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Everything posted by NetWerx1

  1. Imperial Sards followed by Elite Sards. I wiped out an attacker ai with 50 of them 8). Unfortunatley most were mowed down by Flame Tanks, Inkvines, and Gun Turrets :-
  2. Infantry kill them fast? If you have a lot of inf in 1 place, 2 ordos canister throws will kill them altogether before its health goes below half energy.
  3. The ORDOS strategy consisting of warriors/dust scouts/ deviators is too costly because you lose too many troops. In emprworm's demo, he lost 3350 of stuff. That's not bad, but with the warrior/niab/deva drop strategy the only thing you have to lose are the warriors. That's like 900. This time they also have mongoose, meaning that you'll probably lose more with the ordos strat. It may fail altogether because the mongoose will take out the dusties before the minos fire at them.
  4. Chaos Lightning This weapon can be used with the Ordos Palace. Click the lightning strike when it is ready. Drag the mouse anywhere you want on the field. Then select the area of effect. When it is fired, all units within the blast radius will be thrown in a frenzy, killing all units, friend OR foe. Also, the units affected will suffer damage slowly.
  5. Subhouses: Tieilaxu Leech: Damage, Armor, Repair Contaminator: Armorx3 Sardaukar Regular: Damage, Armor, Repair Elite: Damage, Armor, Repair Guild Maker: Damage, Armor, Repair NIAB: Damage, Armor, Repair Fremen Warrior: Damage, Armor, Repair Fedaykin: Damage, Armor, Repair Ix Infiltrator: None Projector: Damage, Armor, Repair I've noticed that Infils, Dupe Tanks, Niabs, and leeches self repair at lv 0. What do they really get at lv3? (except infil
  6. First, five lasers will own the minos without much trouble. Even if you do manage to get some lasers with your feds, the kobras will own them in the end. If you try to be sneaky and hit the kobra at close range, they could undeploy and run the feds over due to their large crush radius ;D. Heck, five lasers could take on three mino and three feds. Take out the minos first, and then do hit and run on the feds :D. Hint hint, a kobra is stronger than a mino. You're asking for death if you make 3 mino attack 10! Kobra. They could beat them undeployed. You should watch some clips and see how 1 laser owns 1 fed. Furthermore, a laser tank can escape a fed's shot.
  7. Ordos would be too costly ::) Scouts don't attract minos ::) More than 3 guild tanks would clump each other up :- 1 deva would do after defenses weakened ;D
  8. My strat against: 5 mino 7 mongoose 30 infantry 3 repair veh 15 kindjal Your house and subhouses: Harkonnen, Fremen OR Ix, Guild 1. Step in with fremen or ix bombs to kill off ALL the kindjal, and some infantry, if you wish. 2. Use 3 guild niab tanks to kill off at least 5 mongoose. Teleport them if any of them are weak. 3. Use the DEVA DROP to kill any remaining troops, 3 Devas would be nice :D
  9. If you are defending territory immediately build horde of mongoose and infantry and send them over to the harkonnen base. You have the advantage because you have base set up
  10. The Deva drop is highly effective...especially against Kobra. Remember, Kobra must shoot directly upwards when facing a target that is right next to them :D. Drop 2-3 Devas to each section of the kobra wall:8 kobra per section, and you will have defeated the kobra wall! P.S. If your devas start to look weak, detonate them :D!They have the power of an ix bomb.
  11. you have a point...
  12. ahem, airdrone :D what I meant was, you move aa the second time the adv carryall picks up the deva
  13. All you have to do is to threaten the deva, the adv carryall will pick it up again. When the carryall is on top of the deva, move aa and simply kill the adv carryall with the deva in its grips ;D!
  14. Bah! Who cares about Tieilaxu? They are weak and betray you in the end >:(
  15. SARDS RULE ;D :D!!! though fremen is ok
  16. It's not a cheat, but a plain trick
  17. SOMEWHAT separated...not much, say going around a rock formation. Besides, it doesn't have to be separated in order to make this trick work
  18. I know you people here in the forum rate this turret as the "lamest turret ever" However... 1.Large damage radius 2.About everything in the damage radius receives the same amount of damage 3.Long range 4.Handles inf rushes quite well because of "good number 2" Downsides... 1. Weak armor 2. Not good against tanks 3. May kill own troops(same thing happens with flameturret" 4. Weak single shot When I was playing an ordos mission, the ai sent mass amounts of fremen warriors to my base. I quickly queued chem troops and built a gas turret. When gas turret threw the gas the first time, no fremen died because the turret kills no inf unit within one shot(excluding troopers and scouts). However, on the second shot, 20 fremen went down choking! :D Ken, make a new topic in newbie guide about subhouses and turrets!
  19. An idiot would know how to kill the adv carryall and deva when the carryall picks the deva up again :D.
  20. When you want to murder a large group of enemy inf, all you have to do is to build 10 sard elites, and send them all over to attack 1 infantry unit that is SOMEWHAT separated from the large group of in. The elites will all draw their knives, and slice! The attacked unit is dead, but so will other inf from way beyond the sard's slicing range ;D! This is because you ordered a large group of elites to attack one infantryman. So when you do this, any other infantry nearby will be killed. This also happens with fremen warriors and sard regulars EX: You send elites to attack a hark trooper, when he is dead, several flametroopers will be dead too.
  21. Good damage to buildings??Its pathetic against buildings Fire on the move? Mongoose, Mino, Flame Tnk, Lasers and Ordos APCs can do that...but a Sonic Tnk? It has to stop to shoot! Not as fast as other tanks??Its quite fast
  22. It looks like a tent with a windmill
  23. Ok, I'm playing the hark campaign. This mission is in a territory left to the Bidiryah Sink. The briefing says that Fremen are searching the wastes, and I'm to investigate their motives. So I start out and the mentat shows fremen near a tieilaxu base. I send an inkvine to help the leeches and contaminators from the fremen. This bodes well for an alliance with the tieilaxu... So then i use flame tanks to kill the fremen that arrive, and then they stop coming and the mentat says tieilaxu reinforcements have arrived. I don't use them much, just leeching harvies and contaminating scouts ;D. I finished the atr base with a death hand to kill mongoose and a deva drop the kill of the entire atr base. Then comes the debriefing. It would have been wise to involve your troops in the quarrel, commander. WTF? Did I do anything wrong >:(???????
  24. I don't think u should even play that sard ally mission(never played it myself)...many better opportunities to ally with sards. Hint hint:gholas ;D...ahem
  25. Well i searched the whole map and only found a smuggler starport and a civilian building hiding fedaykins which i idiocticly destroyed
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