE
CanBeDeviated = FALSE
CanBeRepaired = FALSE
ExplosionType = SabotuerDeath
AIThreat = 50

Score = 2
StormDamage=74 // (1*64)+10
Engineer = TRUE
PrimaryBuilding = ORBarracks
UnitGroup = FromBarracks
UpgradedPrimaryRequired = TRUE
Terrain = Rock, Sand, NBRock, InfRock, Ramp
Cost = 400
BuildTime = 350  //was 144
Size = 1
Speed = 4.0    //was 6.0   //game coord per update
TurnRate = 0.2 //radians per tick
Armour = None, 50, InfRock
Health = 400
Infantry = true
CanBeSuppressed = TRUE
//SoundSelected = EngineerSelected
//SoundOrdered = EngineerOrdered
//SoundID = 20
ViewRange = 6
AiSpecial = TRUE
TechLevel = 3
//ReinforcementValue = 5
Crushable = TRUE
ChaosEffect = SmallChaosFX
HawkEffect = SmallHawkFX
TastyToWorms = TRUE
WormAttraction = 3
CanMoveAnyDirection = TRUE
CrateGift = TRUE
CanBeDeviated = FALSE
CanBeRepaired = FALSE
AIThreat = 100

//Story Generals

// Score ?
House = Ordos
StormDamage=10 //only damages is never picked up
UnitGroup = FromBarracks
Terrain = Rock, Sand, NBRock, InfRock, Ramp
Cost = 40
Size = 1
Speed = 2.0 //game coord per update
TurnRate = 0.2 //radians per tick
Armour = None, 50, InfRock
Health = 700
Infantry = true
CanBeSuppressed = TRUE
//SoundSelected = Selected
//SoundOrdered = Ordered
ViewRange = 7
AiSpecial = TRUE
TechLevel = 1
Crushable = TRUE
ChaosEffect = SmallChaosFX
HawkEffect = SmallHawkFX
TastyToWorms = False
WormAttraction = 1
CanMoveAnyDirection = TRUE
CanBeDeviated = FALSE
CanBeRepaired = FALSE
Score = 4
AIThreat = 60

House = Atreides
StormDamage=10 //only damages is never picked up
UnitGroup = FromBarracks
Terrain = Rock, Sand, NBRock, InfRock, Ramp
Cost = 400
Size = 1
Speed = 6.0 //game coord per update
TurnRate = 0.2 //radians per tick
Armour = Earplugs, 50, InfRock
Health = 1000 //High as used for Duke
Infantry = true
CanBeSuppressed = TRUE
//SoundSelected = Selected
//SoundOrdered = Ordered
ViewRange = 7
AiSpecial = TRUE
TurretAttach = IMSardaukarGun
TechLevel = 1
Crushable = TRUE
ChaosEffect = SmallChaosFX
HawkEffect = SmallHawkFX
TastyToWorms = False
WormAttraction = 3
CanMoveAnyDirection = TRUE
CanBeDeviated = FALSE
CanBeRepaired = FALSE
Score = 4
AIThreat = 60

// LEVEL 1 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 5 // Score required
ExtraDamage = 25

// LEVEL 2 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 10
CanSelfRepair = 1 // Need 0.5?

// LEVEL 3 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 20
ExtraDamage = 50 // 50% more damage - applied to all weapons
ExtraArmour = 50 // Takes 50% less damage

House = Atreides
StormDamage=10 //only damages is never picked up
UnitGroup = FromBarracks
Terrain = Rock, Sand, NBRock, InfRock, Ramp
Cost = 400
Size = 1
Speed = 6.0 //game coord per update
TurnRate = 0.2 //radians per tick
Armour = Earplugs, 50, InfRock
Health = 3500 //High as used for Duke
Infantry = true
CanBeSuppressed = TRUE
//SoundSelected = Selected
//SoundOrdered = Ordered
ViewRange = 7
AiSpecial = TRUE
TurretAttach = IMSardaukarGun
TechLevel = 1
Crushable = TRUE
ChaosEffect = SmallChaosFX
HawkEffect = SmallHawkFX
TastyToWorms = False
WormAttraction = 3
CanMoveAnyDirection = TRUE
CanBeDeviated = FALSE
CanBeRepaired = FALSE
Score = 4
AIThreat = 60

// LEVEL 1 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 5 // Score required
ExtraDamage = 25

// LEVEL 2 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 10
CanSelfRepair = 1 // Need 0.5?

