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Earth '46


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The year is 1946, and the Second World War is still raging.  Despite the Soviet advance through Eastern Europe, Germany had not given in, and with rocket and jet planes in the sky, and massive armoured beasts on the ground, it was fighting a desparate, yet technologically advanced war.  Surrounded by Russia on the  east, and the Allies on the West it had been running out of time.  However, it gained two new allies.  Turkish forces in the Mediterranean and Black Sea had opened up a second front against the Soviets, and an Iberian Alliance consisting of Spanish and Portuguese Facist Armies had invaded Southern France, and were supporting Italian and German forces in southern Italy.  Japan was still in control of a lot of East Asia, and Nationalist and Communist Forces split China in two.  ANZAC forces were engaged in Papua New Guinea, whilst American fleets engaged Japanese fleets in a battle for the Pacific.  In France, Paris had been liberated, and de Gaulle installed as the French leader, but American, British, and Canadian forces were still stationed there in the battle for the Ardenes and the Rhine.

USA has the A-Bomb, but it has only been tested on Nevada so far, and public opinion is against it due to the aftermath. They also have the B-36 intercontinental bomber. Germany has submarine launched missiles (this is something they were developing, and was a varient of the V-2)capable of hitting the US Eastern Seaboard, but as of yet has not used them.  It also has rocket and jet planes, and the only other side with Jet planes is, of course, the UK. However, German technology is used by Japan.  For any information on any military unit listed in this post, try Wikipedia.

The sides




Greater German Reich - Anathema

Now under the control of D

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Just a little note, USA has the A-Bomb, but it has only been tested om Nevada so far, and public opinion is against it due to the aftermath. They also have the B-36 intercontinental bomber. Germany has submarine launched missiles (this is something they were developing, and was a varient of the V-2)capable of hitting the US Eastern Seaboard, but as of yet has not used them.  It also has rocket and jet planes, and the only other side with Jet planes is, of course, the UK. However, German technology is used by Japan.  For any information on any military unit listed in this post, try Wikipedia.

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The following countries can also be claimed later on: Norway, Belgium, The Netherlands (who also have forces in SE Asia), and Brazil.

I was under the Belief that the Brazilians along with many other South American countries were primarily Pro-German. Is this incorrect?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Err, I'll start this then hhhmkay?

The Fuhrer is dead!

Some had come to think that Hitler was immortal, after surviving so many murder attempts. Today it was proven that nobody is, though the cause of death is uncertain. German radio won't say a word except that he passed away in his sleep.

In the wake of this event, admiral Donitz has been promoted to Reichspresident. Even though by last will of Hitler he can't call himself the Fuhrer, in practice Donitz has all the executive powers Hitler had in life.

One of his first orders is to give halt to the increasingly controversial "Endlosung", the systematic destruction of the jewish populace. The fate of the current survivors is uncertain at this time.

Donitz inherits an unenviable position. The Russians close in on Poland, Africa has been lost long ago and the British and Americans are sitting on the same continent. German industry is under continuous attack from allied bombers, wich according to Donitz is the primary obstacle Germany has to overcome before they can turn the tide. Therefore his first important measure is to step up the production of AA weaponry, particular the feared Flak88, and to train extraordinary militias throughout the country to operate them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

(OCC:So...Soviet Russia eh? :D )

  Alecksandre looks up at the imposing figure of Stalin and sighs.

  "And what would 'comrade secretary' do about it?" he asks, the corner of his mouth rising in a grin.

  The Soviet leader grimaces and turns, "I only listen to your babbling because you are my brother's son.  You know that, don't you?"

  "And because I always give good advice to a man who wants all the power."

  Stalin's voice takes on a dangerous tone, "Good advice?  You're the one who got me into this war!"

  "And I'm going to be the one to get you out of it, when the Fuhrer reco--"

  Alecksandre cuts off when he hears boots thundering down the corridor outside the room.  A brief knock followed by Stalin's "Enter!" presents the inhabitants with a somewhat disheveled young officer.

  "Sir, Hitler is dead!"

  The room is silent, as its three occupants stare at each other.

  "What?!" booms Stalin, his stare becoming a glare as it moves to the visibly shocked Alecksandre.

  "Yes sir, dead.  And the new leader, Donitz, has ended all Jewish persecution."

  "What?!  How?!...  Whe--!"  The Russian leader stops and visibly composes himself, closing his eyes and breathing through his nose.

  "Fine.  Get me Churchill and Roosevelt."  Stalin blinks, "Now!"

  The young officer snaps a salute and runs from the room.

  Alecksandre rises and quietly shuts the door.

  "It is obvious what our course is now.  We must take Poland."

