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Everything posted by Maxpovver

  1. ijw can have a bye in2 next round, ive lost my interest in emperor
  2. jesus, talk about newbville, i page harkdog 4 a game, he goes and logs off, i page veryugly0 4 a game he doesnt reply, i page sarlour 4 a game he goes and logs off, and just last week im matched vs sarlour, game gets to load up screen and then he nevre loads in, i go in2 lobby, and find hes logged off
  3. the game said 2pm gmt, i was on at 2pm gmt...
  4. well my opponent is a bit of a farce to put it politely, on saturday, i was online and he was also, so i asked lets play our game then, he says "give me 30mins so i can warm up" so im like fair do, so i go 4 some qm, i come back and he has a 1v1 open i join it, and he still wants more time, so i cant be arsed 4 him to piss me around with his warm ups, for god sake ppl this is a video game not a bloody football match, i guess he needs to stretch his metacarscles ? ne way, i was online all yesterday from about 12-2 and then later on at 6, and then at 11pm gmt times, i never saw him
  5. acelethal,ace1gold,maxpovver :), ne0storm,skorpija,atrforce,ir0nbull
  6. braveivan, contact me on msn lvlaxpovver@hotmail.com or aim : dbnntt5 to arrange game
  7. oh, im from uk, so timezone +0gmt
  8. my nick on emperor = maxpovver, and gmt = +0
  9. ill sign up if theres still room
  10. i made my nick long time ago in 2000 on tiberian sun, there were 2 players on ts who were l33t, xtrmforce and megaf0rce, and they had nicks which symbolised power, so i tried maxpower, taken so maxpovver was good enuff, some nicks i like from ppl on here include atrforce is cool nick, and so is skorpija
  11. yeah, thats an error, cos i just copied n pasted another month 4 the outline 4 the texts, dont worry, ill swap it to msta next time i alter page, ne1 know top 3 for each house in dec ? also whos the top players around now ? and whos these guys top 10 in qm ? looks like atr r owning :), was always loads of atr when i played, around 5hark up there, still is now, and was only 3-4 at most ordos top 20 heh, now only 1 !
  12. http://www.geocities.com/dbnntt5/champions.html
  13. hi guys, i just reinstalled game, and getting back in2 it, ive updated the champions page up to November, just need who won in dec 2002, then its fully updated so far
  14. top players ive played b4 in no order cerb3erus xvayne ace1gold atrforce s0naxus hydrodoc alr79 biorock gzakiller ne0storm - camieu? hawkdawg best players who were still playing when i left were cerb,xvayne,biorock and atrforce, they still play ? and whos best now, ne1 from 666 clan still play ?
  15. sup, who still plays ?
  16. Maxpovver: 1. You never ever beat me. 2. You did not play for 2 months. You were never a newbie when you claimed to be, that was just a masquerade on your part. 3. I bet you are a multinicker who we all know, since you are in Endo and are really *good* (*if* ya know what i mean eh...) friends with xvayne and elite47..... Maxpovver is just your alias and a masquerade IMO. 4. There's a bunch of other stuff I should post here too but I don't have time at the moment. 1 = i never beat u cuz u always ducked me or surr under 3mins cuz i killed ur scout, 2 = i didnt play 4 2months , well done dumbass, i played 3months, obviously u cant read, and i was a newb in my first month, unlike u who prob played emperor since its been out, and still a newb, i had stats of like 150wins/100 losses, how u think i got good ? by not ducking ppl, ask ne1, xvayne i played about 4times in a row once, zae, warz0mbie (cerb), elite,hydro, i played them all in my first month http://members.aol.com/dbnntt5/march02.jpg 3 = no i dont have any other nicks, i played tourny 1 month for 10days under AAtr00per but this was my only login and i stopped playing after the sheer lack of games, and i was in endo but got kicked cuz i didnt really play clan games, and if im such a "newb-faker" what is my other login i used in the past ? 4 = i suggest u think over 1-3 first and post ur shjt in some forum where ppl care, 99.9% of the community here hate u or disagree with everything u say, doesnt that show something 2 u ?
  17. also, ive changed them details on champions site, and taken en1gma69 off cuz i was told he cheats also i remember the very first month of the ladder on emperor cuz i had a m8 who played it so i liked to look where he was, i remembered frenchruk and frenchrmb (past winner of ra2 who cheated thou) were in rank 1 positions 5days near end but i never saw em on the top 3 on the ww champs site, what happened ?
  18. nm ace, i thought about coming back, then took 1 look on ladder and thought about it 4 1 second, and thought no competition, loads of past newbs who have ducked me, etc etc... also ne1 gonna get generals ? it looks coooool
  19. also that screenshot looks sick and is it a fake ? if not then holy f**k, i wouldnt think a) he can do that, bendy back n all, b) who wants 2 stick their own head up their azz and c) how does he keep his balance
  20. i only played for 3months, my first month i had crappy stats of about 150wins/100 losses but i learnt a lot from it, and even came 4th atredies, then in my 2nd and 3rd months i won atreides ladder, and in my months of playing the best players who were around were, xvaynes,cerb3erus,acelethal,elite47,ace1gold,frosco,harkdawg,earedil and ne0storm, hydrodoc was ok but i remember beating him in our first encounter in my first month heh, also zaeblovse was a good player, ok he cheated on ladder but i remember he taught me a few tricks with tactics, and was a tough opponent, frosco was a great helper, in my first few qm's i asked him if he could help me and he did, and we played many fun ffg's together, harkdawg another player who taught me a few build orders, but he didnt play the next months, cerb owned as harkonnen and ordos, xvayne had evil ordos, and elite and acelethal both great allround ordos and harkonnen players, earedil i didnt play much only in ffgs cuz he didnt game on the qm ladder but he was still good, hope i havent missed anyone out oh and biorock was good, and aluskomo is worthy to mention, he wasnt the best but a decent enough player, same goes for tarls (ijw) i wasnt around at the start i played for 3days i remember but then got bored, but came back with ace1gold my mate from tiberian sun and played, id like to find in the small time i played emperor winning 2/3 months and even coming 1st overall in my 2nd month is worthy enough the biggest losers were cyrenius (navarosx) always having a go at ppl on boards or paging them in emperor, i remember 1 time he paged me for help, so i did, told him to play lots of qm, thats how i learnt, and not to duck, even spoke over msn, offered to play some 1v1 ffgs with him, but he never wanted to play, obviously cuz he cant take losing, thinking he is superior to every1, also that guy to would always dc u in qm games was a poor loser and d3m0nger was real sore loser 2 >:(
  21. k, i updated the champs page, to view just click the www under my profile bit on left
  22. k ive updated the champions page http://www.geocities.com/dbnntt5/champions.html
  23. i might play next month
  24. hi guys, back from 3week holiday so couldnt update champions site, please reply with the top 3 winners from each house and ill update it soon, also wheres xvaynes winners list ? is it a website ?
  25. gj krazy, u would of been first ne way cause aviade = dq
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