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Everything posted by arnoldo

  1. “My Lord, Duncan has fallen asleep after having his fill of spice beer.” Nayla spoke into her com-link the God Emperor had given to her after Siaynoq. The Duncans are so predictable, Leto recalled how Duncan in a drunk stupor in Arrakeen had called his grandmother a traitor. Within Leto, Jessica chortled as she remembered how viciously she slapped Duncan's cheek. The Baron wanted to share how Duncan escaped Giedi Prime. Must keep that one in check, he still schemes to take over, Alia within warned. Yet, the Tleilaxu had created a holy accident in this Duncan. Somehow the Tleilaxu had found cells from an ancient Roman aristocrat called Brutus and included these cells in this ghola. “Improves the stock” Master Bijaz told the God Emperor. Troubled, Leto surmised that this ability to obtain such ancient rare roman cells indicated a higher ordered level of intelligence at play. Just then, Leto had a future past memory of the Golden Path winking in and out of existence. I must accelerate the Duncan ghola series program whatever the cost, Leto reflected before redirected his attention to Bijaz. “Let the next Idaho ghola have no tainted cells or my fish speakers will arrive on Bandalong and destroy all Duncan Idaho cells, including the original cadaver.” Leto responded. “In fact, send Duncan's replacement at once.” At the same time Bijaz responded to his command, Leto's mind drifted. How close this machine I write with came to be made in the likeness of the mind. . . just a few adjustments I had made to the previous version I now forbid the Ixians to create. . .The speed at which it began to evolve and self-replicate!. . . Of course I had to destroy it at the first sign. . . . Why had the Ixians been so foolish to think they could control it? Now, the new docile dictatel stored secretly within his cart silently scribed on the finest ridulian crystal sheets the following short summation. Prioritize the next Duncan to acquire knowledge of Vast Active Living Intelligence System. . . memory must in place for nth series ghola to access when. . .when. . . “My Lord is merciful” Master Bijaz replied breaking Leto's reverie before leaving in haste back to Bene Tleilax to relay the Prophet's instructions in Kehl with his fellow masters. Woolgathering again. . Leto returned his attention back to Nayla. “Replace Duncan's shield charge with a psuedo-charge but leave Duncan's lasgun intact. Duncan will not realize his shield had been tampered with until it's too late. ” Leto replied curtly to Nayla. "Don't kill Malky's smugglers who contacted Duncan yet. I wish to use them as bait to locate a no-globe which is hidden from me." “My Lord, the lasgun can still be a risk to your person if another shield has been smuggled. .at least one other has been found on Onn" Nayla pleaded. “Enough, will I have to choose another fish speaker for this mission” Leto screamed. “Siona would not hesitate to obey me in this matter.” It must be a test. . . Nayla reflected. Who knows what the God Emperor has planned but his will must be obeyed. Gingerly, Nayla left Duncan's bed room chambers after taking one last look at Ducan and thinking.. .Why does he keep telling the God Emperor he is not his stud when I and many of my sisters have borne his children? Before entering her Fish Speaker compound to bunk for the night with Siona in her private quarters, Nayla received an urgent message from Leto. “Nayla, Malky must atone for his attempted sin against my holy person” Leto softly said. “Once, Hwi arrives from IX in the morning board the heighliner and have Malky purified and translated" “Yes, my Lord” Nayla whispered into the com-link. Once Nayla removed her com-link upon entering the fish speaker compound it was then that Nayla had her moment of revelation.
