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Everything posted by BRAVO

  1. Btw maxpower did play generals for a few days but then chose WC...i played a game with him that was set up on msn a few minutes before...then again that was in march i think... master-
  2. Im preparing a clan site soon :D
  3. its a great game! :D
  4. fuzion we really need to 2 on 2 some guys....lol
  5. BRAVO

    Red Vs. Blue!

    :P i was joking bu seriously it was not funny i love the landstraad :P
  6. BRAVO

    Red Vs. Blue!

    ::) heh only landstraad's cauld be so ignorent :P
  7. lmao indeed...fuzion...GET ON MSN!!! we have to start kicking arse :P peace aggy
  8. BRAVO

    Red Vs. Blue!

    its alright m8..i just feel bad for the dude...
  9. indeed but you can't use any map...
  10. well....GET TO IT!!!! lmao... peace master-
  11. i didnt see xvaine in ages..maxpower is in WC and yea... ;D
  12. BRAVO

    Red Vs. Blue!

    dude thats not funny that kid is from montreal (where i live) and that kid is very unhappy and he "isint all there"...so please be carefull about what you say...
  13. BRAVO

    Red Vs. Blue!

  14. well snoop around clanwars site you will see wariors ladder and clan ladder... were going to start next month...(in 2 days).. oh and we need more members lol at least 2 more... peace strategist
  15. done we need more people :D
  16. come on guys...it shauld be emp ownage in generals... ;D -The Canadian Strategist-
  17. SuP???? :D
  18. LOL but still ``the clone of the attack gulf wars 2``was unasked for...saddam WAS NOT a threat to the US...all they wanted was the black gold.... ::)
  19. I didnt say it was bad...it was unjustified but it did help 2nd i never mentioned the war...lol
  20. Hmm i do know how the cells of millitia will react* i mean the US lost as many men after the big battle then during it...lol Dust scout: WRONG not there fathers country i think he was the worst citizen it was the iraqis country >:(
  21. Indeed and Iran do not need this right now...
  22. Zahra Kazemi is a CANADIAN journalist whom was beatin to death by the iran goverment officials and they do not wish to bring her body back...what do you all think? N.B. I do not attack the people from IRAN just the idiotic dicision that there goverment has made...especialy that it will not help them in the neer future.
  23. hehe see even ace was in B.o.P mouhahahahahahaha!
  24. theres only a black empty box :O
  25. Happy b-day ure too old! :P
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