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change time...i dont want a kingdom i just want a demon..

History: Since time eternal forces have existed beyond mortal thoughts and realms. In the darkness of the Void thousands of forces work to try to enter the mortal realm. Finally a tear was made, but it quickly closed up.

Not before an Illis named Nagos escaped through the tear.

Name: Nagos

Appearence: Looks like a beautiful female human except for the huge bat-like wings on her back. She can look totally human whenever she wants to. She is an Illis. Also known as a Seductress. She tempts people and then kills them and devours their souls.

She is currently in Sealand.

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Mist floats over Arden as morning comes*

All is quiet, calm, peaceful.

Than the sound of a few boats scrape up against shore*

An unknown group marches tword Zorengard*

A soldier awakes abruptly as a fly lands on his face*

He stands up and hears the klinking of metal in the distance*

He runs up a rocky hill and looks over into the distance*

Seeing the group of soldiers he races down the hill graps his helmet throws it on and mounts his horse*

He goes full speed back to Zorengard*

A few minutes later*

The man bursts into the throne room and out of breath manages to speak*

M'lord.....(breathing heavly) soldiers, to east*

The king looks agitated , another demon attack?

The King stands up*

King Meathos: Defensive positions.

Archers line up along the castle wall and the gate is closed*

A batallion of soldiers lines up inside the gate and waits for orders*

The lookouts in the towers look far off as the group is barely visible heading tword them.................

(GhostHunter take over from here)

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Night has fallen over Sealand again. Where once the streets were filled with the sound of animals, drunkards, and other noises of the night, now there is silence. A two-pronged blade is driving into the souls of the Sealanders. Over the past week, more and more disappearances have been reported; most of them of young men. And at the same time, the grisly remains of animals that are little more than bone fragments and hair are turning up more and more regularly.

The people point at the desecrated shrine, and mark it as an omen.

It is night. Nagos crouches at the top of a roof, having just fed. She is contented. There is a sound behind her, and she spreads her fearsome wings, swivelling on the spot. But at once she sees that this is no human, no bountry hunter. A spider the size of a horse creeps out of the shadows, and stands within striking distance. Behind it, two figures emerge, dragging a third behind them.

The first figure is that of a tall, angular woman. She is pale in the moonlight, and her black hair shines almost silver where it is reflected.

Her companion is hidden the the shadows, but he wears a loose robe. Between them the two hold a struggling captive, gagged and chained. As his eyes catch the light of the moon Nagos notices that he is truly terrified. How old would he be... eighteen at most?

"A peace offering, Illis Nagos." The woman smiles, holding out the chain while the victim moans in dread. The spider scuttles to the side, to watch.

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Kartah walked the streets of the city. He was alone, but not worried. Dark forces controlled the city now, and no dark force was as dark as he was. A vampire, the undead. With the martial skills he had learned as a mortal, combined with his undead speed and strength, nothing nearby could even be a threat to him.

He and his force of 250 vampires had travelled far, following the tales of dread and fear that eminated from Sealand.

As Kartah walked, he heard a voice coming from the top of a building nearby. After listening for a moment, Kartah crouched, then lept nimbly up to the top of the building. As he settled, he saw what would be a fearsome sight, were he still mortal.

A captive was bound and chained, being dragged towards a tall woman, who would have been beautiful except for the wings sprouting out of her back. along the side of the roof there is a huge spider, watching the action intently.

"Nagos, and friends." Kartah called out. "How convieniant that we are all here. I am sorry that I inturrupt your feeding, but we have important matters to discuss. The King of Izuck is starting an offencinve war against the demon hordes. The demon forces are scattered, and they cannot hope to win this charge. We, representing the most powerful of the demon forces, must quickly ally ourselves, to stop the pitiful human attempts to claim this land as their own..."

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The thud of the soldiers footsteps and the clatter of the footsteps echoed out across the lands.

"Offensive posistionnnnss!" Screamed the leader, and immense lines were formed. There was a silence as the two forces met each other gazes from many hundred yards away. There was deadly silence until hooves became apparent and a horseman split off from the group. He slowly approached the castle much to the unease of the defenders. His voice boomed across the lands.

