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A Master at work


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We all play the game but it is a previlage to watch a True Master at work and think man i wish i could do that.

It happens to all of at somepoint, you sit in a game and reluctantly go I'll watch but what a pleasure it can be to watch someone you rate as good get absolutely raped by someone that is truly ELITE.

So thanks for the honour of watching that Kingpoker and Gunwounds you both made my night. ;)

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damn we should have those replay tools like they have for starcarft and warcraft...

So I'm guessing... gun won? Give us a blow by blow account please.  :D

Did it start out balanced, or was one of them initially winning? Did they mostly fight it out on the ground, or did they tech? Did either of them fast expo? Was it hark vs hark? And lastly, did kingpoker make a bajillion sards like he usually does with the

fac ref bar ref sard sard sard BO? With the first unit as harv from the fac?

Tell ussssssssss........

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Can't do a blow by blow account coz i was slightly (extremely) inebriated, hence the thread.

  But it was a masterly display of ownership, it was almost as if Guns was reading Kings mind seconds before his own thoughts occurred, if you see what i mean. Every unit was countered before it was deployed and every strategy was outmaneuvered.

It was a joy to watch.  ;) :)

Oh and to avoid any misunderstanding King was play very well, he did nothing wrong infact he should and would have owned many players (including me) in those games but Guns was on fire and playing to the max. :D

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alchemi2 et al

Am I gettin' the back story of what you're saying correct; That you can go online and just watch others play the game?

THAT would be cool!

Forgive me,but I've never been online and haven't read much about that yet.Just pluggin' away at the skirmish games.I'm very intimidated by online gaming,but I'll try it eventually.Meanwhile,observing online play would be a real treat.

So anyway,if this is possible,can you point me to where I'll find instructions?

Perhaps fill me in on whatever etiquette would apply?

A lot of questions,I know. But Thanks!


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That would have been cool to watch.

fac ref bar ref sard sard sard BO? With the first unit as harv from the fac?

Tell ussssssssss........

That really doesen't matter due to the fact that most good players have so many different bo's that are used at different times. No good (Elite)player uses the same one ever.

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alchemi2 et al

Am I gettin' the back story of what you're saying correct; That you can go online and just watch others play the game?

THAT would be cool!

Forgive me,but I've never been online and haven't read much about that yet.Just pluggin' away at the skirmish games.I'm very intimidated by online gaming,but I'll try it eventually.Meanwhile,observing online play would be a real treat.

So anyway,if this is possible,can you point me to where I'll find instructions?

Perhaps fill me in on whatever etiquette would apply?

A lot of questions,I know. But Thanks!


Yes, it's true. Just follow the sticky posts at the top of this board for instructions on how to get online.

Then you can either use the link in Guns post, for who's online on RA's server, or download EMPBOT. This will tell you when people are on.

Many times when I get home from work I'm too beat to play. But I enjoy watching a good game. If I see players online and the game isn't full I will watch.

As to how to do it.

1- look for a game with 2 or 4 players. if there are too many player I won't watch because it might screw up the game (Over 6 players and the game seldom will load, so why screw it up for everyone)

2- ASK FIRST! Whenever I want to watch, I usually page the host and ask if I can watch. Guns has always been very good about this. As have most of the community.

Then all you do is one of two things. If you want to see the game unfold from the perspective of one team or one person, you ally with them (See Below) and just don't build. Or if you want to see the whole map, you just click on the flag above your build tree and surrender. The whole map will become clear and you can watch everyone.

Also once the game starts you can hit the "Tab" key (which is used to ally) to check house color and see who's who.

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Thanks for the replies!

I'm very fascinated by this idea,and will pursue it as time permits so one last question before I read the "how to" info. Realizing that game times can vary wildly,what is a ball park figure for an average game? I want to be sure to reserve enough time if I'm allowed to observe game play.


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