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Everything posted by Dark_Magiks

  1. I did play online a few times, but I had a really bad connection and wasn't used to the frantic tech pace the online players had (only played against the bad AI). No idea what my nick is either haha, been over a year. I want to get back into Emperor and wanted to get these old settings I had up again. Will have to check out the strats and get used to the hot keys again but I'm looking forward to it.
  2. Hey guys, I was seriously into Emperor a while ago, however certain other things stopped me. I wanted to get back into it, and I recall from this site there used to be something that would improve the AI, as well as something that made the minimap easier to see and I think changed the colour of a few multi-player colours or something to make it easier to distinguish... I checked all the download links I could find on the site and forums and didn't see them, did they get removed or have I just missed them?
  3. No i mean so that you can start a skirmish with an army instead of a few units and a construction yard, like in red alert if you turned bases off you could have upto 50 units.
  4. is there a way to have wars or triggers in any of the maps? like can you edit armies so you just start with an army and battle it out with as many people as you want?
  5. Well what would be interesting would be to modify certain units so that they are used more, not to the state where un-used units are suddenly the most used unit but tweeks that make units more usuable in different situations. I mean I don't play much online (none yet will do after some practice) but maybe make the devastator a little faster at the expense of health, make the deviator a little more accurate or faster fire rate or even an alternate fire, I don't know what ,if any, is almost never used online but the ones that are could be made a little more useful so that there are different ways to go when amassing an army.
  6. I don't think to many people would complain if the changes were minor, 1 or 2 extra units a house, and then an extra sub house, also giving the two least used sub houses (tilixau and guild) and extra useful unit wouldnt go a miss. About forcing, I think one server with one without is a fine idea. Or even the option of choosing which one to play (origional or mod)
  7. Well you could run a sort of poll, come up with a few ideas/units, tell us them and see what people think.
  8. I was wondering if there had been another version of this editor since the one that only allows editing of cost and build time? Because this would be very helpful but in googling it all I got was the Dune2k.com weblink. Does anyone know?
  9. I think one or two new units per faction plus a new sub-house would be a standard, maybe if we follow Harkdawg's idea about joining Ix, Sard, Frem to their respective house then add a new sub house and give the 3 un aligned sub-houses (tilix, guild and the new one) 3 units (so add another to tilix and guild, make them more playable). I already thought of an idea but don't know how it would be accepted, but along with super weapons being available at the palace have an upgrade function for it and allow a super vehicle for each house. These vehicles are all subteranian (move under the sand like a sand worm) and are all quite powerful with different uses. Atredies get a sort of aircraft carrier from red alert 2 mixed with an apc, it can fit X amount of units depending on how much "space" they take up (say it has 20 units of space and a minotauros fills 3 and an inf 1) and it has landing bays for four ornithopters which it releases (after surfacing) when you tell it to attack something and when they return it repairs and re-arms them. Harkonen get a suicide big double ended drill machine which pops up somewhere and unleashes a whole lot of inkvine bombs, missile tank rockets and the rotating middle fires machine gun (similar to the sardukar) although this vehicle is easily destroyed. This is a use once vehicle. The Ordos would get a less exciting but still powerful mechanical sand worm, not as powerful as normal sandworms but has the same functions (deploy is when it comes straight out from underneath and eats more than one). All of these have time delay before you can start building them and cost a decent amount, but should be worth it. Anyway these are just some sugestions, I havent seen many strategy games with super units, maybe this is because they have been tried and don't work but its worth a sugestion.
  10. Is it quite possible for regular people (ie us on the forums) to make a simple expansion? Say introduce a new sub house and a few new units to each team? maybe a different strategy to the way the game is played also? or is it to hard to get into the core files?
  11. ::) Well im not sure im THAT good, im just playing against hard computers (with the ai patch) at the moment, trying out strategies, working out how to use my shortcuts and bo's etc. but eventually. Im about to embark on the Harkonen missions in hard, just did ordos (which was piss easy, won one map in 1 min 07 :P) but was only in normal. Hey how do you get the flags above your avatar?
  12. I have a manual in PDF format I could upload or send someone, I just don't know where I could upload a PDF :P but yeah if anyone needs..
  13. Well as a noob myself I haven't actually experienced an online game of E:BFD yet, I signed on a few times had a chat with Gun and a few others about a few things but I am going home for the holidays where I won't have broadband anymore, however I will have access to 56K, how playable is E:BFD on 56K? I ask this because now with exams and study over I have a lot of free time and would be kean to learn, I don't think im that bad but I'm sure I have a lot to learn.
  14. I am curious as to why E:BFD was abandoned by Westwood and EA games? Personally I think its one of the best RTS games either have produced, and it also has got several good reviews (look at gamespots) I think with a few more origional ideas it would have been an all time superstar in the RTS world. EA games make me sick so I am very annoyed that they bought out Westwood :'(, I fail to believe that it is possible for there to be another Dune game, if there is I hope they listen to most people at this board who would know what it would take to make it better. So anyone know why it was abandoned?
  15. Haha oh the guild mega gun was what owned my sardukar, I thought it was the emp worms "telekinetic powers" or something, I had about 100 sardukar and they all died before I got there, Fremen however were invisible and got there easily and dominated that ****y worm.
  16. And yeah I was going for every territory but then I managed to hit harkonens base to easily and it all went to ****, I did not realise that was the end of the game (after the emp worm) and it was quite easy, stupid normal, I will definitely be picking Hard with Harkonen.
  17. Ah k thx, wont be doing that then, im up to my 25th mission and still have a while to go :O
  18. Well just breifly looking for a solution I couldnt find in the manual, when its an opossing houses turn to attack and they go after a territory you own (and is well defended) if you say resign does that mean you pull out of the territory and loose it or that it will be a dual between two computer players (or something similar) to decide who wins the territory?
  19. Ok just a few things about online play. Im new (to online had this game a LONG time ago stopped and started) and recently tried to create an account, all variations of any names I could think of were taken, it got to the point where I though registering was buggy so I put in a personal nickname (that was a huge typo on mail I recieved) and it was taken, so I spammed the keyboard for some random name which now tells me that the registration service failed. I can now sign in with this nick&password however how do I change it? Also I went into chat to see if anyone was there and when I left chat I couldnt click on anything in the main server screen, anyone know what that is? One last thing, do I have to put in that server id every time I reset my computer Gun? because it doesn't say so in your guide (unless I missed it) and I did have to after my first reset.
  20. Oh cool thank you, the downloads section seems a little odly organised, I would prefure all downloads were on one page and each section just had a big heading but ohwell. Cheers for the help
  21. I am new here so don't get too harsh if i'm wrong but if you look at past Westwood games, take Red Alert for example, have had different countries or something and each has a different stat that applies to all units and increases it. So France had increased defence, Germany increased firepower (etc.) I was just thinking maybe the same sort of thing might apply in EBFD? I mean so harkonen gets increased firepower and or rate of fire regardless of what the stats say, sor tof like a background thing. Anyway just an idea. By the way gun, where do you download the AI patch? because currently its just average.
  22. Oh cool thank you ;D Its all good now. Cheers to all who helped.
  23. Hmm, I can see the one big 400mb movie file (say for harkonen, however bink only plays one short movie from it then closes) Is there a tool or something to extract others that anyone knows of?
  24. Cool thanks, it worked fine ;D The only problem I have now is that I can't view the mission movies, just the starting ones and selecting the houses (I havent played all the campaigns) is there any way I can unpack them from something that anyone knows of?
  25. I wanted to rip them, so I could play around with them. Is there any way to play them without being in the game?
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