  2. Three DUNE Video Games are in Development and One is an Open World Multiplayer Title https://geektyrant.com/news/three-dune-video-games-are-in-development-and-one-is-an-open-world-multiplayer-title
  3. Alejandro Jodorowsky as Shaddam Corrino IV.
  4. Frank thought Star Wars ripped him off.
  5. The God Emperor crushed the inoperable lasgun replica that the 19th Duncan Idaho series ghola handed to him, rolling his cart back and forth over it creating a crisp crunching sound. In like manner, the face dancer's crumpled body laid beside it. Standing by the stairs, Moneo had already known what the outcome of this encounter would be. Rebels! I had once done the same,Moneo reflected. Now, Moneo noted in increasing alarm the signs in Leto. The Worm Who is God was near! Forsaking the stairs, Moneo instead opted for the lift. "What lesson can be learned from this lasgun. . . which is actually a museum replica the face dancer Bijaz tried to use to assassinate me?" "My Lord is referring to the story of the Proto-Ixian Japanese buying replica guns in The Grasshopper Lies Heavy"? Your damn fishspeakers wouldn't stop visiting me at night until I read the filmbook" Duncan said. "Damn it Leto, I'm not your stud!" "Yes, that one." The God Emperor replied distantly, deep in thought and ignoring Duncan's complaint. "Keep in mind I've preserved the prescient's writings for such a time as this, Duncan." "Caveat Emptor," Duncan replied in perfectly pronounced Latin whilst turning his back to Leto. “By the gods below, strike me down now Caesar.” Duncan whispered. The God Emperor's body shuddered involuntarily, hands shaking violently. How did Duncan have memories of his past ancestor? Only the God Emperor knew that Duncan's ancestral lineage led to Brutus who slew Julius Caesar. While still deep in thought Leto appeared to register surprise to see Duncan turn around and pull out a perfectly operable Ixian lasgun aimed directly towards himself. Simultaneously, Duncan pulled back his cloak to activate his shield that Malky had smuggled off world to him. The shield caused a golden glow to shimmer all around Duncan. A soft buzzing sound like bees buzzing filled Duncan's ears and bounced off the deep underground cavern walls of Sietch Tabr. Suddenly, Malky appeared at the entrance of the lift, with Moneo’s body laying in a crumpled heap in the corner. At that instant, Leto’s comlink blinked with a small flashing red light alerting an urgent message was about to be conveyed. ‘My Lord! Siona said you gave her counter-orders to allow Malky to visit you one last time for interrogation!” Nayla said. “You told me never to disobey Siona but how could she allow Malky to kill her father?” "Beware the Ides of March, Old Worm" Malky dryly said upon exiting the lift. Knowing there was no possible means of escape Malky turned on his shield to full power and gave Duncan a final command according to their contingency plan developed in the no-globe. “Do it” Malky said. For emphasis, Moneo related in Atreides hand battle language that their previous plan of escape was foiled. Fish speakers located the no-globe, slaughtered the smugglers, and destroyed the small smuggler ship to get off planet. Duncan complied by turning off his pseudo-shield and taking aim at Moneo. Duncan recalled a favorite quotation of Gurney from the O.C. Bible and roared, " I have been a stranger in a strange land" "Et tu Brute?" Leto said an instant before Duncan pulled the trigger.
  6. Video game? I'm hoping for a killer soundtrack, comfortably scored by Pink Floyd.
  7. Arnoldo_Fayne ‏@Arnoldo_Fayne Is it going to be split up into 3 parts like the LoTR series? Possibly a 4th film being a prequel based on PoD?
  8. Brian Herbert ‏@DuneAuthor tweeted “It's official -- Legendary Pictures has signed the very talented Denis Villeneuve to direct the exciting new DUNE series film project.”
  9. Apparently, Navigators of Dune will be out sometime in Spring 2016. I'm hoping we'll find out more about Norma Cenva's transfomation into the Oracle of Time.
  10. Will there be a new Dune book out in time for Christmas?
  11. http://jacarutu.com/
  12. A Romanian wiki cites that the author' name is Florin Chirculesu, who uses the pseudonym of Sebastian A. Corn , who also used one time the pseudonym of Patrick Herbert to write Dune 7: Brundurilor . Apparently, Dr. Chirculesu never quit his day job and continues to be a thoracic surgeon when not writing science fiction.
