but they say that by the time a FRYMEN child in is 12 the eyes are blue.. they live around it all they're lives and it take twelve years im sure they got 5 times more spice then paul did in 2 years
House: Donlier Leader: Shogunsa Military Leader: Sholien the soul-keeper Planet: Dolaris II Politics: absolutism to the leader Religion: ancestery and rumors of the great worm Backround: warlike, similar to the Japanese and Chinese culture Baracks: DoJan Shadow Katanist Stealth assasin Spy Beam Archer Planet: Many Mountains, Lost of water (famouse for selling water,that is the biggest trade) lots of forest.
#5 makes the most since because when you look around you see that we get better things but the things we left bind had the potintal to be vastly superior with alittle time and work
Does the 2 years of spice exposure realy justify the greatly superior speed and strength that paul had aginst feyd personally i think it had to do with the weirding way that his mother taught him when he ws young
Question! acording to the frank herbarts movie it takes about 10-12 years for their eyes to turn blue or if you drink the water of life, then why is pauls eyes blue when he hasnt been their very long and hadnt taken the water of life yet? ???
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