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Everything posted by DRFsimmsy

  1. hurragh
  2. Also, if you have trouble connecting or any other problems, see shygirl's guide (sticked at the top of the dune2k forums) or my website : http://www.dunefaq.tk if all else fails you can MSN me at all_the_hits@hotmail.com or email me at the same address.
  3. If you want to play dune 2000, the best time to come in is about 9 pm GMT. A group of us duners have organised games to be between 6-12 pm GMT so come in then, don't worry if you suck, we all do now and those who still have any skill left will be able to train newer players etc. So 9pm gmt see if you can make it. Thanks
  4. Equality is death. (ever heard of heat-death in physics?)
  5. i had the same problem, they kept stopping at 100%. just keep trying and it should work.
  6. I have nothing to do with this.
  7. When... probably a few days ago, why, who knows. Soon there will be a proper dune website (not like this one), and a mailing list for online players so we can try and stay together.
  8. download from dc, kazaa or other filesharing.
  9. No jokes... it's working again. me and griff played yesterday evening
  10. come in! :D any problems playing report here.
  11. http://www.anus.com/zine/philosophy/ Well, what do you think?
  12. The love of money is the root of all evil. Thus I reject faiths like capitalism and communism which place the importance of money over all else.
  13. 1) Insert windows xp cd. 2) Click Start > run 3) Type expand d:i386autoexec.nt c:windowssystem32autoexec.net (assuming your cd drive is drive d:, if not replace d: with whatever your drive is) If this doesn't work try typing : expand c:windowsrepairautoexec.nt c:windowssystem32autoexec.nt
  14. As of 20:00 GMT thursday. The password server appears to be down. I will reply to this topic when it comes back up.
  15. why do you have to always drag me into your shit? also i'd appreciate it if you didn't just hand out my email.... as for autobuild, you should know you've had ICE for ages.
  16. Apparantly I was too honest.
  17. what rules did me and ophirus break?
  18. One thing, indians are not indo-europeans. The native indians outnumber the indians with european blood (IE from when the Aryans invaded India).
  19. Sorry it was all the ad hominem and 'smart' responses that made me thing you were an egomaniac. Anyway, I'll post more later (tommorow).
  20. First you need to understand that not everyone is equal. Then you can understand that a dictator could be intelligent (IE not everyone is of the same intelligence). Also some people are better than others in EVERYWAY and really are just superiour. Edric most of your response was ad hominem. Things like "serious advocates of depopulation should start with themselves". If I could suicide bomb 5.5 billion people in 1 go then believe me i would. Population is only decreasing for the white race in european countries. People of non-european heritage are, generally breeding way way faster (especially muslims). Read into that what you will. Your main line of argument is that technology is important because we can stop the sun from dying out. The solution I propose is that technology be only handled by an elite group, and not the general public. (penti linkolas is totally anti-technology i believe - i disagree with this). Also he's only using the internet as an easy way to distribute his ideas. The line about me (or him) being a hypocrite is just designed to make me (or him) look stupid instead of actually arguing against a point. Edric I think you (like many people) only post on message boards to inflate your own ego.