// LEVEL 3 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 20
ExtraDamage = 50 // 50% more damage - applied to all weapons
ExtraArmour = 50 // Takes 50% less damage

House = Harkonnen
StormDamage=10 //only damages is never picked up
UnitGroup = FromBarracks
Terrain = Rock, Sand, NBRock, InfRock, Ramp
Cost = 40
Size = 1
Speed = 2.0 //game coord per update
TurnRate = 0.2 //radians per tick
Armour = None, 50, InfRock
Health = 700
Infantry = true
CanBeSuppressed = TRUE
//SoundSelected = Selected
//SoundOrdered = Ordered
ViewRange = 7
AiSpecial = TRUE
TechLevel = 1
Crushable = TRUE
ChaosEffect = SmallChaosFX
HawkEffect = SmallHawkFX
TastyToWorms = False
WormAttraction = 3
CanMoveAnyDirection = TRUE
CanBeDeviated = FALSE
CanBeRepaired = FALSE
Score = 4
AIThreat = 60

AdvancedSardaukar = TRUE
MaxRange = 5 // Range infantry must be in for him to use his knife
House = Imperial
StormDamage=10 //only damages is never picked up
UnitGroup = FromIMBarracks
Terrain = Rock, Sand, NBRock, InfRock, Ramp
Cost = 650
BuildTime = 589
Size = 1
Speed = 4.0 //game coord per update
TurnRate = 0.2 //radians per update
TurretAttach = IMADVSardaukarGun, IMADVSardaukarKnife
Armour = None, 50, InfRock
Health = 750
Infantry = true
//SoundSelected = Selected
//SoundOrdered = Ordered
ViewRange = 7
AiFoot = TRUE
TechLevel = 5
ChaosEffect = SmallChaosFX
HawkEffect = SmallHawkFX
TastyToWorms = True
WormAttraction = 4
Crushable = TRUE
CanMoveAnyDirection = TRUE
GetsHeightAdvantage = FALSE
CanBeDeviated = FALSE
CanBeRepaired = FALSE
ExplosionType = CrushedInfantry
Score = 4
AIThreat = 60

House = Ix
StormDamage=10 //only damages is never picked up
UnitGroup = FromBarracks
Terrain = Rock, Sand, NBRock, InfRock, Ramp
Cost = 40
Size = 1
Speed = 2.0 //game coord per update
TurnRate = 0.2 //radians per tick
Armour = None, 50, InfRock
Health = 700
Infantry = true
CanBeSuppressed = TRUE
//SoundSelected = Selected
//SoundOrdered = Ordered
ViewRange = 7
AiSpecial = TRUE
TechLevel = 1
Crushable = TRUE
ChaosEffect = SmallChaosFX
HawkEffect = SmallHawkFX
TastyToWorms = False
WormAttraction = 3
CanMoveAnyDirection = TRUE
CanBeDeviated = FALSE
CanBeRepaired = FALSE
Score = 4
AIThreat = 60

House = Ix
StormDamage=10 //only damages is never picked up
UnitGroup = FromBarracks
Terrain = Rock, Sand, NBRock, InfRock, Ramp
Cost = 40
Size = 1
Speed = 2.0 //game coord per update
TurnRate = 0.2 //radians per tick
Armour = None, 50, InfRock
Health = 700
Infantry = true
CanBeSuppressed = TRUE
//SoundSelected = Selected
//SoundOrdered = Ordered
ViewRange = 7
AiSpecial = TRUE
TechLevel = 1
Crushable = TRUE
ChaosEffect = SmallChaosFX
HawkEffect = SmallHawkFX
TastyToWorms = False
WormAttraction = 3
CanMoveAnyDirection = TRUE
CanBeDeviated = FALSE
CanBeRepaired = FALSE
Score = 4
AIThreat = 60