"Drop your weapons immediatly Arden soldiers."

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You drop your weapons invaders or deal with barrages of arrows!

The squad commander screamed over the wall*


The attacking force was in the middle of the field standing in formation around them was forest*

Many archers creped every so silently not to be knoticed within the woods. Soon the unknown group was surrounded on all sides by archers*

The King now appeard at the wall*


The kings words echoed over the land*

The archers in the wooded hills readyed there bows , waiting for orders.....

The denseness of the woods made it impossible for the archers to be seen*

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You would be supprised where we can work in arrows.....

You wear not full body armor.....

The king throught to himself...


The king raised his hand and brought it back down to give the stand down sign.

The archers in the woods lowered there bows and the men on the wall lowered them aswell.

OPEN THE GATES! the gates were opened as the Izuck group walked into the glorious city of Zorengard.

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4,000 men walking in unison sent shivers down the spines of the defending force. The military leader stalked in.

"Under the command of King Baleck there is order for all of you to pack up your things, mainly weapons and tools, your coming back with us." There was an astonishing gasp.

"...You will be part of humanities last front.."

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King Meathos: I see......do you have any official documentation to what you claim, signed by King Baleck?

The leader of the force took out an official lookin letter and handed it to Meathos, he quickly read it and saw the official seal at the bottom.

Meathos: Ofcourse, we will leave at once.

Hours later the 6000 troops under the command of King Meathos were mobilized and ready to depart. A small force of men were left behind to defend the city.

The groups set off and loaded onto the boats....

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Nagos smiles and bars her two huge vampire teeth.

"Offering accpeted."

And she lunges forward and rips out the throat of the young man. She sucks up all the blood pouring out of him and she sucks a isty white aura away from him. The young man slumps down to the ground, dead.

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"M'lord, there is another reason that I come to Izuck."

"Say it."

"During the first strike of the demons on Tulan, quite a number of my people had fled to other kingdoms. I wish to gather them once again to fight against the demons, starting from Izuck. All I need now is your permission to do so."

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"Sealand is slow." The angular woman smiles, pleased at the tripartite alliance. "The King makes few actions, and between us we have placed many spies in their infrastructure. With a force like this it should be... all too easy to overthrow these red, quivering humans..." She gestures to the spider, which quickly scuttles forth to remove the body of the Illis' drained offering.

"We are already able to infiltrate the highest orders of the palace." The hidden man who had held a chain says, "Now there is only one more thing to decide!" His tone is surprsing, and a few of the weaker vampires shuffle about in the street below.

"How do we divide the prey?"

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Nagos stood up and streched her wings to their full length.

"If you can get to me to a large focus point for magic I can rip a tear in this realm and allow my demon followers to enter. Our forces shall increase three hundred fold!"

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"You realize not the power of the armies from Izuck. They have not wiped us out already because their King was weak, and would not start the war. Well war is upon us now, and if we are to stay here, we must rally together, or we will all surly fall."

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"When or if we have need of additional allies or troops we can draw on them." The woman replied while her shadowy companion wandered away. "I have control over every spider on the face of this planet. Enhanced by demons, thousands of millions of billions of arachnids, each willing to obey my call. Even you, with your vast knowledge and experience; even you, Kartah, would fall. These humans will not last long."

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Do not presume that you can threaten me. And do not presume that the humans will fall so easily. I used to be one of them, and I have seen the power of their armies. They have more power than you credit them with. Beware not taking them seriously.

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"I wasn't threatening anyone." The woman smiled easily, although again her eyes remaind emotionless.

"Very well. Call your allies if you so wish, it is of no import to me. But do not expect me to share my prey or my plunder with them. I work far better with few distractions."

She paused for a moment, and then closed her eyes. There was a slight distortion of reality for a second, causing even the spider to look away, and then the half-spider Latarodectus Hesperus stood upright on all eight of her legs.

"I have not fed tonight." She growled through sharp, black teeth in her human mouth. "I am hungry. Nagos, will you accompany me?"

