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    Ordos protectorate Middle Europe
  1. "Work" as satisfying peoples' lives as a form of government and to keep by it's own rules. People aren't naturally able to do that.
  2. Dtsciplined but tolerent. I used to be aggressive against Czechs and Hungarians but I can see that It's better now. :)
  3. Democracy will "never" work because people are naturally materialistic, egoistic and immoral.Therefore they can't get the power to decide in important things such as interruptions etc.
  4. I played wit a guy (Ordos) who didn't actually build a single unit during tha game. I tried to help him (in 5 languages) but he didn't respond. All he did was building loads of gas turrets and the pop-up ones. I don't want to criticise this "tactic" very much but they have a limited range and you jus can't win with building turrets. Unless you're a ...
  5. We just can't see the difference in this nowadays. ::) Especially when it comes to these two. :)
  6. Stipendia? Prosim ta nebud smiesny. Na to nebudu peniaze. Teraz skoly vyberat peniaze nemozu a robia to. Co si myslis ze sa stane ked sa to zlegalizuje. ::) Mimochodom, co ti nie uplne chudobny co ihc nedostanu, budu potom na tom predsa este horsie nez ti najchudobnejsi. Long live the LEFT.
  7. Tenzul


    Come on guys. They're not that bad. :) Except for this one :D - I really hate it. But the others are fine.
  8. Tell it to the people who won't be able to study.
  9. People who usually don't want to work don't care about education or health and spend money on things such as alcohol. Btw we'll have to pay for education here in Slovakia soon and one social benefit covers 1/2 of the lowest price.
  10. Is a 6 year old game but still a good one. Is anyone out there who'd play online?
  11. We cancled compulsory work and what happened? 17 % people lying on the ground draining our economy with social benefits.
  12. APC's are good for rush attacks against enemy Carryalls.
  13. Onlz for air defense, but it has good armour.
  14. Tenzul


    Playing as incorruptible in this game is almost impossible.
  15. Don't woory about the war. When the Americans reach Bagdad and it's final rersistance they'll just head right to the oil fields. (as they meant to all the time ;D)
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