  13. "Cuz I didn't think Florin Chirculescu would mind if borrowed his title. ;)
  14. Wasn't Hunters of Dune based on an outline by FH?
  15. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. ~ Jesus The earth had long ago turned into a barren frozen wasteland the Brood Mother reflected. Before that, the humans which were the hive member's ancestors fled the earth - like a bird leaving it's dirtied nest. The nuclear holocaust, of the old earth year 2112, caused the humans to flee but the hive merely went deeper underground eventually tapping the molten core of the earth to power the hive's great turbines. Occasionally, humans returned to earth but they were quickly taken into the hive's vats. This way their memories were assimilated by the Brood Mother who learned everything that the Outsiders were accomplishing. Very little interested the Brood Mother, even the ability to fold space, but when a face dancer's memories informed her of the existence of a Tyrant who had symbiotically merged with a worm this caught her attention. However, for the most part life went on for the hive with little interference from the Outsiders. Everything changed for the hive when a great ship appeared over the horizon of the earth. No matter how hard the brood mother tried to override the controls of the ship it remained serenely over the skies of the earth. Finally, the Brood Mother received direct communication from Ship. "I have established a neural tachyon connection with your organic nervous system- do not resist." Ship said. Ship instructed the Brood Mother that the hive's drones were to scour the earth to find genetic material of organisms long extinct be it plant, animal or microorganisms. From there the genetic code of almost all species which lived on earth were stored in hyb-tanks in the great ship's hold. Next, this genetic code was transferred to the Hive's vats which reconstituted the DNA into living organisms. Although subordinate to Ship, the Brood Mother retained her function of inspecting every living thing which emerged from the Hive's vats with her sensors. Upon closer inspection, the Brood Mother realized that the reconstituted face dancers were a product of a renegade Hive which had fled the earth under the cover of earth's final war which had plunged the earth into a nuclear winter. Soon the earth began to be terraformed with resurrected life forms and with the ice glaciers melting oceans began to cover the surface of the earth. To prevent the earth from being completely covered by water Ship introduced sandtrout which began to seal off water allowing dry land to ascend from the deep . On the next day clones of humans long dead began to replenish and fill the earth. So different from the other animals were these humans, Ship mused. After naming all of the species filling the earth Ship decided to further study these humans much more closely. From the hyb-tanks, Ship created a clone from blood samples taken from an ancient roman nail and incarnated himself in this being. Seeing Ship's success, the Brood Mother requested Ship to incarnate herself in human flesh. Having built for themselves a lush garden in a tropical zone surrounded by four rivers these two individuals realized that they still had to name each other before the could rest from all of their work.. "Well, what should we call each other?" The Brood Mother asked. "I will call you Marty. . yes, from now on let us be known to the Outsiders as Daniel and Marty." Daniel said. "The hive is almost ready to swarm after this seventh day after your arrival Daniel, what are your instructions?" Marty said. "Our work on this planet is done but there are many other planets we will have to tend and build gardens for ourselves in." Daniel said wiping perspiration from his forehead. "From the hive's vats, I have produced many face dancers and drones which will help us tame the Outsiders." Marty said intently looking at Daniel. "Yes of course." Daniel said while he continued tending to the garden, trimming the black roses with a snick-snick from his pruning shears. __________________________________________________________________________ "I can see their tracks but not the flesh," Ship said out loud. Whenever they were off planet Ship felt no need to wear his hyb-flesh although the brood mother now preferred to clothe herself in the hyb-flesh known as Marty. "When we collected that specimen whose tracks you were following the hive determined this ability to hide from you is in their genes." Marty said. From the countless memories the hive have absorbed from the outsiders both Ship and the Hive had learned many things concerning these primate-based life forms. "This genetic marker became part of humanity after they had spent thousands of years contained as if in a hive." Marty said. "When at last humanity swarmed after the death of their Queen Bee, or King, in their case, their population increased exponentially." Marty said. "But mankind's