House = Tleilaxu
StormDamage=10 //only damages is never picked up
UnitGroup = FromBarracks
Terrain = Rock, Sand, NBRock, InfRock, Ramp
Cost = 40
Size = 1
Speed = 2.0 //game coord per update
TurnRate = 0.2 //radians per tick
Armour = None, 50, InfRock
Health = 700
Infantry = true
CanBeSuppressed = TRUE
//SoundSelected = Selected
//SoundOrdered = Ordered
ViewRange = 7
AiSpecial = TRUE
TechLevel = 1
Crushable = TRUE
ChaosEffect = SmallChaosFX
HawkEffect = SmallHawkFX
TastyToWorms = False
WormAttraction = 3
CanMoveAnyDirection = TRUE
CanBeDeviated = FALSE
CanBeRepaired = FALSE
Score = 4
AIThreat = 60

House = Ix
StormDamage=10 //only damages is never picked up
UnitGroup = FromBarracks
Terrain = Rock, Sand, NBRock, InfRock, Ramp
Cost = 40
Size = 1
Speed = 2.0 //game coord per update
TurnRate = 0.2 //radians per tick
Armour = None, 50, InfRock
Health = 300
Infantry = true
CanBeSuppressed = TRUE
//SoundSelected = Selected
//SoundOrdered = Ordered
ViewRange = 7
AiSpecial = TRUE
TechLevel = 1
Crushable = TRUE
ChaosEffect = SmallChaosFX
HawkEffect = SmallHawkFX
TastyToWorms = False
WormAttraction = 3
TurretAttach = IXSlaveKnife
CanMoveAnyDirection = TRUE
GetsHeightAdvantage = FALSE
CanBeDeviated = FALSE
CanBeRepaired = FALSE
Score = 2
AIThreat = 40


House = Imperial
StormDamage=138 // 2*64 + 10
PrimaryBuilding = IMBarracks
UnitGroup = FromIMBarracks
Terrain = Rock, Sand, NBRock, InfRock, Ramp
Cost = 300  //was 200
BuildTime = 432
Size = 1
Speed = 6.0 //game coord per update
TurnRate = 0.2 //radians per update
TurretAttach = IMSardaukarGun //Same gun as ADV but less hit points
Armour = BPV, 50, InfRock
Health = 900
Infantry = true
//SoundSelected = Selected
//SoundOrdered = Ordered
//SoundID = 13
ViewRange = 12
AiFoot = TRUE
TechLevel = 3
ChaosEffect = SmallChaosFX
HawkEffect = SmallHawkFX
TastyToWorms = True
WormAttraction = 4
Crushable = TRUE
CanMoveAnyDirection = TRUE
CrateGift = TRUE
CanBeDeviated = FALSE
ExplosionType = CrushedInfantry
AIThreat = 70
CanBeRepaired = FALSE
// LEVEL 1 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 6 // Score required
ExtraDamage = 50 // 50% more damage - applied to all weapons

// LEVEL 2 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 16
ExtraArmour = 50 // Takes 50% less damage

// LEVEL 3 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 32
CanSelfRepair = 1 // Should have 0.5?

