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wma to mp3

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Burn a CD with WMP,

So then the WMA files get converted to wav..

After that put the cd back into the player, load it into WMP and rip the cd

mind the options, there you can select into which format and which quality..


BTW, what for do you want them to be converted??

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humm seems like a loss of a good blanck cd....  i got  a s/w called (WMA To MP3 Converter)  and its a good program..

actuly the little sun on my syster asked me to fill up  his digitalmp3/voice recorder with some songs he found on the net. when they were visitting me.... his not mutch into cds as he uses this

removeble hardware to copy songs on it in the forum of mp3...but the files he got are in wma formate....

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iTunes can do this as well, just set the "Ripping" format to the desired quality of MP3 and import all of your .wma's.  They'll automatically be converted to MP3 and stored in a conveniently organized directory structure.

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Yes, but iTunes is the Devil Incarnate.  With Apple and its stance on DRM and proprietary formats, I wouldn't go near that program with a 10 foot barge pole.  Seriously, any company thinking of pulling out of an entire country's market (France, to be specific), just because they don't want to lose their near-monopoly on legal music downloads, isn't worth my time.  Add to that the restrictions they place on the music you've bloody paid for, there really isn't much reason to use iTunes at all.

You want to rip music to different formats?  See the link in my previous post.  You want a good Media Player?  Use WinAmp.  You want to download music legally?  Then AllOfMP3 is the place to go - these tunes will work on any bloody MP3 player under the Sun, and you won't get an error along the lines of "Sorry, you've copied this file on to one too many devices / moved it about too much / we want more money; please buy the tune again".

</rant> :)

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Yes, but iTunes is the Devil Incarnate.Add to that the restrictions they place on the music you've bloody paid for, there really isn't much reason to use iTunes at all.

these tunes will work on any bloody MP3 player under the Sun, and you won't get an error along the lines of "Sorry, you've copied this file on to one too many devices / moved it about too much / we want more money; please buy the tune again".

You know you can always read the rules and disclaimer before you buy music for 1 Euro online. You buy it with the right to install it on 10 computers and unlimited mobile devices. Don't start crying-of-the-mountain when they uphold that right after you bought it.

Please know what you are ranting about before you do.

If you copy a legit CD with iTunes you have no restrictions on the MP3/AAC/WAV file you just created.

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