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Emperor 2

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Whoops, something else came to my mind and I seem to have made a screwed-up post, forget bout it.

Was thinking of saying that since so few people bother about Empy already and most don't like it anymore, then they might not want to even follow up on the sequel... :-

Would be a good question for a vote. But my guess is that a lot of people actually would return to EBFD if a expansion would come out.

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Id like to make a point before i dissapear off the map, The reason why alot of new players didnt stick around was because you guys had small communities, like gunwounds for example, he would kick any new players from his games, there were a few others that did the same. Besides that new players dont have a chance of beating any old players the veterans are about a step away of becoming mindless lumps of gas emmiting drones that react to an action with a certain routine, It takes the fun out of the game. Next time you see a new player try something new, like pairing him with someone who atleast knows how to ally


i musta missed this post awhile back ... but let me squish this horribly false accusation and it is also completely OUT OF CONTEXT....

First of all .... most veterans and myself included will play 1 vs 1 TRAINING games to teach you how to play.

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I think it is just as rude to ask someone else to leave.... also its quite awkward... how do you tell someone to "leave"... its no better than being kicked arbitrarily.....

You honestly believe it is just as bad as kicking with no explanation ? I am surprised at that.

The thing with asking is that if they do not comply, you can kick them, and if that person is an a** h*le, then he will re-enter. Something s/he would do even if s/he wasn

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and about the jcdeleon thing... it think i brought up another good point.... we have been talking about host politeness... but what about joiner politeness?  Thats something that gets overlooked. 

The joiner should try to avoid putting the host in an awkard situation.  When I am a joiner and i see there is 4 peple already.... the first thing i say is "oh are you guys rematching"  or "have you guys made teams?"  and if either of those questions are "yes" then i say "ok see you later"

It would be nice if joiners would try to prevent awkard situations from occuring and making the host look like a jerk.

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what do you think about this nunu ?

I am hosting a game....  hermetic enters and then skumclam.

then you (nunu) enters...  then sendakon enters as the 5th person.

Then i tell you (nunu) to leave because i want to ally with sendakon ......and hermetic wants to ally with skumclam.

So basically i am telling you to leave because you are not good enough basically.

Something tells me you are going to dislike me all the same.

Well maybe not you cause you might be mature enough to understand.... but most others dislike the above situation just as bad as if they got kicked.

First thing, I would not tell them to leave, I would ask them. Then, if after a few seconds they didn

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regardless .....people will still come on the forums like duncan and bitch and moan ....

^^^^^^^^^^^^apollyon has the best attitude.

Bitching, I cannot stand... a good moan, I cannot resist  8).

What you should understand is I say these things (above) light-heartedly. Shure we get kicked, I don

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What I don't understand is, when people are asked to leave (or told to do so), why don't they ? What's the fun in staying, when you're not wanted (for whatever reason) ?

That said, way back in the days when I played, I didn't mind getting my butt kicked all over. I actually tried to learn from it (though I never had any success :)).

My 2 cnts..

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er i wassn't having a go at you guns!!!

all i mesant was i prefer to be asked to leave rather than be kicked wioth no reason or remark if im asked to leave then i go no probs no grudge no worries.

often there may only be 1 host on so you naturally join it maybe your right and we should page 1st. :-[

Only time i get a bit disgruntelled is when ive sat in a room for 20mins and then two better players join and i am then asked to leave as ive just wasted 20 mins and no one bother to say were waiting for so and so to come in and play. ??? :o

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Only time i get a bit disgruntelled is when ive sat in a room for 20mins and then two better players join and i am then asked to leave as ive just wasted 20 mins and no one bother to say were waiting for so and so to come in and play. ??? :O

yea thats the part i feel awkward about... but most of the time were arent "waiting" for them.. sometimes they all show up at once unexpectedly... and you do feel guilty telling someone to leave after they have waited just because a friend or someone better has shown up.

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Only time i've really been pissed, was when i was hosting and then got paged to join a game. so off i go and then not only get berated by said person for a previous game but he then had the cheek to kick me in favour of a new arrival. now that sucked >:( but then he has always had a bighead and mouth so i sort of accepted it. ::) :(

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