AdvancedSardaukar = TRUE
MaxRange = 5 // Range infantry must be in for him to use his knife
House = Imperial
StormDamage=138 // 2*64 + 10
PrimaryBuilding = IMBarracks
UnitGroup = FromIMBarracks
UpgradedPrimaryRequired = TRUE
Terrain = Rock, Sand, NBRock, InfRock, Ramp
Cost = 350
BuildTime = 689
Size = 1
Speed = 7.0 //game coord per update
TurnRate = 0.2 //radians per update
TurretAttach = IMADVSardaukarGun, IMADVSardaukarKnife
Armour = BPV, 50, InfRock
Health = 1800 //changed because has one tile attack 1000
Infantry = true
//SoundSelected = Selected
//SoundOrdered = Ordered
//SoundID = 49
ViewRange = 12
AiFoot = TRUE
TechLevel = 5
ChaosEffect = SmallChaosFX
HawkEffect = SmallHawkFX
TastyToWorms = True
WormAttraction = 4
Crushable = TRUE
CanMoveAnyDirection = TRUE
CrateGift = TRUE
GetsHeightAdvantage = FALSE
CanBeDeviated = FALSE
ExplosionType = CrushedInfantry
AIThreat = 70
CanBeRepaired = FALSE
// LEVEL 1 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 6 // Score required
ExtraDamage = 50 // 50% more damage - applied to all weapons

// LEVEL 2 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 16
ExtraArmour = 50 // Takes 50% less damage

// LEVEL 3 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 32
CanSelfRepair = 1 // Should have 0.5?

House = Fremen
PrimaryBuilding = FRCamp
UnitGroup = FromFRCamp
Terrain = Rock, Sand, NBRock, InfRock, Ramp
Cost = 150
BuildTime = 432
Size = 1
Speed = 6.0 //game coord per update
TurnRate = 0.2 //radians per update
TurretAttach = FRFremenGun
Stealthed = TRUE
Armour = Earplugs, 50, InfRock
Health = 800
Infantry = true
//SoundSelected = Selected
//SoundOrdered = Ordered
//SoundID = 48
ViewRange = 12
AiFoot = TRUE
TechLevel = 3
ChaosEffect = SmallChaosFX
HawkEffect = SmallHawkFX
TastyToWorms = True
WormAttraction = 1
Crushable = TRUE
CanMoveAnyDirection = TRUE
CrateGift = TRUE
CanBeDeviated = FALSE
AIThreat = 70
CanBeRepaired = FALSE
// LEVEL 1 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 4 // Score required
ExtraDamage = 50 // 50% more damage - applied to all weapons

// LEVEL 2 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 14
ExtraArmour = 50 // Takes 50% less damage

// LEVEL 3 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 28
CanSelfRepair = 1 // Should have 0.5?

AdvancedFremen = TRUE
House = Fremen
PrimaryBuilding = FRCamp
UnitGroup = FromFRCamp
UpgradedPrimaryRequired = TRUE
Terrain = Rock, Sand, NBRock, InfRock, Ramp
SpecialGround = Sand //only deploy thumper on sand
Cost = 250
BuildTime = 589
Stealthed = TRUE
Size = 1
Speed = 6.0 //game coord per update
TurnRate = 0.2 //radians per update
TurretAttach = FRADVFremenGun
Armour = Earplugs, 50, InfRock
Health = 1000
Infantry = true
//SoundSelected = Selected
//SoundOrdered = Ordered
//SoundID = 47
ViewRange = 12
AiFoot = TRUE
TechLevel = 5
Resource = WormRider
ObjectTypeWhenGone = WormSign0
ChaosEffect = SmallChaosFX
HawkEffect = SmallHawkFX
TastyToWorms = True
WormAttraction = 1
Crushable = TRUE
CanMoveAnyDirection = TRUE
CrateGift = TRUE
CanBeDeviated = FALSE
AIThreat = 70
CanBeRepaired = FALSE
// LEVEL 1 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 4 // Score required
ExtraDamage = 50 // 50% more damage - applied to all weapons

// LEVEL 2 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 14
ExtraArmour = 50 // Takes 50% less damage

// LEVEL 3 ----------------------------------
VeterancyLevel = 28
CanSelfRepair = 1 // Should have 0.5?

I left out the TLContaminator, because I assume you wont use that unit?  Unless you gave it a melee weapon which instantly killed the player, and spawned a computer controlled version Contaminator in its place?  I have posted all the stats, just to show you how WW balanced the units.


I'm sure they can be merged together.

What you saw there was basically slapped together the previous day, that's why the things like "single player" have not yet been moved.

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