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  1. Dune 7 has not been written yet ... the books he is talking about are Prequels to Dune written by Brian Herbert and Anderson.
  2. Sounds similiar to problems that Win ME has when it's 'INF' directory gets too full ... don't know enough about 2000 or XP ... just tossing out the idea that these 2 OSes may have similiar problems.
  3. I've only had the game for a week and it was a waste of $7 ... calls for Directx 8.0 for some unknown reasons in order for it yo run correctly. Don't know why it has a higher graphical settings than EBFD and it's not that good to start off with.
  4. I just picked up a copy of FH Dune ... Dreamcatcher is who's name is on it.
  5. No... Gob, My DSL provider is Verizon with a westell-wirespeed box. Noone else i know around here has emp so i wouldnt know if they had the same probs, and ive never heard of anyone with the same prob except for appolyns friend. and what do u mean by special software? I think it only came with 1 verizon driver disk and thats it. There might have been one more and if there was im pretty sure it woudl be the driver for my DSL box. I don't believe it's the Westell or it's software thats causing the problem from what I just read ... due to the fact that it's probably the same model of modem that I'm using and it only comes with 1 single CD.
  6. Have you tried loading a new program or update written by Microsoft on your Win ME machine and it won't load no matter what you do. Check in your C:/Windows/INF (folder) directory (The INF directory is hidden) After you got thar folder open, sort by file size. See all those 0 byte files ... well get rid of them. After they are gone, you can finally get your new Microsoft programs or updates to finally load. The URL where I located this valuabable frustrating problem is: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;281967
  7. I got through the level twice (Atr and Ordos) and only had a slight lag but that was due to the number of units being moved at the same time.
  8. There is actually 4 games that were made using Dune as a setting: 1) Dune - Virgin Games 2) Frank Herbert's Dune - DreamCatcher 3) Dune 2000 - EA/Westwood 4) Emperor: Battle For Dune - EA/Westwood
  9. I haven't heard anyone that hasn't had performance problems with the Emperor Worm level.
  10. You can go directly to the FTP site for your update -- some auto-updaters do not work. Anyhow, not sure which version you will need but here's the link for the FTP site: ftp://ftp.westwood.com/pub/dune2000/updates/ Here is the different versions and my guess for which language version of the game that it's for: D2K106DM.EXE - German ?? D2K106FR.EXE - French D2K106IT.EXE - Italy D2K106SP.EXE - Spanish D2K106UK.EXE - British D2K106US.EXE - American
  11. It wouldn't be the first time and not the last but we have had some long battles online between clan mates ... the longest that I can remember was a little of 3hrs.
  12. Np ... Just to mention to the people who d/l the rar versions ... make sure you remove the program from your hard drive before starting up emperor ... it will crash faster than you say crashed.
  13. Any luck getting the files needed to make them ready for map packer?
  14. Hey DJ ... when I started our piblic website ... I made a link page for our maps and even converted them over to zip format for those who didn't want to mess with the rar format. Here's the link for our public site for the few people who would care to get these maps. http://fp1.centurytel.net/FEliteW/fedaykin_elite_warriors.htm
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