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Everything posted by Arraki

  1. Unfortunately, these days, I have not time for the site, or gaming now. So, I would like for my user account to be deleted, in case any other user wants it. Sorry everyone, please delete my account, and any posts I may have made since I have been here. I am not active enough for it to be used. Thank you. ~Arraki, signing out.
  2. Ah, ok, but one other thing, how do i get a user name, as it didn't even allow me to do that in the installation, do i need to do something in particular? Like make an account on EA and stuff like that? or is there something else i need to do? Please help, i so want to play this online, the campaign is too easy and the skirmishes against the computer is just, to put it blandly, kiddish, i need a real challenge, thanks to who can help me, and thanks Re-erjin999 for the help about the registering, i won't try that again, heh heh. Arraki
  3. Hello all, I just got my game Emperor game out again and was playing fine, until I decided to register it, but, since putting the new OS on my comp, (Vista Business 32bt) the installer won't allow me to register my copy, and I know it was a new copy, as I bought new from PC World, but, it wouldn't allow me to register it, saying page could not be found or what ever. When I received a pop up from WLOC, I clicked "Allow This Program" but, it still wouldn't like the loader/setup, so, is there anything that anyone can do to help me? If so, the thanks will be greatly appreciated. Arraki
  4. Hey sorry I've not been on-line recently, (my comp has been changed to broadband and i was cancelled out of this due to parental controls), but I'm back now. I've been looking around here but i didn't seem to notice a thread for this yet so here it is. I will ask four questions so give your most honest answer. Q1. How many people have this game? Q2. What do you think? Q3. Did Sega go too far to bring back Sonic or was it good enough? Q4. Do you think Sonic deserved another shot at 3D or was it fine at 2D? I will give you my answers to these questions, however i am quite biased to it so it will most likely be my fanboyism talking. Q1. I have it Q2. I think it's an absolutely fantastic game Q3. It was almost over the top Q4. I believe 2D was excellent but some of the 3D games were good, but I'm saying that this is the best 3D sonic game put out. I'm am looking forward to some peoples answers to these questions, and depending on how much you like Sonic himself i know the best Sonic forum that has been put out, i shall give you their site address. www.tsf.sonicstrike.net If you really like Sonic, be a cool blue guy and pop round, this site is always grateful to have newcomers, however do not vandalise the site in anyway or spam it, (except in the spam games forum) any attempts to do this will get you banned immediately, also look at the rules located in each forum page and you will be fine, no one will get on your back and you can keep on posting, happy posting guys and gals. :) Arraki over and out.
  5. Well said desertway ;D
  6. Arraki

    Best Game Ever

    What are your most favorite games and why are they so?
  7. Download music match media player (sorry don't know the web address) and click file, convert and then choose whatever music you want converted
  8. Arraki

    West Wing

    West Wing is enjoyable and funny, except for the last series, that just took the biscuit, it wasn't funny, then again what do you expect with it being the LAST SERIES.
  9. Arraki

    New Dune Games

    That would be good, if you do i will buy C&C3 and get your mod, i'm always looking for ways to change other games to be like games i like. ;D
  10. Arraki

    Paypal money

    Parents aren't everything, they might give you money but they also might make you work hard for it. Sometimes you don't get payed, it has happened to me.
  11. Arraki

    West Wing

    Who here liked west wing and who is either sad or happy that it is now over. I really enjoyed it but am sad that it is now finished. :'(
  12. Arraki

    The Settlers !

    I only ever played settlers 2 having been given to me and i never could get into it properly, it was pitiful that i could never get past level 2, but i enjoyed playing the skirmishes even though i never got that far. :(
  13. Arraki

    New Dune Games

    I think they should make the history of dune books into an RTS having three sides to the stories, the jihad, the machines and the cymeks, each with special weapons or units. The jihad having the rossak sorceresses, the machines with their metal ball things and the cymeks with well neo-cymeks. Each side having the ability to make and use atomics. :)
  14. Arraki

    New Dune Games

    Do You Think There Should Be New Dune Games Out Or Should The Originals Be Worked On. :O
  15. Anyone know where i can get a trainer or rules ini file for the first CnC
  16. Arraki

    Mods for Cnc

    Anyone know where to find mods for cnc
  17. Seriously i like the Legends of Dune best out of the lot, the second Dune book was going nowhere you know, Dune Messiah. My fave book from the Legends of Dune series was the Butlerian Jihad.
  18. If walls are all over your base the sandstorm will just bounce off the walls and go the opposite way. ;D
  19. Although i would reccommend upgrading to SP3 or 4 ;)
  20. You can speed up special weapons but require alot of power to do so. To speed it up you need to have several of the structures, like ten Palaces or ten ATR High Tech Facs. You have to make sure you are fully defended before doing so though,and that you have already scouted the map so you know what the enemy is doing. Arraki out. ;D :D ;D :) and if you used tibed you could put the build speeds to instantaneous.
  21. I experience that my self, but i had turned everything down to minimal and everything was still slowing down when alot of units were selected and told to move elsewhere. I think this has something to do with XP because when i run it on an ME computer with 1024 DDR RAM and 3.6GHz processor graphics card being NVidia the games so smooth no matter how many units there were on the battlefield, selected and moved with the graphics up all the way to the top. :)
  22. When playing the game have you ever noticed that sandstorms regularily appear when you have living world on. Well i have found a unbeatable way of keeping it out of your base. Just build walls all around your base making sure each wall connects to each other, then build up your base and defences, also get a huge stock pile of units and have them outside incase anyone decides to do a raiding party on your harvesters, my best bet for this is being ATR because they have the repair tank and as long as you have it with your units out side your base you will be fine. You can still go HK and ORD but you cannot quickly heal your units, being ORD gives you the self heal ability and being HK lets your units take a hell of a lot more punishment. But I still recommend going ATR. ;D Oh and i have realised that my Challenge note for D2k has disappeared, if anyone can still see it please tell me, and if you can't tell me that aswell.
  23. You need to get V1.06 to run D2k on XP, 2000, and ME.
  24. Hey i'm sure everyone knows how to kill a worm
  25. Arraki

    Hark Attack

    When you play Hark on multi, always build in this order, two windtraps, one refinery, barracks, outpost, another windtrap then refinery, place an R Turret close to your con yard, build a heavy factory, another two windtraps and whilst your windtraps are being built upgrade your heavy factory, build four combat tanks, two harvesters and two siege tanks. Once your windtraps are built, build concrete to the end of your rock ond build as many R Turrets as you can there before you run out of power and keep doing that until you have covered that area atleast with two layers of R Turrets. Whilst you're doing all that keep building combat tanks, siege tanks and the occasional Harvester. For Every Harvseter you build, build another Refinery. have atleast five refineries and ten harvesters on the go at the same time. Once you have entirely covered that region of your base you can now start with your House Of IX and Starport and Palace And Upgrading your Barracks Building a high tech factory and more defense at the other entrance to your base. once you have Devvy's able to be built and R Launchers, build tonnes of them, order plenty of things from your starport, assuming you have alot of money. and once you have atleast forty of each attacking unit, not including your defense which should consist of twenty of each unit, send them out to attack the enemy, put each one as a seperate group. e.g. Put your combat tanks ctrl 1, Devvy's ctrl 2 and so on. Using this manuever you are unbeatable, judging the enemy is highly in the defense zone of play. Thank You and Arraki out ;D
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