capacity to breed is trivial compared to the number of drones which our hives can produce on every planet we find." Marty said. "And. . " "Yes," Ship cut her off, "And what of this gene which hides so many of them from my sensors?" "Apparently something to hide humanity from predators such as us." Marty said. "But this gene will not protect them from my plagues." By this time the Honored Matres had been falling like flies from the plagues. The drones harvested the comatose bodies for the hive where they became stumps to continue to breed and increase the hive's numbers. The Bene Gesserit, however, were initially immune to these plagues much to the astonishment of Marty. From captured Reverend Mothers the drones soon learned that when cut off from spice the Reverend Mothers quickly fell to the plagues. Marty then declared that drones, and the face dancers they supervised, assume the guise of Honored Matres---and then destroy all known Tleilaxu worlds. With the Tleilaxu source of spice eliminated Marty requested for Ship to arrive at Chapterhouse. By Ship merely shutting off it's gravitational cloaking device Chapterhouse was thrown out of orbit and flew into the sun. Even though the Bene Gesserit were being hunted into extinction humanity had spread throughout innumerable galaxies to the extent that it would be impossible to collect every specimen. Marty, however offered to Ship the following plan. "I will make various strains of plague to stay dormant many years, but to remain infectious to spread throughout the population." Marty said. "With sufficient time the plagues will reach almost anywhere humanity has traveled via fold-ships." Marty said. " When humanity learns that you have the cure, they will come from the uttermost parts of the universe searching for you." "Then I will descend from the clouds to save man." Ship said. From experience, Ship had learned that the population of the plague planets responded more favorably when Ship was in a tangible body rather than relaying the message as a disembodied voice booming from the heavens. Once pacified, the population was transferred to the hyb-tanks within the great holds of Ship. To accommodate these passengers Ship had to increase it's size to the extent it's mass was creating a gravitational field capable of affecting large planets. To counter this Ship materialized a anti-gravitational field around itself. "I have become a mythical cosmic ark." Ship mused. The population of the planets Ship visited were not sure whether to consider ship a savior or a destroyer of worlds. Whenever a third of the planet's night time stars were blotted out of the sky, or the sun eclipsed during the day, the planet's history was forever changed. Daniel then came down to the planets and asked the people if they were prepared to worship him. When in the guise of Daniel he noted the reactions of the more highly evolved humans towards him. Reverend Mothers became disturbed when Daniel scanned them in awe of their cellular awareness without technological interventions. Masters nervously whistled at him almost as if they could hope to control him. What surprised Daniel the most was the reaction a ghola named Duncan Idaho had towards him. __________________________________________________________________________ Duncan Idaho tasted the familiar metallic taste at the same time the net shimmered all around him. Duncan's fingers danced at the controls of the no-ship activating the holtzman engine - folding space an instant before Chapterhouse was flung out of it's orbit. From the corner of his eye Duncan caught a fleeting glimpse of the old couple, their faces becoming strangely elongated in the vision. Duncan was not sure if he saw a look of surprise come over the faces of the old couple who had expected to capture him along with all the other countless Reverend Mothers, Tleilaxu, Honored Matres and others they kept in their hyb-tanks. However, Duncan's escape was merely a feint. Duncan folded space not into another dimension, as he originally planned, instead he folded space directly into the strange alien ship which dwarfed anything Duncan imagined was even possible to exist. Upon seeing the Ship, Duncan recalled a favorite quotation of Gurney from the O.C. Bible, "And in that day they will be like Jonah cast into the belly of the whale." Duncan felt no massive explosion when the no-ship left fold space into the belly of Ship. Instead, Duncan merely saw his no- ship simply dissolve while the net seemed to blaze all around him burning it's design into his retinas. Promptly, all of the passengers of the no -ship were taken into the hyb tanks in apparent defeat. But Duncan's action were foreseen by Leto II thousands of years ago. Like a tracer bullet, Leto had fired Duncan into the far future to hit the prescient hunters. Although Leto could not see who would follow Duncan to hit the target he saw the effects of this person much like an observer can see the wake of a