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  1. I haven't uninstalled Norton yet but instead turned my screen refresh rate down to 60 instead of 75. I don't know if it really did anything but I can say that I played a game for over an hour and it didn't crash on me. My next test is going to be to turn it back to 75 and see what happens.
  2. I will try to uninstall it and see what happens. I don't have any problems with any other games (I play Battlefield 1942, Battlefield Vietnam, Battlefield 2, Doom 3, Command & Conquer Generals, and Star Wars Battlefront regularly). That's why I was suprised that I actually had CTD problems on Emperor. :( Assuming that uninstalling Norton doesn't correct the problem, do you have any other ideas of what might be causing my problem? I suppose that I could try to reinstall Emperor but I only just installed it 2 days ago.
  3. Actually it happens randomly during the game. I can load a level just fine and play for anywhere between 10 minutes to an hour but then just randomly (well, what I perceive as being randomly. It doesn't seem to be happening at a specific interval of time and I can't tell that anything specific is happening in the game that could be causing the crash) it will give me the game.exe crash. Now, I do have Norton and I am going to try and disable it and see what happens. I will post the results of my tests without Norton running later. Any other advise that you have would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  4. I just installed Emperor again after a couple years of not playing it. I love this game and I have been craving a good Dune experience for a little while now and I figure that Emperor will fit the bill. The problem is I am occasionally getting the game.exe crash that is mentioned in this thread. My DXDIAG info is: ------------------ System Information ------------------ Time of this report: 7/14/2005, 18:49:23 Operating System: Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 2 (2600.xpsp_sp2_gdr.050301-1519) Language: English (Regional Setting: English) System Manufacturer: Dell Inc. System Model: Dimension 8400 BIOS: Phoenix ROM BIOS PLUS Version 1.10 A05 Processor: IntelĀ® PentiumĀ® 4 CPU 3.00GHz (2 CPUs) Memory: 1022MB RAM Page File: 246MB used, 2211MB available Windows Dir: C:WINDOWS DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904) DX Setup Parameters: Not found DxDiag Version: 5.03.2600.2180 32bit Unicode ------------ DxDiag Notes ------------ DirectX Files Tab: No problems found. Display Tab 1: No problems found. Sound Tab 1: No problems found. Music Tab: No problems found. Input Tab: No problems found. Network Tab: No problems found. VIDEO CARD: Card name: NVIDIA GeForce 6800 (with the latest drivers) SOUND CARD: Description: Sound Blaster Live! 24-bit If you have any ideas on how I can correct this problem, I would greatly appreciate it. BTW, I have tried playing it using both the "compatibility with Win98" being turned on and off, as was suggested earlier in this thread. It doesn't seem to have made a difference.
  5. It will never be dead to me. I like replaying the SP game (which is a hell of a lot more than I can say about Generals) and I also like to skirmish. I haven't played online for around 2 years though. :-
  6. I still play it, just not online.
  7. Dune II is the first RTS game of its kind that really mattered. I still have fond memories of it and that was YEARS ago. Dune I was not the same kind of RTS that Dune II was although it was really good in and of itself. As far as that Genesis game, well...it sucked. ::)
  8. Vezner

    Death Hand

  9. Vezner

    about Dune 1

    I know that http://www.dune2k.com/forum/index.php?topic=3669.0 has a lot of info on the Dune Music.
  10. Vezner

    Axis & Allies

    Go here: http://www.fileplanet.com/files/140000/141447.shtml This is a trailer for the new Axis and Allies game coming out later this year.
  11. I rarely post here but I would like to chip in my support for Emperor.
  12. Vezner

    The dune music

    Yeah, I think it's the spice opera that I have. Cool site that you have provided there. I wondered where you can get it now days. Anyway since you have provided the link there is no reason for me to upload the files. Thanks! I love the Spice Opera BTW, it follows the feel of the game perfectly.
  13. Vezner

    The dune music

    I actually downloaded it a long time ago. I still have the files. I can't remember if they are MP3 or wave. In any case there are over 10 songs that I collected from the original Dune game. Gawd I loved that game! Anyway if someone gives me some FTP space or etc to put the files on to I will be more than happy to upload them for ya'll. I wont be able to do it though until Saturday the 22nd of March at the earliest. That is when I can bring my tower into work and use their T1 server. Otherwise I only have dialup at home. :) Let me know...
  14. Duuno what plnet you're on, but SC hasn't been patched in over ayear, WarII was patched only once, WC3 patching seems to have stopped, etc. It received a patch at least about a year ago. That is still very impressive when compared to EA games. EA will only patch a game for the first year of a game's life! (if you are lucky enough to be playing a game that they consider to be worth patching at all). How long has StarCraft been out? How many years? Enough said. EA is a sham. Anyway I guess that we can just agree to disagree. I'm not going to try and proove my beliefs on Blizzard to you. I just know that EA has a history of crappy support and IMO Blizzard is much better.
  15. Well I have to disagree. I haven't played Starcraft for a long while but I have noticed that they STILL patch it. That is impressive considering that the game was released so many years ago. EA dropped EB4D, which is way better than Starcraft IMO, after only a few months. And as far as your comment that Blizzard doesn't post anything on their forums, maybe you don't visit their forums very much because I have seen them give updates very frequently. They also have one of the best tech support programs that I have ever seen for a gaming company. Again, I'm no hardcore fan of their games but I do respect them for the excellent support. Like I said, whether you agree with me or not, Blizzard has a much larger fanbase than WW/EA has. The simple numbers of people playing Warcraft and Starcraft (even after so many years) when compared to the numbers playing RA2, EB4D, and Generals gives proof of that. Battle.net is a superior online gaming system than WOL is by far. It is much more stable and Blizzard is always fighting new cheats and hacks. In short, whether you like Blizzard or not, you can't deny that they give superior support when compared to EA. If you disagree with me you need to look at both companies a bit harder and get past your biased feelings toward WW's long time rival Blizzard. I also want to give another plug to ID. Isn't it amazing that they still patch Quake 3? ID rocks! I can't wait for Doom 3.
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