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  1. It was already said: 9:00 - 11:00 in the morging of US Eastern Standrad Time. thats the time of americans games. But i live in poland, when its 10:00 EST, my time is 20:00. And i meet many players earlier, if U R American, its night for You. French, RSA, Chinese players, and from many other countries.
  2. fever ray - keep the streets empty for me
  3. allright, I am already connected, write to me everyone, i will allways be albe to play.
  4. yeah, it is a good idea. but theese downloads are more detailed. You can see screenshot and details about gameplay. Maybe when I'll create more maps, i will pack them and i will give link to this thread in the download description at dune2k downloads.
  5. IN GAME NICK: thexectrx MSN: emdipl@hotmail.com write to me if you want to play, i'm always opened for the termines
  6. Well, EST 9:00 - 11:00 in my country is 19:00 - 21:00, late evening. But when i'm connecting, noone's there. O.o On the list there are players (RA's) but nothing in the game... argh ;|
  7. OK, i've got access to the second, XWIS server, but when i click Quick, there is the same problem: Error, Westwood Online disconnect. I really want to play online O.o When I click Custom, there arent any games. Does anyone play on XWIS server? Because my game won't connect to the RA's. omg :'( :'( :'(
  8. When i try to first log in (register O.o?) at XWIS server, everythings allright. but NOBODY's playing on this serv ;| When i change the ip in XCC tool to RA's server, and try to first log in, the message appears: "Bad Password" HOW TO FIX THAT, SHOULD I REGISTER SOMEWHERE?
  9. Hi there, i've created this topic to share the new EBFD maps with You. I didn't noticed simillar thread, if it exists, sorry for my blindness. Well... Today i've created my first map that i can share, because all my old works were deleted with the HDD format. If anyone is playing with the MapEditor tool, he can share his works here. ADDITIONAL MAPS I'VE CREATED: ~ The Spice Bowl 2 The map is simillar to the "Spice Bowl" from WW, but it looks more like a bowl now xD 1. Lookout! The cliffs are very tiny, you must watchout at your construction placeing. 2. Map is invented to play with your friends, because as you have seen it haven't any opened rocks to use Hawk Strike Sequence. You can use it at the enemies' carryalls, or other flying objects and units. You can play with AI too, the map is intelligently created. 3. MAP DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL: download from http://navan.w8w.pl/DUNE/ADDITIONALMAPS1.rar The guide to install the map to your game is in the archive. (ARCHIVE ACTUALIZED) ~ The Fremens' Secret This is the map for seven players. There is only one spice area, so the great battle comes :) Who will control this area, will have funds to prevail. 1. There is no mounds on the map, there is only 1000000 of melange to distribute. 2. Since play, you will notice some neutral unactive buildings, that You can captrure. (ex. GUILD CANNON) 3. There are many wreckled vehicles, everyone destroyed and collected gives you 2000 funds. 4. There are many places where you can hide your infantry or vehicles (using adv. carryalls) for example: a ridge palace with fallen oblisks in the right-top corner. 5. MAP DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL: download from http://www.mediafire.com/file/gnln5txjywz/ADDITIONALMAPS2.zip The guide to install the map to your game is in the archive. @KINDJAL: Allright, my ingame nick is thexectrx
  10. Well, if it wont work, you can use EBFD map editor stuff. You can place as many crates as you want. If You want to have an original map, use DuneEx to extract maps packed file in the game folder, and edit map in MapEditor. I didn't looked for theese programs on this site, but i have them on HDD, PM me for instructions or something...
  11. Well i think that the Tleilaxu trying to highlight their theories. As we know they are religious fanatics. But isn't it all about the spice? who controls... And maybe it is just hate to the house Atreides. PS: Machines are evil? What would the Harkonnen say xD
  12. I am intrested in this universe sice 2006, all because that my friend lend me Emperor: BFD to play. xD In the past, my father told me about it, the Dune was a cult in the 80'/90' in Poland. Now i have to read all the novels. But i must buy it in the internet perhaps, there aren't any in the shops :O naaa... I MUST read Children of Dune and notice the differences with the book and film (2003) Bi Lal Kaifa!
  13. As it was said, the slow pushed blade perforates the shield, so i thing the first image shows an ideal knife. I really love the Fremens' knives in the motion. :)
  14. theexecutirx


    well House Ordos is my favorite. and i thought that is written about it in the novels, but i read much about the Ordos and I know now that they are created to the games only. Things i like in them are that they are insidious, ruthless, and strong in attack. When I play Ordos, i really get the fun from the game. Except the Ordos i like Harkonnen in the game, because Atreides units are more able to defend, not to attack. And the Death Hand rulez. In the novels and in the motion i prefer Atreides, because it's all about Muad'dib :) PS: sorry for my english mistakes, i'm polish and i'm learning at least 3 years. SOMEONE wrote that he is intrested in Ordos since 1995, I WAS BORN IN THIS YEAR xD
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