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Republic: The Revolution

Edric O

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Ah, this is MY kind of game! ;D

I'm surprised that I never heard anything about it before. But when I walked into a shop yesterday and saw that beautiful, shiny red star, I just couldn't resist. ;)

Amazingly, the game turned out to be even better than I ever expected (and my expectations were pretty high). The story goes like this:

You live in the fictional country of Novistrana, which is a former Soviet republic that achieved independence when the USSR collapsed. Since then, President Karasov has been leading an increasingly autocratic and oppressive regime, while claiming to apply "democratic free market reforms". Back when you were just a teenager, you saw your parents being brutally murdered by Karasov's men. You've been living on the streets ever since, with vengeance always on your mind. Now you see public discontent and anger against the regime rising all around you, and you know that the time for your revolution has come at last. So you begin to build your underground movement, based around the ideology of your choice...

The gameplay is incredibly addictive, and the graphics are awe-inspiring. In fact, that's the only thing I don't like about this game: the graphics are too damn good, which means that the system requirements are ridiculously high. I only managed to make the game run properly once I reduced the graphics quality to the absolute minimum (which still looks better than many other games' maximum graphics quality).

So anyway, if you're a wannabe revolutionary like me, then this is definately the game for you! :)


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I've just been in Brloh to see if they finally have Butlerian Djihad (no matter I've already missed it once...) and what I see? Republic: The Revolution! Finally! I thought it would be never released, waiting was worse than for Tiberian Sun, now I have it in range of hand! Finally! ;D

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  • 4 weeks later...

I bought the game and must say I' m dissappointed. The game is much less than what was promised (even a few months before release), the gameplay is too linear, and while the graphics are nice you won't see them much, as you will be in the cityscreen 99% of the time (after having watched all actions a few times).

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This game looks really good. I havent seen it around in stores....maybe just cause I havent been looking.

I will definitally look into it. It looks like it offers a bunch of cool features and it has that GTA freedom of walkin freely around....and throw in the fact that your trying to start a revolution, that puts it over the top.....

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