First of all, STOP sending me IMs, this is not an issue that should be treated in private, this is a concern about the freedom on this PRP forum, therefore I will act public. So you Edrico replied because you had to give your reasons, how about the right of others to reply/answer. It is intolerance in its highest expression. Stop acting like a judge and pretending tell people what should post and how should post. What you have done since I started visiting this forum is precisely what you critize now. About your swastica issue with the US map, it was not 3 years ago but less. The point is that no one of the mods at that time even locked your thread, I remember that that image was public for quite a time. Those were times of more tolerance. Now that you have to power to let us read / write just what you want you have made this entire PRP forum a shame. Since you are staying as mod in PRP then I have no more interest in participating here. Rules have changed. I am leaving. I couldn't find a way to delete this account. Please delete it.