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  1. O, thank you very much. I remember you, you made interesting mods (near 2015 I suppose).
  2. Hi. I remember this old game and this forum. Can you help me? if you please. Where are pictures of units and buildings situated in Dune 2000? How to open and edit these files?
  3. любо! (lubo!) I mean "like" (in Old Slavonic).
  4. I would like to find font, similar to Dune2000 messages. I mean messages like this: "Build Wind Traps" etc. If it is possible. - - - Added. At least, slightly similar font.
  5. Once upon a time... Evening, rain, 2007 year. A concert in one Ukrainian town. And me there, somewhere among people. Soulfully. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-9CogVgra0 And one of clips. The same singer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8wuuCkHkds
  6. A little bit of Russian rock (Actually, in this case, it's a cover of rather old Western group "Golden Earring". But very good cover.) Aria - Careless Angel (Беспечный ангел - Bespechniy Angel [bʲeˈspʲetʃnɨj 'angel]) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztKl8qqZr0c
  7. I would like to go on this topic (after pause during some time). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crDdTs4e2Y0
  8. Yes, I am agree, the editor is good now! It works very well. Klofkac, would you like to add one feature? If it i not very difficult. I mean list of last files, recently opened files. I hope, I write clear enough. For example, list of 3 last opened files. Sometimes, when copies of Dune 2000 are in different folders, it needs slightly long time to found some maps. But this is not problem.
  9. Interesting. In Spanish like in Latin, adjective is after noun, isn't it? Or in Polish. In Latin: intelligentia artificialis.
  10. Would you like to place couple of pictures here? It is interesting to see!
  11. Thank you for your answer, FunkyFr3sh.
  12. It looks good! Excuse me, what does it mean GDI Mode?
  13. I don't know, may be you can try to write messages in 2 variants... In bad English and then in good Russian. If admin don't mind. Perhaps, at least somebody Russian-speaking could read and translate it. Were our answer helpful? And you are welcome! In Rus. Ну я не знаю, может быть вам попробовать писать сообщения в 2 вариантах... На плохом английском и нормально по-русски. Если админ не будет против. Может быть кто-то русскоязычный заглянет на форум и что-то поймёт и переведёт. Как наши ответы, помогли? И добро пожаловать на форум!
  14. I will help you, Knatro. I try to translate this, from Russian to English. But users of this forum must write messages in English here. We can like or dislike it, BUT this is rule of this forum. And... I am afraid, your message is not very definite. <<Помогите мне пожалуйста, я делаю расу Ixian на карте и настраиваю игру за них. В итоге, кроме самих червей ничего на карте не показывается, ни юнитов, ни построек. Что с этим делать? Help me, please. I would like to make race of Ixian on map and to tune the game for player as Ixian. In the result, I cannot see anything on the map. Neither units nor buildings, excepting worms. What can I do with this?>> (End of quote) Multiplayer game?
  15. This color looks like gold. As metal the gold.
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