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Everything posted by shortbusme182

  1. It would have a lot of gore and it would be cool to see wat ermius does to his slaves
  2. could i join??
  3. Well if they wnated a 3rd side y didn't they just use House Corrino?
  4. Everyone should really check out this site its nice and can get even better if you join and start postin so tell a friend http://pub55.ezboard.com/bemperorcommunity
  5. sorry bout the adress vig so its http://pub55.ezboard.com/bemperorcommunity
  6. Hey evryone this is a new board site made and monitored by vigilent http://pub55.ezboard.com/femperorcommunityfrm13
  7. Hey everone, check out vigilents new board site http://pub55.ezboard.com/bemperorcommunity.localUser?action=logout&rand=0&language=EN just check it out and register and start posting, and if you could share the site with all your friends ;)
  8. I can see the headlines now, EA Games turnsover all Emporerliabilities and trademarks to various amounts of young adults/teens/creepy old guys, but hey it could happen right? ::)
  9. If you wnat a really cool RTS get Dragon Throne Battle For Red Cliffs, its sweet, and all the people speak chinese and the interface is like blizards
  10. i never really thought about it that way :-,i am not blind anymore i see the light, but anyway what you posted is mostly true gunwounds, but still woudl ti be too much too ask for a patch?
  11. i play (all my names have a bus in it)
  12. Emporer is the best RTS out there or atleast till C&C Gernerals but still, i mean they give so much crap to like tiberan sun or Red Alert 2 but ignore Emporer. people these days
  13. I don't know why westwood just abandoened Emporer, i mean if it was for bad sales blame their marketing,(which sucked emensly) but they should aleast consider to make a new patch or expansion pack.
  14. i personally prefer the ix over guild because of the projector tank ;D
  15. you also have to consider though that the fedaykin has a greater ROF and does more damage at closer range
  16. yes that is true just because the guild tanks are vunerable for a amount of time
  17. that would also decrease build time dramatically
  18. I like to use Fedyakin to sneak into a newbies base and blow up his conyard and factory. oh and about the niab tanks the cost 2000 each so that would cost around 60,000 spice or what ever its called and that will take a while, but i have seen it happen
  19. the thing though anbout nailing flamethrowers is that they will be able to move up and attack the sards before they can kill the flame throwers unless in large groups
  20. the ai for the Sardaukar elite is usless at times like when instead of using his knife he uses his laser that sucks against infantry
  21. I know that for different people there are different subhouses the same with the houses, but which one is the best, I favor the Sardaukar out of them all.
  22. the same thing happens to me sometimes but it doesn't wash
  23. conatminators are truely useless un less you use units to take fire for them even in large numbers but they are pretty effective against sard elites, but no regular sards, never tried the thing with the guild though
  24. yes your right it does come apart before the end :-
  25. I love emporer is is the best rts out there ,or atleast one of them, but i hate the way the end the campgian, its great till the very end.Anyone else agree with me? But emporer is still a great game ;D
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