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Wow.. i was looking at some screens and EQ II blows the pants off of WoW...

check it out...

Here is EverQuest 2.....


and here is WoW


i am not saying WoW wont be fun.. but i am just turned off by the graphics.....

graphics arent the most important thing in a RPG.... but graphics are vital for immersion....and the tele-tubby-like graphics of WoW will just constantly ruin my immersion.....

EverQuest 2 is like a dream come true. Hopefully it will be fun and have tons of content.


The Everquest II scenery is crap, while the WoW scenery is sweet.

The Everquest II models are cooler than the WoW ones, though.


wow is better, and as for wow screenshot whatever impression u got, i played the leaked alpha and its 10x more beautiful than screens.

Just wait and see, and be prepeared to be blown away cos WoW got shitloads of content.


Yeah gunwounds, those WoW screens are much better than EQ 2, and if what Harkdawg says is true it should even be worth the P2P.


The lizard model in EQII is extremely good, though. It beats WoW.

However, WoW has the kind of atmosphere and feeling to it that you don't find elsewhere.


I agree with you all ;)

EQ2's graphics do look more advanced and more mature.

WoW does look more teletubby like but indeed does seem to have much more atmosphere. I'd like to play WoW... if it is worth the money. But i know someone who likes EQ a lot, so that should be good also


Well i am a fan of Realism Art .... i guess most people in here prefer Abstract Art.

I am not saying WoW wont be fun but i am 25 years old and refuse to play in "toon-town"

EQ2 will have some scary blood splattered dungeons and real looking monsters... how are you ever gonna feel scared or excited in WoW's toon town?

I can just imagine my friends coming over to my house and seeing me playing that... how embarassing lol


Well i am a fan of Realism Art .... i guess most people in here prefer Abstract Art.

I am not saying WoW wont be fun but i am 25 years old and refuse to play in "toon-town"

EQ2 will have some scary blood splattered dungeons and real looking monsters... how are you ever gonna feel scared or excited in WoW's toon town?

I can just imgaine my friends coming over to my house and seeing me playing that... how embarassing lol


I dunno, it's about style too i guess. I'm not realy a big fan of War3's style to be completely honest... I thought war2's style was better when i played it. But that may also be because i've grown older.... who knows.

Although EQ2 does look much more realistic i don't think it looks any scarier than WoW.

Scary games are games like Aliens vs. Predator, and i don't think EQ2 is anything like that.

I do like the world of warcraft a lot, the story etc. the art. And i loved warcraft 2 and i think warcraft 3 is realy good. But I wish they took it a bit more seriously as I found the story to be dark and evil, and i love that. But in game it's all a happy world much like Teletubbies indeed... I want to see drama...

well i guess your right... and i have thought about it a bit more and i really want to be a "wizard" type character... so i guess i will be playing the game that has the best "magic system", "magic variety", and "magic interface"


Do you use a different monitor or something? The lizard looks stunning... perhaps you don't like the model... but technically it looks amazing.


Just look at the lizard... it looks horrible

perhaps he has a bad graphics card or poor monitor ... perhaps?

the lizard looks stunning on my screen... and what about the eyeball monster?

and if you think the lizard sucks?... then you must think the WoW graphics really suck even worse cause they are *obviously* poorer quality.


I can see how, from a technical point of view, the EQ2 screenies look better. But for me WoW has a much more user friendly view to it.


I can see how, from a technical point of view, the EQ2 screenies look better. But for me WoW has a much more user friendly view to it.

that I understand and sounds logical. I think i might even agree... Don't realy know yet... to make a real good conclusion i would have to play both games.

And yes, those 2 looks stunning indeed. Incredibly detailed models.


Well those two are far more better than any of the above. I don't know what's wrong with the lizard but it looks DATED. And the eye-ball sceenshot looks like Quake 3.


Me neither, although i might consider playing WoW, as I am a fan of the warcraft universe and the game looks pretty entertaining.

And this new 2 headed feature just sounds soooooo sweet.. playing one character with two players :D .

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