Hi there, i've created this topic to share the new EBFD maps with You. I didn't noticed simillar thread, if it exists, sorry for my blindness. Well... Today i've created my first map that i can share, because all my old works were deleted with the HDD format. If anyone is playing with the MapEditor tool, he can share his works here. ADDITIONAL MAPS I'VE CREATED: ~ The Spice Bowl 2 The map is simillar to the "Spice Bowl" from WW, but it looks more like a bowl now xD 1. Lookout! The cliffs are very tiny, you must watchout at your construction placeing. 2. Map is invented to play with your friends, because as you have seen it haven't any opened rocks to use Hawk Strike Sequence. You can use it at the enemies' carryalls, or other flying objects and units. You can play with AI too, the map is intelligently created. 3. MAP DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL: download from http://navan.w8w.pl/DUNE/ADDITIONALMAPS1.rar The guide to install the map to your game is in the archive. (ARCHIVE ACTUALIZED) ~ The Fremens' Secret This is the map for seven players. There is only one spice area, so the great battle comes :) Who will control this area, will have funds to prevail. 1. There is no mounds on the map, there is only 1000000 of melange to distribute. 2. Since play, you will notice some neutral unactive buildings, that You can captrure. (ex. GUILD CANNON) 3. There are many wreckled vehicles, everyone destroyed and collected gives you 2000 funds. 4. There are many places where you can hide your infantry or vehicles (using adv. carryalls) for example: a ridge palace with fallen oblisks in the right-top corner. 5. MAP DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL: download from http://www.mediafire.com/file/gnln5txjywz/ADDITIONALMAPS2.zip The guide to install the map to your game is in the archive. @KINDJAL: Allright, my ingame nick is thexectrx