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Collapse of a Dynasty


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OK, I am out on business Wednesday, so I will sort out bringing the files into work on Thursday. I will give you the xbfs plus the Ixian textures (so that you can get a feel for how it looks in-game before you re-texture it).

It should make a good Dune2K turret lookalike, combined with the AT Rocket-turret.

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One thing Nema, you said you had sorted out the Emperor logo, I tried changing this last night to include my mod name (Conflict of the Landsraad - thanks to DuneNewt for the idea) and the system ignored me.

I modified @EmperorTitle (or @TitleEmperor?) which is in the /textures directory but with no success. Which file did you change and where is it stored please?

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There are two files: @Emperor_512 and @Emperor512. I don't think the @TitleEmperor is used.

Try this in your textures folder (you'll need to copy and paste the file and put an underscore in the second one for it to work; the two files should be the same, but I think different bits of the UI ask for different filenames).[attachment archived by Gobalopper]

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Thanks for that I will try it out over Easter.

Please find enclosed the modified Hk flameturret. I have enclosed the Ixian H0 textures so that you can see how it looks in game before you then edit the texture listing. Alternatively you could revert it to HK very quickly.[attachment archived by Gobalopper]

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  • 1 month later...


How goes the project? ???

I got your Emperor Titles to work thank you.

I have completed all three main houses and the sub-houses, I just have over half of the SFX to sort out and the damage levels on the Guild buildings. Plus the icons...

So with balance testing in the campaign mode I expect to complete "Conflict of the Landsraad" Mod in 2-3 months... :)

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Funny you should ask, I just started work on it again this morning.

The turrets are going well, and the one you sent was most useful; would I be able to use it in the final version of the mod?

The to do list is ass follows.


- Fill in missing turret textures and get the ordos ones to actually fire.

- Retexture Mercenary Camp Model

- Tweak Smuggler Frigate

- Finish Attack Ornis

- Finish textures needed for Fighter Ornis


- Icons - ALL units and structures

- Dialogue

  - Siege Tanks

  - Heavy Troopers

  - Mercenaries

  - Smugglers

  - Quads etc.

  - Heavy Infantry

- Sounds

  - Heavy Infantry

Final balancing:

- Check all costs and buildtimes

- Weapon and Armour tweaking

- Adjusting bullet speeds too keep up with fast units

- Final Strings editing

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Of course you can use the turret model that is why I offered it to you, ( and especially as I plan to use a modified version of your titles graphic.)

Oh by the way my schedule has now slipped backwards, due to finding that I can edit the New Units in campaign mode to reflect my mod changes (unit display xbfs, unit schematic graphic files and text details) plus I have found all the files for all text in missions - so I can now edit all old houses to their new determinations. So when my mod is played in campaign mode though the mission speeches will be wrong at least all written text on screen will be correct.

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If you want anything doing with the titles, I'm happy to help - I have a file somewhere I made with a blank bar where the "Battle for Dune" should be etc.

Turrets look good. I've done some speed and veterancy tweaking, and generally cleared things up. Oh, by the way, the AI is rather dangerous.

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Almost completed the aircraft. I'll be wanting someone with a fast computer and good graphics soon to take some high-quality pictures, if anyone's willing.


- Mercenary camp Model retexturing

- Attack Ornis

- Ordos Fighter Orni model


- Icons - ALL units and structures

- Dialogue

- Mercenary unit

- Sounds

- Heavy Infantry

- MoveStarts

Final balancing:

- Check all costs and buildtimes

- Weapon and Armour tweaking

- Subhouse and Fighter Veterancy (done main stuff)

- Final Strings editing

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sorry i'm not too familiar with EBFD and it's file formats, so i've got a question, is it possible to get the models for this mod in a normal 3d format? (no animations, just the model - i'd even be satisfied without textures)

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You can extract the model's meshes with the Xbf editor to the ms3d file format (only 1 mesh at a time).  You can load the meshes and combine them in MilkShape3D (a shareware 3D modeling program:  you can download for a 30 day trial, then it costs $20 to register).  You can save the models to other 3D file formats supported by MilkShape3D.  MilkShape3D has texture mapping, so you can view the models with textures (and you can modify or create new textures with a paint program and UV map them with MilkShape3D).  You'll need DuneEx2 to extract texture (Tga) files and model (Xbf) files from the archive files.  The Xbf editor doesn't extract animation data, but you can animate the models in MilkShape3D (you'll have to add bones and joints).  Some of the meshes in the Xbf files are not part of the model, so you won't need those ones.  With some models, some of the meshes won't be rotated, translated, and/or sized correctly with the other meshes, so you will need to rotate, translate, and/or resize them before combining them with the other meshes.

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  • 5 months later...

After returning to Rutland, i.e. where my mod is stored, I've been able to make another start.

Ok, I've made some general progress fine-tuning icon orders, and I've finally managed to get the heavy troopers working.

My new computer won't alt-tab from emperor, however, without crashing the game. This means I still need someone who can take lots and lots of highquality screenshots for icons.

My other problem is that the mod will easily beat 8MB and I'll have to send it to someone with broadband in chunks to be put together. Or you could wait until mid-January .

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Excellent. Now... a way to transfer the files. Do you have a suitable email address? (It's about 8-10MB)


- Mercenary camp Model retexturing (Not going to get done)


- Icons - ALL units and structures

- Some Dialogue

- MoveStarts

Final balancing:

- Check all costs and buildtimes

- Weapon and Armour tweaking

- Subhouse and Fighter Veterancy (done main stuff)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, done all the icons, including greys (though the damn things still need converting into the right compression format, which requires me transferring them between a three computers). Incidentally, I tried to work on the mercenary building art and it wouldn't have it at all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Aside from the fact that I've got rather a lot of research on athematic verbs to do, I can't release the mod because I don't know where to send it. However, I'm now in Cambridge, so I have a good connection with which to send the file.

Oh, and I've noticed a few omissions, which need correcting, such as:

- Aircraft Icons

- Increase worm-rider speed to match worms

I'm not entirely happy with AT and OR icons. for some reason, the lighting on giedi prime has messed up the colours a little, so the icons won't look entirely consistent. Unfortunately, it's a lot harder to make AT/OR icons from screenshots on other planets, due to colour contrasts.

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  • 1 month later...

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