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Everything posted by Tsar

  1. I am from Goshen Indiana, U.S.A, just under lake Mishigan. That is where Pan is from also. We go to the same school.(Drat that Mrs hrynevich, the only person ever to give me C's) How come all these people from around the world write in english, and english with good grammer, at that? ( I am always correcting other peoples grammer, but for spelling? Huh, I think not!)
  2. Huh, driveby shootings, kids with guns, man beats up his wife, people getting high, "acsedents", all this is bad. where do you people live? I live in a mediom sized town, and the most our headlines say is "Senetor McCane to resign." and evrybody starts crying. I didn't even know such stuff hapened on a regular basis. Culembine was the first I had heard of it. Call me an ignormous, but are you exagrating, or are you serious?
  3. Tsar

    Gob's picture

    Hee Hee, vengance is nigh! kidding. Where did you find that pict, Gob?
  4. Did you DRAW that?!? or is it computer imaging? eithor way, that is GOOD! ( could you teach me that?) Kidding. No good artist ever teaches their tecneak, and if that is not good, I don't know what is!
  5. I've heard funnier, but that wasn't the worst eithor. Go figure. They were paid!! Shesh, I'm 12 and even I know you can't poll opion and call it science. What moron paid those quacks!
  6. Tsar

    The Golden Path

    Criminy, I sertintaly hope not! That would be, I don't know, wrong!
  7. Yah, Potter didn't have quite the total absorption quality that LotR had. And Pan, you whern't lying when you said you were absorbed. Man, i'm going to have a bruise for the next week....
  8. Tsar


    Hey, Pan, I think you ment Deciember. X-mas doesen't happen in September! Tsar
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