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2004 in Review (and stuff I never bothered to post about)


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2004 was such an exciting year for Dune fans.  The release of a new Dune miniseries, a new Dune RTS game which outsold San Andreas, Halo, and World of Warcraft combined, the announcement that David Fincher would be directing a big screen version of Dune scripted by Richard Kelly, and Frank Herbert rising from the dead to complete his chronicles.

Well, ok, none of that happened, but if it had....

2004 was perhaps the slowest year since I came here.  We had a five month period with no news at all.  None!  Gobalopper's been threatening to fire me, it's so slow.  Or, at least, that's what he'd tell the public.  'Course, those of us in the know, know different....

A couple litle tiny things were missed in the excitment of the last few months, so here is the "new stuff":

-Australians have named Dune the 24th Greatest Book they have ever read.  Click here for the rest of the list.

-In an interview with CHUD, Joss Whedon lists his major inspirations for his work and, wouldn't ya know it, Dune is right on the top of his list.

That's it for the new, onto the old!


A few things happened in January, with the most important being the announcement of a Special Edition of David Lynch's Dune.


I got frost bite.  Doesn't really have anything to do with Dune, but, hey, neither did anything else that happened.


The big news of March was Marc Cram's revelation of the legendary Origins of House Ordos

Sit back friends, and I will tell you a story of a time long ago, when salty roast beef was a health food, and the Mafia ran las Vegas....


Gobalopper finished University.  Turns out Canadian schools really do give out degrees like candy.


A Bunch O' Stuff.

Yup, that's right, the biggest news in May was a Bunch O' Stuff article. 

Better than frost bite, I guess....


Zombie Herbert wreaked havoc on downtown Los Angeles.


A party celebrating Gobalopper's leaving for a short period of time. 


The first of a four month drought in the news.


My apartment building burned down and left me homeless.  Definately not better than frost bite.


The leaves turned.


The leaves fell and were snowed upon.


Gob's Christmas Clean-up.

So there ya go, that's what happened in 2004.  Let's all hope 2005 brings us just a pinch more news.

Oh, and at least one Zombie Herbert.

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I thought that was Gob?

well a great year it was :-

but then again: It can only get better now, or at least it should ;)

No, Gob was in a car accident.

Ordos is referring to my saying I was hit by a car.

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Just thought I'd make a not-so-triumphant return from my self-imposed exile.

Ok, cya in 6 more years.  Back to Salusa I go!


Here's hoping for something good to happen for the Dune community, even if it is on the magnitude of the Great Tank Debate (just dated myself).

Stick around. We need some uncorrupt Landsraad members. ;)

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