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Everything posted by execuchris

  1. yeh. sard barracks only use 10 units of energy. i wonder why u need electricity to make sard. that's just freeeeeeeeky :O unless female sardukar mate with sharp, electric needles. ouch! :O
  2. by the way Frodo, that's a narly looking fremen laser tank. but it looks too much like an ordos tank.
  3. i think the animal should be like a dewback (from Star Wars Force Commander). i could have a big turret on top of it, but could have a hollow body to hold several men (or women). then the guy operating the turret on top has a spice bomb and can self detonate the carrier if low in health 8)
  4. ohhhhh, i thought u meant a dev on the ground. ok the drone would win :P
  5. i kinda left my install disk somewhere, so i'll have to find it. this will take a while. i'll post again later.
  6. i have to delete all folders after i reinstall? i didn't know that. so do i have to reinstall the game again and delete all of the folders?
  7. i kept all of the files since i thought that i might need them later
  8. i didn't always have this problem. this was kinda a problem when i reinstalled emporer. i didn't know what was going on, but i found out eventually. and this probably only happens on original maps, cause i never played on a home made (no time to make one).
  9. don't forget the shields
  10. and jacob, what do you mean called for help?
  11. yep on the compatibility mode for windows 98/Me
  12. it all happened when i reinstalled the game because xp closed it (u might remember the topic on "xp closes when dune starts")
  13. this always happens when i make camoflauged units.
  14. and yes, the weird textures, square shadows, and weird terrain are a little freaky. it really ruins gameplay.
  15. i do have v1.09. it happens when i make a camoflauged unit
  16. so, the drone would be creamed
  17. just click on the link above my question
  18. hay guys. emporer gets all weird when i make a camoflauged unit. look at the screenshot to find out
  19. i like the guild and sard. very expensive, but still niabs will still rock hark and ordos units. my advice: don't make makers. they are slow and not worth their weight in solaris. i just like guild because of the niab tanks. the sard is another story. they have a good balance of infantry, vehicle, and air defenses into two little packages. put these around your base with some mino and u wil be unstoppable (at least for a beginner :))
  20. but i think a dev. would kill the airdrone by then :P
  21. that would be pretty hard to hit a dev. with an airdrone on the ground (unless there's some freeky glitch).
  22. thank guys ;D
  23. hey people. i was wondering.........how do you take screenshots of your games? i have a reeeeeeeeeeallllly bad problem in dune and can only show it in a screenshot to describe it. thanks!
  24. reely, and all this time i thaught the castle at disney land was hollow. :P
  25. then there should be special coating of rubber chickens on a structure to protect it (long live rubber chikens!).
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