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Everything posted by cyberotte

  1. well as i said in 1,000,000 years some1 will open this post. if a new dune game say "dune 8000" comes out i want every1 in the future to know that WW doesnt care about the game. So people in the future will have to fight to make sure the game gets a expansion pack. We didnt work hard enough to do it so the future people will have to. P.S: if any1 in the future actually reads this then they will know the truth. PP.S: and if they read it then ill say "hi mom" in advance PPP.S: AND if they read it heck im gonna be in a history book
  2. MY GOD..... i found a ancient post..... it appears to be about 2 YEARS OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! does any1 think i can sell it for money? ;D
  3. ok thats all fine with me...... um.... but does any1 know who f1ametank is? he hasnt lost a game and has played the top players. so does any1 know who he is?
  4. ok why even use a minos against a deva? its like using ordos chemical troopers to kill a machine gun post. use a sonic tank or place a adv carryall on it, its turret is slower then even the deva itself it (eh.... welll kinda). Or what about feds all atr must have feds, its a law.
  5. actually im sorry to say that actually hark population would be about 40% (because of all the greed and evil in the world) about 40% ordos (because of all the vile evil guys) about 1% atr (for people who actually really have no will to rule) about eh..... 10% worms (for all the hopeless loser) and maybe 9% misc
  6. well u have to get alot of the more powerful units. Like if ur atr build alot of factories and build minos, or mongoosess, or both. And get lots of kinjal and other infantry but center on getting minos fast if ur atr. If ur hark then, well rush, or use the more powerful tanks and planes and infantry after the starting battle ordos u have to rush or the more powerful units: like minos or gunship or niab, will kill u
  7. can we please not argue over a simple a matter as this? ::)
  8. am i the only one who had no idea what that ment? ???
  9. yay ???
  10. this topic has been around since about when the game came out, or year after i dont remeber, so why not just think that in about 1 year we got every issue and every possible way to lockup?
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