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Everything posted by niels

  1. im dutch, but i wasnt fighting there, nor do i care those boers lost :P
  2. believe me, you can use Jesus too :)
  3. i understood that the bene gesserit witch kills you with the gom habbar. because if you fail you are an animal like the harkonnen and thus dangerous to human cind. especially if you can look in the future etc.
  4. I was trying to translate the afrikaans into dutch, but i cant completely.
  5. jij bent niet een ? kan het niet verstaan zo.
  6. William of orange was actually a dutch guy and he shared the thrown with his english wife. the present dutch royals are still called house of orange. but i dont see what it has to do with a bible other than that william of orange was a protestant, one of the first. btw is mars still alive?
  7. niels


    I think teletubbies are actually martians trying to take over the world!!! *hips*
  8. niels


    Three countries have arrived. There is no set territory, no rules of engagement. The country that will control the cheese will control the universe. ;D
  9. niels


    Run!!! before we start bombing with cheese! holland is tiny no need to fear. #$234 Encryption==== How is the nuke doing? #$@#4234 end of encryption0000
  10. niels

    space wars

    Yup i used glsetup for my banshee and i have 100 fps.
  11. niels


    THUFIR if you dont silence now. well have to *take care of you* :P
  12. niels

    space wars

    And you can make money out of it. If it works online and gets a bit popular. You can put it on a page where people get all the news and latest updates and you can make money out of it with the banners.
  13. niels

    space wars

    Hey mars, nice game. Now all it needs is sound and an internet server :P I imagine 4 player games. Cooler weapens etc. Only that zooming camera can be quite irritating.
  14. I say cut. It doesnt belong in a computer game which is played by lots of 12 yr olds. Plus it doesnt add anything extra to the game. You can also make the harkonnen look terrible on another way. The mentat in dune2k was pretty good. Just let them say stuff as: ah yes... so you lost the mission... Do you really wanto live the rest of life in a pain emplifier? MUAHAHAHAA. or something :P In dune2k it was pretty obvious the harkonnen are brutal. Just think of the movie you got to see when you selected the harkonnen. No humanity remains in the harkonnen. Or the opening movie: The evil harkonnen.. should i go on? Anyway. Games are entertainment because they are cool to play. Sex/violence doesnt add anything. There is plenty of that in the movie shop. So is say cut. Or westwood is pretty low in my opinion. And the game would get a 16 + rating in my country. So half of the buyer potential wont get the game.
  15. If its a good game. all units will be weak against a certain other unit. The sonic tank still sounds best to me though
  16. niels


    Errr wait a second. i thought shealds were useless because of the worms. So tanks wouldnt need slow bullets since noone has shields on. And a big misconception is that tanks are slow.... they are really fast. that is what makes them fun. Als there could be small armored cars that are faster than worms. Or perhaps an hovering tank!!! a tank that floats above the desert. anyway. i think tanks are fun. especially because ornithopters would be kicking ass without a good tank with anti aircraft missiles. You could give soldiers a stinger like missile. But in reality it would be almost impossible to hit a fast moving agile ornithopter with it.
  17. niels


    oh yes. a thousand running men dont make noise. Especially when firing shelves!!!
  18. niels


    Since when cant you use tanks in the desert? nowadays tanks can be used there. And dune is placed in the year 10 thousand. Earth is forgotten. people travel space. Perhaps there wasnt any tanks in the movie. But i think that it would be stupid if they wouldnt use tanks. I know the harkonnen used artillery. And there are the thopters. It may have something to do with the units that have shields on are immune to bullets. But you cant use a shield on dune. I think a compromise could be armored trikes. ack this is too difficult for balancing though.
  19. hey guys still alive? What's happening to arrakis? Is it dead. I never speek to mars anymore. And i love this site lay out. the changing pics are great!!!!! the quality is immense and huge. And another thing. I cant wait till frank herberts dune comes out, because i think that with a little of imagination, and talent this game could really give the dune universe feeling. Much more than doh, because it is based on the movie and which has all these fictional units in it. It really hasnt got much to do with dune anymore. Only that desert power. Ill probably still buy it though. with my pentium II 333 overclocked to 416. But it must be really great to step into the footsteps of Paul atreides, walk around the desert. I know the company who is making the game. And they have very cool games such as oddyssee. And imagine riding a worm like you used to in dune 1, but in a modern game. that is like almost the real thing. ahum, dune fan over.... and o yeah. Brian Herbert can kiss my ..... his books stink. and also off topic. Isnt there like a dune comic book? It may sound like blasfemy to you. But i know some pretty cool comic books such as storm or trygie, with very large cool drawings.
  20. yo dudes whats up?
  21. I doubt a playstation is fast enough for it
  22. New layout on the way. should take a while bef4 its done
  23. You make up stupid threats and put them on a forum.
  24. I liked it, but the ai is too dumb with the new units and infantry is useless now :( but still i liked it a lot. oNly with the atreides against an ai is sooooo simple. You just collect 20k of spice and after this you start launching those thopter attacks as fast as possible. you can get another launch before the thopters reach their destination. So you can just launch 10 times and hes dead :P and i really like the sonic tanks. Especially wen inside an enemy base :)
  25. Perhaps they do not have lasguns, but only shields. And perhaps the shield are weap against certain units. Fremen etc who have special slow moving weapons which penetrate the shield. Or maybe the shield just drops after a time. power empty is shield down. Or the shield just gets less and less due to havy incoming (Startrek)
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