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  • 9 months later...

This is funny, since I was just browsing old FF threads and thought how nice it would be to start this up again, since I've taken a large interest in WWII in the recent week or so. Trying to find any Band of Brothers episodes. After seeing the 6th one I decided that I have to see them all. Great stuff.

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Churchill took a long puff on his pipe, and took his seat beside Ernest Brown, the Minister for Aircraft Production, Sir Percy James Grigg, the Secretary of State for War, Air Chief Marshal Sir James Milne Robb. CiC Fighter Command, Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur Harris, CiC Bomber Command, and Marshal of the Royal Air Force Lord Portal, Chief of Air Staff.  They were here to watch the unveiling of the the de Havilland Vampire, English Electric Canberra, and the latest version of the Gloster Meteor.  These planes, it was believed, would finish of the war in the Allies favour.

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Benito Mussolini was an ailing man. He was no longer the charismatic leader that had influenced Hitler; he was a mere shadow of his former self, overshadowed by giants such as Hitler, Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill. Something would have to be done about him. And it was. On the 28th of October, 1945, the Italian dictator was blown up in the car he was traveling in. The attack was blamed on leftist dissidents, and the storm passed quickly. A few intellectuals suspected a coup, but were wise enough to not say anything. Mussolini's top general, Clemente Nerio, took command of the Kingdom of Italy and subsequently all of the responsibilities for it. He was ruthless, a better speaker than Mussolini and able to woo the common people to his side with tales of how the Americans butchered any allies of the Japanese as revenge for Pearl Harbor, how the invasion of the USSR drove the Soviet Red Army into a raging machine who killed anyone in its path, friend or foe, and how the British would not hesitate reducing whole cities to nothing.

And the people believed him.

As soon as he took power, Clemente reformed the military drastically. Reserves were called up, the subjugated countries of Africa squeezed of all resources, and MP40s and MP44s, of whome the manufacturing rights had been obtained from Germany, began rolling out of factories. Gone were the days of finely crafted guns, in were the days of modern warfare.

At the present moment Clemente was holding a cabinet meeting with his aides and advisors, planning on what to do next. They had large quantities of unused reserves. Poorly trained and without combat experience, but that would have to change sooner or later.

Clemente turned to his chief security advisor.

"Giambattista, my friend, what are your ideas on where we should move these unused reserves?"

Giambattista was the oldest amongst them and even more experienced than Clemente, and Clemente valued his advice. The old man took a puff from a cigarrette, and said slowly,

"We should move a battalion over to support our men in the south, 1700 additional men should do for now. And we should keep pressure up on France, we cannot let them burrow in. I believe we should send another battalion to the French front, to aid the Iberians." Giambattista concluded with a puff of his cigarrette. Clemente nodded thoughtfully, then reached for a large map lying on the table, drawing it towards him.

"We are currently besieging Nice, correct?" Clemente asked rhetorically before going on. "I want artillery fire to intensify on it. More snipers and more mortar teams. I want 3 companies over there to bolster our forces and to take the city within a week.  Send 1600 men to link up with the Iberian forces, and 1300 to the south. Any questions or comments?" He asked, looking over them all. None replied, but Giambattista looked grumpy for having his advice not followed. Clemente smiled.

"Good. We will convene in 3 day's time. I shall distribute more troops as I see fit. Generals, you may come to me if you wish for reinforcements."

And so it was.

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OSS operatives quickly got word of the coup in Italy, and the news left many stunned.  Whilst Italy was no longer considered a major threat by the British, this new leader was somewhat of an unknown.  British forces in Europe were largely tied up in Germany, however Britain still possessed a large army in North Africa, which was currently being transferred to southern Italy to aid the American fight, as well as aiding British troops in the siege of Gibraltar

Quick progress report from around the Western Theatre:

US troops are involved in battles in the Pacific, southern Italy, Benelux, and on the Germany/French border

British (includes all Commonwealth troops outside of the Pacific) troops are involved in battles on the German/French border, Gibraltar, southern Italy, and the Middle East.

French troops are involved in battles in the south of France and the Middle East.

German troops are involved in battles in Denmark, Benelux, German/French border, German/Poland border, Czechoslovakia, southern Italy and Yugoslavia.

Italian troops are involved in battles in southern France, Yugoslavia and southern Italy.

Turkish troops are involved in battles in Greece, Middle East, and Caucasus.

Iberian troops are involved in battles in Gibraltar and southern France.

Soviet Russian troops are involved in battles in Caucasus, Polish/German border, Greece and Czechoslovakia.

Yugoslavian troops are involved in battles in Yugoslavia.

National armies are also at work in Greece, Finland, Denmark, and Norway.

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