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Word "pagan" came from, I think, latin word for village. It was used for any cult worshipped in villages, like traditional magic practices or natural forces. Todays cults like Wicca and druidism are a neopagan wave, which is thing of maybe last century, altough it is based on ancient cults.

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And interestingly the word 'church' actually comes from a similar source. See the pagans used to build stone circles for their own reasons, and in order to attract believers the early christians often built their churches in these circles. Thus from 'circle' we get 'kirk,' the old word for church still used in parts of Scotland and probably elsewhere. From 'kirk' it was a quick step to the more English 'church.'

So even the 'churches' of the word have some blatant paganism hovering around them...

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that is the catholic church who made christmas on the winter sulstace simply to make pagans worship on christian holidays. Not all christians are catholics, dont be so closed minded people! lol

jesus was probably born in april, or around that time, that is indicated by the shepherds, the people outdoors and whatnot.

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"Catholic" means "common", better word have Germans, "allgemeine". Christos katolikos, originally in Greek. Early christianity was divided to town communities, we can say town churches, which had few central laws, trough which they identified themselves as a one Church. Sects, which existed in time of Nicean Council (when Christmas was defined) don't exist today, and first schismatic church, orthodox, parted from Rome about 7 centuries later...

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And interestingly the word 'church' actually comes from a similar source. See the pagans used to build stone circles for their own reasons, and in order to attract believers the early christians often built their churches in these circles. Thus from 'circle' we get 'kirk,' the old word for church still used in parts of Scotland and probably elsewhere. From 'kirk' it was a quick step to the more English 'church.'

So even the 'churches' of the word have some blatant paganism hovering around them...  ;D 

The English-speaking Churches, you mean. ;)

Not all Christians speak a germanic language (in fact, most Christians don't). A lot of Christianity-related words in germanic languages come from earlier Paganism-related words, but this is not true for romance or slavonic languages.

In Romanian, for example, the word for "church" is "biserica", which comes from the latin "basilica". The French "

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im not a strict pagan, just believe in what i can see, feel etc.

The earth.

no divine entity has felt the need to show themselves to me,i am very inviting, that just leaves me disbelieving in any "formal,organised" religion.

i dont see how going to a building [church,mosque,synagogue,temple] then praying/chanting to invisible idols,or walking round salt circles,just because someone else told me to, will make me a better person who deserves redemption.

nah knickers to it all..


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