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Everything posted by Dark_Magiks

  1. Not only 100 off 37 balls, but tied second for 100 off I think 45 (although both his were against respected sides and brian laras against bangladesh :P), Not only this but the second was this year and he got 150 off 90 in a test against the West Indies. Speaking of Brian Lara WTF!!! ??? I cant believe he got 2 ducks and about 2 runs in total :O Good to see the two would be losers of australian test cricket (gilchrist and Haden) smoke the world eleven batters and prove critics wrong Anyway, so does anyone know how to get the movies off the cd? or am I missing something?
  2. Yeah that series was a bit disappointing (world XI v Aus XI), anyone see afridis 10 off 2 balls :O ;D I love that man. Good luck touring bangladesh later this year ;) Well I have yet to complete a campaign :P, is there a way to extract the movies off the cds? I am real interested in story lines and want to try running them together.
  3. So then what does the number of reinforcements mean before a battle? does each point stand for 10 points or something?
  4. Ok I have just put the map paker onto my computer however even after reading the help file I have no idea what to do because I installed Emperor not into the token Westwood folder and it wont find or recognize any maps I put into the folders that the editor tells me to put them in? Anyone have any info on the subject?
  5. One simple question I have to ask is to do with reinforcements. What exactly do the numbers associated with each sides reinforcements represent? Time/Power wise that is. Im pretty sure that they represent the number of bordering teritories but for example in the second level for ordos invading the harkonin, I had 2 reinforcements they had 4 does this mean that they get theirs every 4 minutes and i get every 2 or that every set time that reinforcements arrive i get 2 and they get 4? Also in installing Dune (im not sure if it was dune itself but just a coincidence that it happened at the same time) most of my virtual drives got corrupted, is this something to do with copy protection? And if so is there something I can download to fix this? I can get around it but it requires me to change the settings/reinstall everytime i reset my comp.
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