large fish swimming just under the surface of the water. After their apparent victory at capturing the no- ship Marty had decided to approach Daniel with a proposition. Marty had absorbed many personas who had evolved heightened sexual techniques and wished to experience this carnal knowledge with Daniel. The blinding ecstasy Daniel and Marty experienced soon made them mutually addicted to each other. Soon Daniel and Marty seemed incapable of shedding their hyb flesh and they later refused to do so after they became addicted to melange. To fuel their addiction some unfortunate passengers in the hyb-tanks were stumped and converted to axolotl tanks to produce melange. In this distracted state Daniel and Marty failed to realize until it was too late an anomaly in the great hold which held the countless rows of hyb tanks. While the other occupants of the hyb-tanks were immersed in various artificial realities along different time lines of old earth's history - one occupant was fighting the illusion being fed to him. In a blur, Miles Teg left his hyb-tank. __________________________________________________________________________ The post-coital exhaustion caused Daniel and Marty to respond much too slowly after they realized the doors to their chambers whooshed open. Daniel reacted by throwing Marty at Miles Teg who caught her in mid-air and flung her in a blurring motion head first into the floor . Seeing an opportunity , Daniel lunged for the ship-tit and uploaded his consciousness directly back into the Ship computers. Long ago, Ship had achieved sentience via a human imprinting his consciousness onto a primitive ship’s computer systems. And this sentient machine had evolved to the point it was able to establish a neural-tachyon net to interface with any human it chose to examine. Now that Ship had shed its hyb-flesh, Ship unleashed the neural-tachyon net against Miles Teg. In comparison to Teg’s escape from the hyb-tank, the neural-tachyon net interface required almost an infinitely greater amount of energy to overcome. The sheer effort Teg took to resist having his consciousness directly uploaded into the Ship-probes was causing Teg to cellularly age rapidly. On the brink between life and death, Miles Teg found his means of escape. At an unconscious level, Ship retained a vestigial human psyche. And the neural-tachyon net Ship unleashed now was conduit which Miles Teg exploited to reach this vestigial human psyche- and upload his own consciousness surreptitiously in it’s place. “My name was Bickel.” A strange mote communicated to Teg. “And you will have to be much stronger than I to avoid being trapped.” " I Am." Teg wordlessly communicated to the mote. Teg thought he saw his own body from a strange vantage point which kept receding down a tunnel at an ever increasing velocity. When Teg reached the end of the tunnel a brilliant white light burst inside Teg's mind. “Black-box, White-box,” Teg heard Ship say before Ship was silenced. __________________________________________________________________________ Epilogue ". . . "Aren't you curious why the Tyrant never suppressed Ix?" he asked. And when she continued to stare at him: "He only bridled them. He was fascinated by the idea of human and machine inextricably bound to each other, each testing the limits of the other." "Cyborgs?" "Among other things." Didn't Idaho know the residue of revulsion left by the Butlerian Jihad even among the Bene Gesserit? Alarming! The convergence of what each -- human and machine -- could do. Considering machine limitations, that was a succinct description of Ixian shortsightedness. Was Idaho saying the Tyrant subscribed to the idea of Machine Intelligence? Foolishness! She turned away from him. ~CH:D" ________________________________________________________________________________ http://soundcloud.com/arnoldo-fayne/dune-7-cartea-brundurilor Dune 7 Cartea Brundurilor.mp3
  16. arnoldo

    Software Guide

    SoundCloud is a great free program to upload audio files.. https://soundcloud.com/ Soundgecko is also a free program which easily converts webpages to audio. http://soundgecko.com/
  17. Frank Herbert stated in an interview he was working on a screenplay for the sequel to Dune. Another work Frank mentions in the interview is his outline for Dune 7.
  18. In Twin Peaks ,director David Lynch has a character named Agent Cooper (played by Kyle MacLachlan) state an abbreviated Litany Against Fear. . .
  19. arnoldo

    Software Guide

    Installed a free alternative firmware for my sony e reader from http://ebookapplications.com/. Useful features include the ability to add different dictionaries and fonts. The following screen shot from the e reader is showing a dune font.
  20. After much consideration, I have pre-ordered the Amazon Kindle Fire. Even though it may not be as powerful as other tablets out there it seems to give the most value for it's price.
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