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meanwhile in Ragnar's personal chambers

"M'lord, don't you see that the priest's advise is madness, if we send our best huskarls to do battle on the mainland, how will we then protect our homeland, instead I urge you to take the army and meet the demons of southeast Sealand in battle"

"perhaps you are right Orm, after all you are my marsk(the king's military advisor), but how are we to do battle with that which strike from the shadows?

No, now there is nothing I can do about them, save this, I order you to setup militas in every town in the kingdom, then we can think about attacking the demons"

Ragnar's kingdom

Civilian population

99.980 on Sealand

1.500 huskarls

And a fleet of 200 longboats


100.000 mark silver

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High above the King's head, a tiny spider hangs from an invisible thread. It is so high up, and so infinately small, nobody can see it. Yet the vibrations from the voices reach it, and though it can make no sense of the complicated airwaves, the being reading them through it can.

It the bright of the day, a tall and pale woman stands next to the (now hidden) depilitated shrine. She leans against a nearby wall, and watches the superstitious populance shuffle around it. The spider's thoughts shuffle into her mind, and she hears the entire conversation.

Well, so. He thought there was a threat at last did he? She could kill him right now... but she wanted to savour this. She really did. With her counterparts and allies mostly hidden away though, she was free to spin her webs in the daytime. A particularly fat woman with two children in tow stopped by the shrine to warn them of evil doings.

"They say," the pale woman whispered to her, making sure that others were wacthing, and listening, "That the King himself ordered the destruction of the shrine to help our enemies."

The woman drew back with a gasp, shocked. "Never!"

"Yes, indeed." the pale woman glanced around, to enhance the image of secrecy. "His soldiers came late at night and killed twenty virgins to fill the pool with blood, after they urinated into it of course."

The fat woman was almost speechless.

"You should protect the little ones." The pale woman brushed her long fingers over the head of the small boy, who seemed to enjoy it. He smiled, and looked up at her with... admiration? Joy? Wonder?

Seeing this, that fat woman backed away, before she hurried back into the crowd.

The pale woman smiled. She had done that eight times now. And every time a small crowd gathered, to listen. She had spread the rumour far and wide, and each person who heard it would tell it again, and again, and add their own embellishments... Oh how she loved it.

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I think I'll join, as I haven't participated in fan fic for a long time...

Exercitus Lex

With it's history shrouded in mystery, nobody outside the order knows how old this Christianic order exactly is. Some claim it is an offshoot of Byzanthine priests who left their empire, while others believe it existed even before the separation of the catholic and orthodox churches. Whatever the case, it has been around for some time.

Their army consists of a variety of soldiers, including mounted knights, halberdiers and arbalesters (an arbalest is an iron crossbow), all of wich willing to defend the word of God with their lives. This, in combination with an easily defendable location for their citadel has enabled the order to survive numerous attacks from both humans and more recently, the demons.

The citadel lies on a hilltop enclosed by 2 rivers, somewhere in Romania. The property of the order included fertile farm areas surrounding the Citadel and nearby copper mines. Trade routes crossing the Citadel also brought in a fair share of money. This allowed the order to accumulate a lot of wealth over the centuries and to equip their soldiers with quality weaponry.

When the demons invaded the surrounding counties quickly fell to the superior enemy forces, and the orders citadel became the last bastion of human power in the region. Attempts to lay siege to the Citadel all ended in failure so far and attack parties sent out from the citadel keep the demons from fortifying their positions, but the order cannot hope to last for long if it entrenches itself. The leader of the order, archbishop Justianus, sent out scouting parties to search for any remaining human cities or fortresses in the land. So far, the situation doesn't look good...

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High above the small town of Nisland, Nagos flew. Her wings made no noise and she was unseen by those below. After her meeting with the spider-woman she had left to find the Shrine of Kaladoon, a powerful source of magic. She spotted it and swooped down. Landing on the ground she folded her wings up and tucked them away. Now she looked like a beautiful woman.

Looking like this she walked towards the shrine, hoping to be notcied by a priest.

Which is exactly what happened.

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