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Well then, if they want to keep there story right than they should take another year and not telling every body that it takes place 200 years before the movie takes place while it is one year. No there story isn't true.I know they want there own story and I know it is to late to tell them but they should know that this isn't right!!, they are destroying THE REAL DUNE, I think there are more fans that agree. I am a FAN that played all dune games, I started when I was 6. So I am sorry to bother you Jesse, but I just wanted to tell the world that this isn't right. I tcould be right if the took other houses and other planets of the empire, like (if it is wel they want to let it is in the same time of Shaddam I)Theta Shaowei or Salusa Secundus or Some planets of the tleilaxu. But no the had to make a incorrect story almost ( one year distants )parralel to the REAL one.

I hope those BEEPERDEBEEPS of Westwood also read these message boards, because they are deleting messages on the message board of Dune Emperor on the westwood site. And I hope that in the future they first think and ask the public before they start building another dune game.

And one more thing, those units aren't real for the DUNE UNIVERSE, so WESTWOOD I HAVE ONE MESSAGE FOR YOU :

Mu Zein Wallah

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Your views are shared by many among the Dune community, however I don't think that WW is hurting the community by making their own storyline line with obviously serious flaws to the Books. If anything I believe that if Emperor can inspire just one person to go out and read the original Dune or even better, the whole series, it has done a great deed.

I for one think that the combat system, storyline, and characters are horrible representations of the Book but I believe it will do more good than harm in the long run.

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Dune was a revolutionary book, that is one of the things that made it great. The movie, while in my opinion sucked, was also revolutionary in the way that it was the msot expensive movie ever made (at the time), that is why Dune 2 is a worthy additiion to the duneiverse, it too was revolutionary, and if emepror is like they say it is, it will be revolutionary as well, so it has earned the title of Dune.

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I don't care if they follow tha stroy line of the novels, but they could have taken some beter year and not one year before the novels, because then it isn't Dune ( that is my oppinion) it should be much more years before the novels, I read them all so after it is immpossible, because Atreides doesn't excist at the end (they have to do the game more before the novels than one year). I'd like to hear what you think aboput it.

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Guest Tabaqui of gidur log

You can;t complain about everything that isn't accurate to the books, but doesn't really take a rocket scientist to change 10191 to 10091.

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This is a different universe completely then the one presented in the book so there isn't any comparison really. All of the characters have different names, even though they look similar to those in the movie, and since when were tanks used on Dune?

I think the date thing is a pretty small issue when you look at the other things Westwood has left out. But then again I don't really find any of this surprising considering Westwood has said from the beginning the game is not supposed to follow the real Dune story.

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Just listen to me, I ment to say that it just isn't right. If they want to take there own story, they should take other houses and other planets.

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Guest Tabaqui of Gidur-log

A lot of the characters are just clones from the books, Who wants to bet that the duke in the cutscenes is just a decoy to a fat gay german floating baron, who was unfilmable because they pull him out of his palace door, and the Landsraad doesn't approve of the weight loss program i have planned for him. (If you're to slow to cop on i'll tell you it begins with A and ends with C and has T, M, I, O in no particular order in the middle)

P.S I could always do what Muad'dib said and say that I wasn't using it on people, I THOuGHT that the thing was just a king-sized slice of caramel flan, which no laws protect.

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I think the dates and years that WW uses don't really matter at all. The story isn't exactly Dune, but it's Dune-ish. I don't care too much about the novels. Then again, the older board members know that all too well. :D

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For those who seem not to get iot, WW has a licensing deal with DeLaurentis, not with Herbert. This means it's based on the MOVIE, not the book(s). This simply means they don't have to pay BH an exorbidant fee for licensing. This means simply that you are not really going to see Gurney, Leto, and company, that story is done.

Those of you upset by this may now return to the basement of your parent's house. This will *not* cause a rift in the space-time continuum.

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That clears it up for me, but they could do something about the date. As long as it has a Dune feel to it I won't mind. I think that because we put all related items to Dune under a microscope they have found a way out make up side stories to get our attention. Naib's kinda right about the time line they could have done better.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest HarkonnenGeneral

I don't have any complains about this new dune game but I do have a few questions:

1.Is the interface, graphics or the entire game, for that matter, similar to that of Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2?

2.Is it gonna be in true 3-D

3.Will it be as a hit as StarCraft or better

4.IS IT GONNA HAVE HIGH REQUIREMENTS?!?!?!?!? (below 300MHz pls, Westwood? I haven't got any cash left to upgrade my PC just to keep up with your games.)

5.Is it gonna have the same old three houses or more

Last but defenitely and absolutely not the least...

6.Is Harkonnen still the coolest House?

-"Thank you, Harkonnen out"

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You guys should download the FAQ on the official Emperor site, it says that the game is 200 years before the original story.

And I'll say it one more time :

The game is in the year 10190 and the original story starts in the year 10191

now count 10191 - 10190 = 1

That means that they screwed up there timeline numbers.

The rest I don't care, but hey, come on, WestWood should know better.

If they want to make a game about dune - No Problem

If they don't want to follow the original story - No problem

if they are saying 200 years before the original story - No problem

But if they say 200 years before the original story in the year 10190 (while the original story is in 10191) - Big Problem


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In some of the more recent interviews I have seen Chris says that the game takes place "about" 200 before when the novel takes place. But since the game doesn't use any of the story from the book does it really matter if they are off by a year?

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