  21. Pentti Linkola Any dictatorship would be better than modern democracy. There cannot be such an incompetent dictator that he would show more stupidity than a majority of the people. The best dictatorship would be one where lots of heads would roll and government would prevent any economic growth. What to do, when a ship carrying a hundred passengers suddenly capsizes and there is only one lifeboat? When the lifeboat is full, those who hate life will try to load it with more people and as a result, will sink it. Those who love and respect life will take the ship's axe and sever the extra hands that cling to the sides of the boat. The most central and irrational faith among people is the faith in technology and economic growth. Its priests believe until their death that material prosperity brings enjoyment and happiness - even though all the historical evidence shows that only need and attempts to achieve cause a life worth living, that the material prosperity doesn't bring anything but despair. These priests believe in technology still when they choke in their gas masks. That there are billions of people over 60kg weight on this planet is recklessness. Nature Cannot Sustain Democracy A fundamental, devastating error is political system based on desire. Society and life are been organized on basis of what an individual wants, not on what is good for nature. Just as only one out of 100, 000 has the talent to be an engineer or an acrobat, only a few are those truly capable of managing the matters of a nation or the mankind. In this time and this part of the world we are mindlessly hanging on democracy and parliamentary system. Even though these are the most mindless and desperate experiments of humankind. In democratic coutries destruction of nature and sum of ecological disasters has accumulated most. Our only hope lies in strong central government and uncompromizing control of the individual citizen. Population If the present number of Earth's population is preserved and is reduced only by the means of birth control, then: - Birthgiving will be licensed. To enhance the quality of the population, genetically or socially unfit homes will be denied offspring so that several birth licences can be allowed to families of quality. - Energy production must be drastically reduced. Electricity is allowed only for the most necessary lighting and communications. - Food: Hunting is made more efficient. Human diet will include rats and invertebrate animals. Agriculture moves to small un-mechanized units. All human manure is used as fertilizer. - Traffic is mostly done with bicycles and rowing boats. Private cars are confiscated. Long-distance travel is done with sparse mass transport. Trees will be planted on most roads. - Foreign affairs: All mass immigration and most of import-export trade must stop. Cross-border travel is allowed only for small numbers of diplomats and correspondents. - Business will mostly end. Manufacture is allowed only for well argumented needs. All major manufacturing capacity is state owned. Products will be durable and last for generations. - Science and schooling: Education will concentrate on practical skills. All competition is rooted out. Technological research is reduced to extreme minimum. But every child will learn how to clean a fish in a way that only the big shiny bones are left over. In the history of mankind we witness Nature's desperate struggle against an error of her own evolution. An old and previously efficacious method of curtailment, hunger, began to increasingly lose its effectiveness as man's engineering abilities progressed. Man had wrenched himself loose from his niche and started to grab more and more resources, displacing other forms of life. Then Nature took stock of the situation, found out that she had lost the first round, and changed strategy. She brandished a weapon she hadn't been able to employ when the enemy had been scattered in numbers, but one which was all the more effective now against the densely proliferating enemy troops. With the aid of microbes - or "infectious diseases" as man calls them, in the parlance of his war propaganda - Nature fought stubbornly for two thousand years against mankind and achieved many brilliant victories. But these triumphs remained localised, and more and more ineluctably took on the flavour of rear-guard actions. Nature wasn't capable of destroying the echelon of humanity in which scientists and researchers toiled away, and in the meantime they managed to disarm Nature of her arsenal. At this point, Nature - no longer possessed of the weapons for attaining victory, yet utterly embittered and still retaining her sense of self-esteem - decided to concede a Pyrrhic victory to man, but only in the most absolute sense of the term. During the entire war, Nature had maintained her peculiar connection to the enemy: they had both shared the same supply sources, they drank from the same springs and ate from the same fields. Regardless of the course of the war, a permanent position of constraint prevailed at this point; for just as much as the enemy had not succeeded in conquering the supply targets for himself, Nature likewise did not possess the capability to take these same targets out of the clutches of humanity. The only option left was the scorched earth policy, which Nature had already tested on a small scale during the microbe-phase of the war, and which she decided to carry through to the bitter end. Nature did not submit to defeat - she called it a draw, but at the price of self-immolation. Man wasn't, after all, an external, autonomous enemy, but rather her very own tumour. And the fate of a tumour ordains that it must always die along with its host. (Pentti Linkola) http://www.angelfire.com/zine/thefallofbecause/articles/humanflood.html This is a terrible thing to say. In order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it is just as bad not to say it. (Jacques Cousteau) http://members.aol.com/XianAnarch/cause/cousteau.htm
  22. compatibility*
  23. DRFsimmsy


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