My race is the Khala'an. Their skin is a yellowish-blue and they have 2 pincer-like hands and 2 cannon-shaped appendages attached at either shoulder. Both cannon appendages can fire acid about 10 ft. in front of the Khala'an. Currently they inhabit only a couple of planets, and they have not researched advanced space travel [i.e. traveling at light speed, exploring their galaxy] The second planet, Salaris, is much smaller than the first, Pakilis. Salaris collided with Pakilis about 20,000 years ago. At that point, their technology went back to a sort of Acid age, where only the strongest acid throwers [The most powerful warriors] survive. Most of their thinkers died in the collision and the survivors all were killed because the Supreme High Warriors thought that it was their fault the planets collided. The planets were pretty much fused together for about 10 years at which point Salaris detached and started orbiting the second sun. Pakilis orbited the first sun. Surviving Khala'an thrived on both planets, but more so on Salaris. A group of thinkers on Salaris, one in particular [named Bater] discovered a way to get off of the planet! It was an incredible discovery. He had found a way to teleport to any place. The catch was that you had to have seen it before, be it a picture a memory or someone elses memory. An elder there had memories of Pakilis when he was a little Khala'an. He shared his memories with Bater and Bater led an expedition to Pakilis along with the group of thinkers that helped discover the teleportation. When they arrived there was nothing around for miles and the ground was covered with strange ooze. They would later learn that the thing that made that ooze would be their downfall. It attacked them from behind. They didn't stand a chance. Only Bater survived. He was in the front and was warned from the others screeches for help. He then teleported out and ran back to the elder or his tribe. He led another expedition to Pakilis. This time they met some warrior Khala'an who took them to their city. Bater shared with them the teleporting technology and the warriors and thinkers moved to different planets. Which leads us to their situation today where they now inhabit both planets and the ooze on the dark side of Pakilis hasn't been bothered since the thinkers first came. not a warning. just a messege. dont post two messeges in a row. do it again its a warning Sorry,I won't do it again The Khala'an thinkers are starting to build a spacecraft. It is 10% done (growing by 10% each post) A mine of Carluthian crystal was found under the main city on Pakilis. With the crystal, The Khala'an can power Land machines.