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Connections between Dune and Christianity


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Now guys before we get too deep into the Islam and the "sword thing" let us remember that every one of the monolithic relgions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) at one point or another fought with swords (and each other) for whatever purpose. And Ex that is the second time you have made that reference to Chapterhouse about it's mention of the Jewish culture (or mystism) being covered in secrets, that is what your are refering to are you not?

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Ok I now understand you better than before, but I will say this with closer examination you might find that even Judaism has evolved in a certain aspect. It's the only thing intelligent creatures can do with the progression of time no matter the cultural and or ethinical background they are born.

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First I want to say that both Islam and Christianity have prohibitions about killing...well let's look at that.  We have the Crusades, and a Holy War or two.

Next is Monotheism: The belief in on God or Goddess.

Polytheism: The belief in more than one deity.

Then I just want to say that I really don't like the use of the word evolution in a sentence about how religion has changed.

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Assuming your dictionary is correct, fed both is correct (my copy of the Oxford English doesn't mention point 2, but does mention something else). Note that the word is mono - lith, not mon - o - lith in analysis of stems.

Ordos is also correct in the mono / poli - theism. Note also Pantheon, pan meaning all.

Finally, religion must evolve. It evolves or dies, since 'only fluid is stable' (somewhere in ChoD) - in the everchanging human environment, religion must adapt to new concepts and systems as we take them on board to survive - if you were to place an early Aztec religion in a developed country now, it would die, due to conflict with our current beliefs of freedom and choice to live.

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Ok point taken Sandwraith.

Nema that is a very true statement (IMO) about religion changing as man changes. Look at the early beliefs of mankind and how as over periods of time some aspects were kept while others were disregarded. The early development of religion is very interesting but not to stray completly from the subject the real connection between Dune and Christianity could just come from where ever your central beliefs of faith lie.

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"very few Religions aren't spread by the sword"

... Christianity being one of them (at least in the early days, anyway).

Herbert was a master at warping and mixing the knowledge of the present to make his future more realistic. Look at how our history was warped in the Dune Encyclopaedia. He did the same with Religion.

Mahdi, I think that Dune has more in common with Islam than with Christianity. That's because it uses so many arab and islamic words.

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There seems to be a bit of a misconception going around here taht my post meant that the religion of Dune is absed on Christianity.

Thats not what I meant.

I was merely ponting out a similarity between Dune and Christiaity that  noticed.

In fact, if you could go back in time, you'd see me argueing with MechaDragon, claiming that Christian values are barly represented in Dune at all, with Mecha argueing that they were the main theme.

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