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  1. I find it difficult to buy "Lost Souls" after buying E2150, and The Moon Project. It appears to be the same game yet again, with new missions. :- I will wait till it hits the sale bin for about $5.00, or so. Also, Age of Mythology looks great but I do not Trust MS to not put spyware into the game. Also, no matter HOW Bad GameSpy is, MS's Zone is the worst thing out there. Talk about jmping through hoops! gag! Have not been on it for over a year now. Spoot
  2. The one that is still alive at the end of the Battle!!!! ;D Spoot
  3. First, after WW treated EMP users in such a way, why would anyone be thinking about supporting them by buying another title? Personally, for me my buying WW game days are over. If it is anything like the rest of WW Games (EMP Exculded) it is nothing more then a title to generate cash and short on AI and Strategy. Well, that is my thinking anyway, and my $.02 worth. Spoot
  4. DRFsimmsy, No, I might not have made it clear, but what I was saying is that I have been online to play EBFD but people were not all the friendly. But, as of yet I have not played Dune 2000 online at all. I hope that makes it clear. Also, you would think that a game that is dead as EMP is people would welcome new comers to the game and be thrilled that they are there. I have not noticed this at all though. When I stopped going to the EBFD forum people were calling one another cheaters, and still talking about people disconnecting on them in a game and getting the victory. That just got old to see over and over again. Hope I made myself clear on this point as well. :) Spoot
  5. I did not read all the posts in this thread but I saw a few that spoke about people not treating others kindly. It was the way people continually complained and bashed one another that made me leave EBFD forum. I tried going online a few times and just to get someone to say "hello" was a chore. I bought Dune 2000 at a store for $5.00 and have had a blast with it. But I have yet to try it online. I have many games and there are some great forums and places to play where, "winning is not everything." I would love to get a response to this post that things have changed, but I am not that hopeful. So, there is my $.02 worth. Spoot
  6. Here are a few. doa = Dead on Arrival brb = Be Right Back brh = Be Right Here (Your Response) bn = Be Nice bwbb = boys will be boys Hey what you want I made these up! Now for the all important ones. fbi = Federal Bureau of Investigation cia = Central Intelligence Agency IRS = Oh, I do not like that one!
  7. OK, everyone listen up. First Sorry to Post here, but I looked and did not know where the proper place was for it to be placed. ??? Again, Sorry. Kjellon (Long Time ST Player), has been given the rights by Submarine Titans Developer Raaj Menon (one of the great ones!) to release the game as a free Download. YES, you read it right FREE!!! You can get this awesome PC Game totally free. It is a Large DL, about 476 megs, but Kj, says she is willing to send people a copy on CD (do not know all the details on this one) if you email her. She has created a New Submarine Titans web site and it is going to be beautiful to look at and navigate. So, before I give the addresses, make sure you thank her for all her hard work and willingness to keep this great game alive. Web Site: http://www.lemdal.com/quantum/st Download Link: http://www.lemdal.com/quantum/st/data.zip CD Key Link: http://www.lemdal.com/quantum/st/cdk.txt So get this game and then go to GameSpy Arcade, Pick your Race and Play a bit! :D
  8. Spoot

    Dune 2000?

    Hey All, Well I just bought the game today in its original box sealed for $4.99 + $.24 Tax! Likely a store not many have "Ocean State Job Lot" They had 3 or 4 copies. I have not installed it yet because I wondered if it was really worth opening or not. Can someone answer me this question? Does the patch give a higher resolution then the 640 x 400 that it comes with? I mean they did not even do it at 640 x 480. Go figure. So, is it really worth a look or not? Will it run on a 19" monitor at this resolution? Thanks for the help. Spoot
  9. I still think Crazy has a good idea. :D
  10. As far as I see it, EMP is indeed in its death throws, but look at it this way; all games are only good as long as the OS supports them. So the games we play today (even the well supported ones) will one day end up off our Hard Drive and sitting on the shelf. So, enjoy them ALL while we can, and as long as people keep playing, EMP will live, even it is lamed by WW actions. Spoot
  11. Crazy, The OMO do this in Homeworld ever year. Get together in the HW lobby (make our own room) and shoot the breeze, and play some Friendly games (boy could EMP use more of this). :-/ It sounds like a great idea, but the EMP community seems a lot different then any other I am part of. Way to much arguing, and less manners. Oh, btw, OMO stands for "Old Men Online" check us out at, www.oldmenonline.com. I am known as Toothless-OMO in this group. Also, OMO is NOT a clan, but a club. We have no official leader and everyone has a say in things. Great group of guys and gals. ;D Spoot
  12. Will keep where to post in mind! ;D
  13. April 15 Taxes are due. Rather painful April 18, WW closes EMP Forum Offically. Very Painful. As the saying goes; "Adding insult to injury." On an upbeat note I really hope that most of the people on WW forum come here and keep things going. btw, will WW place a link to FED2K so people can find this place? I sure hope so. Spoot
  14. Here goes for my ideas, but remember I have NOT read all 6 pages of this post so if somehting has already been said please forgive me. 1. Instead of removing the Atreides why not make it 4 playable Houses? 1a. If you just have to remove them, why not make the Atreides a Sub-House instead. 2. How about a unit that is an area effect protection from Superweapons. Not so large an area that everything can be protected but it will salvage some of your hard earnd units. 3. How about a unit that really uses the sand to full effect in that it can truly bury itself in the sand (anywhere) to ambush units as they pass by. Not a stealth unit but a unit for surprise attack. Not too powerful either as they will get a few shots off first. 4. How about making the Harvesters look different for this new House. This is a pet-peeve of mine but most desingers do not put enough into making distinctions in the units that harvest. Seems odd that every race on every planet would come up with the same exact unit. 5. How about a unit that moves into position and lays down a flamable substance then ignites it killing himself but it would be an area effect weapon and last (i.e. burn) for say 7 seconds or so doing constant damage for units in the area. 6. Allow sheilding or more armor on Construction Yard so it last longer under fire. I think it should be the toughest building in the game. Enough for now. Accept, Disregard, or Modify as you see fit. Spoot
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