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  1. That's a pretty cool idea. Good luck. - Matthew
  2. FireSnake

    2% or 98%

    Meh. - Matthew
  3. Gregorian and all sorts of choral music. - Matthew
  4. OY! SHAZBOT! Some REALLY cool concept art renderings and new screenshots have been released! This game is looking so hot! Check 'em out! www.zone.ee/mattart - Matthew
  5. I don't wish I'd even care. EA violated C&C. I have no interest in their games except for TT, but I'm sure they will screw it up, too, and before we ever get that game they're gonna release thousands and thousands of C&C-G expansion packs. "Hey! We already demolished and screwed up C&C! Let's make the life of the fans even more miserable by releasing countless expansion packs for C&C-G!" You know, EA, the last people who still care work in Your company. - Matthew
  6. I am keeping my PM's to myself. I haven't revealed what he actually said. I'm just kinda freaked out when Nav sends me a PM filled with nonsense. - Matthew
  7. I don't know, he was talking about me saying a movie about killing children is the best movie... ... Don't ask me ... - Matthew
  8. Navaros sent me a private message about killing children... this guy needs help, folks. :O - Matthew
  9. That's freaky, man. 104 km, a? Hm... Better lock Your windows and doors... :D - Matthew
  10. Maybe Ciderhouse Rules or Saving Private Ryan or... I don't know... The Lord of the Rings and the Matrix would fit in there also. - Matthew
  11. Oh! Shazbot! Check it out! I added tons of new stuff. :) www.zone.ee/mattart - Matthew
  12. You know, reading Your posts make me feel like reading Hamlet a dozen times over. At least I can understand it more than You... ... Anyway ... I'll see what I can do ... And what do You mean by soldiers? Modern soldiers? AND dragons? - Matthew
  13. ... ... ... Yuh-uh... You know, information that You don't care much about anything doesn't help me quite that much. Okay, to be honest, it doesn't help me diddley squat. If You don't care about those things then it seems that You don't care about that clan emblem either. I'm a very perfectionistic person, so You either answer all those questions and I make You that emblem or You can go to www.google.com type in "dragons", hit the "Search" button, get a dragon picture and add Your CS on it with Irfanview. Maybe add four-five lens flares, too. That's really 1337... ::) - Matthew
  14. Hmmm... Flameweaver thought I could help. Hmmm... Tell me what size in pixels do You want. Inked or sketched? Black and white or coloured? Stylized or plain? I could help if You answered all of those questions. Much obliged. - Matthew
  15. What the... ? Man, out with it! I want to know! - Matthew
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