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Everything posted by Faetarius
Cool cool. I'll have to take your word for it that that words. I recently updated to Windoows XP, and it runs perfectly under compatability mode. Thanks for your help all the same. :)
Could God prove the existence of God?
Faetarius replied to Edric O's topic in Politics, Religion, & Philosophy
Stefan the point was talking about technologies far in advance of our own. ie Alien technology. Thus the raising of a mountain could be achived with technology that us lowly humans haven't discovered yet. And as to telling people's life stories, that could be accounted for by citing that the person had merely done immense amounts of reasearch and surveilance. An unlikely situation admittedly, but not impossible. If it's one thing the human race has been good at so far, it's finding ways to find explanations for EVERYTHING. And so even if god did perform miracles of every varity, shape and form, we would probably still find some way to explain the events away. (As was already stated by Edric O) Oh, and erjin999, I must admit I'm curious. How does the existance of aliens prove the existance of god to you? -
An interesting interpretation of Hell
Faetarius replied to Mahdi's topic in Politics, Religion, & Philosophy
This arguement really can't be concluded. All our views/opinions and resultant conclusions are personal. Gunwounds has one view, I have another, and every other person has their own. None of them can be said to be "the right answer". It just depends what you believe, and producing logical arguements only works if the other person's views see the data in the same way as the one producing it. -
Very simple and very cool analogy
Faetarius replied to GUNWOUNDS's topic in Politics, Religion, & Philosophy
I'll go along with that -
Very simple and very cool analogy
Faetarius replied to GUNWOUNDS's topic in Politics, Religion, & Philosophy
So we can't really accept this idea fully as it is unproveable? -
Very simple and very cool analogy
Faetarius replied to GUNWOUNDS's topic in Politics, Religion, & Philosophy
Yea, I understand what you mean, and I must say I agree. Just trying to lighten the mood a bit. -
Very simple and very cool analogy
Faetarius replied to GUNWOUNDS's topic in Politics, Religion, & Philosophy
But that's what language is for! Making up words that have no real use but sound good! :P *ahem* -
An interesting interpretation of Hell
Faetarius replied to Mahdi's topic in Politics, Religion, & Philosophy
Gunwounds: All your arguements are, at least in theory, technically sound. You can argue until the cows come home about whether god exists, if he has a personal side, and whether he actually cares about his creations of not. However I feel that you're missing the basic principle of religion, which I might add is man-made. The reason for it to exist is to bring comfort and purpose to people, and also to provide a guide when people are in trouble. Taking christianity to your extreme, and saying that christianity is the only "true" religion is foolish. Not only are you alienating yourself from most of the world (who believe in a compassionate god), you are removing part of the purpose itself. And a thing you might like to consider. The people who first thought of religion did not try to stretch it beyond its practical limits. They accepted the image of an omnipotent yet merciful being, and didn't sit down to think about whether it is a logical possibility. You really need to think about the way you see the world; cold logic in place of humanity is not reasonable. -
Very simple and very cool analogy
Faetarius replied to GUNWOUNDS's topic in Politics, Religion, & Philosophy
I agree with Dante that there is no such state as something being truly "random". If we knew every facter we could calculate the outcome with a 100% success rate (excluding errors). However we, as humans, use the word random to explain something that we cannot predict and so *seems* random to us. This is a technical misusage, but allows easy understanding. Wrongful use of words is just part of everyday speech. The point is merely a verbal nuance. -
An interesting interpretation of Hell
Faetarius replied to Mahdi's topic in Politics, Religion, & Philosophy
So in your opinion 65% or so of the world's population is being stupid by not being christian or atheist? Wow, I didn't think there was a way to slight that many people at one go... And before you come back with a comment on how I'm simply denying the facts or similar, may a point out that yes there are religions that believe in a god sans the personal side of him. However these religions also allow that god to exercise mercy. He may be a FULLY GOOD god, but surely mercy to his creations is love, not a breakdown of the principle of his very existance. Also, the Buddha did say thata there was a higher power. However, he did not ever say that there was a "divine being" that we should all revere and worship. That is a crucial distinction to make. Just because you believe that there is an intangible substance which bninds the world, doesn't automatically mean that there must be a god. -
I've tried both the double bass and the french horn for a while each, but I never really got into it. I guess I'll jus leave the music to those that have some talent :P
At the moment economic unification is looking slightly unlikely because of the protectionism of the western markets, shown in the trade barriers against places like Africa and China
An interesting interpretation of Hell
Faetarius replied to Mahdi's topic in Politics, Religion, & Philosophy
Thanks Caid, I hadn't found that site :) -
An interesting interpretation of Hell
Faetarius replied to Mahdi's topic in Politics, Religion, & Philosophy
This site will explain what I mean about Buddhism being (as far as I can tell) a more accepting and understanding viewpoint, one not relying on a divine being or on a single holy saviour like jesus. http://www.religioustolerance.org/buddhism4.htm -
An interesting interpretation of Hell
Faetarius replied to Mahdi's topic in Politics, Religion, & Philosophy
Minor point, Buddhism doesn't have a god. It's a technically moral philosophy, not a religion. And bear in mind that simply because you have a certain belief about christianity, that doesn't mean that all the other world religions are any less worthy. You just choose to elevate yours above the others by saying that: "all those religions do is deny the personal side of God (JESUS) and leave you to contend with the Impersonal Side of God (The Moral Law)". This is a pretty big statement, and even if it is true then that may just mean that they see things from a different angle; possibly due to a less totalitarian viewpoint. And this is a theological debate, not character assassination. Remember that before you accuse me of being "a crybaby who throws insults around". I have not insulted you or your religion, merely condensed what you yourself said into a more compact form. -
An interesting interpretation of Hell
Faetarius replied to Mahdi's topic in Politics, Religion, & Philosophy
So, in your opinion, god is an unforgiving bastard who doesn't in fact love any human being on earth, as we are all imperfect. And that the only reason we get into heaven at is is by saying we're sorry, and then getting jesus to talk to the overall god? That doesn't exactly convince me that the christian god is andthing more than "divine wrath made manifest". I think I'll just stick to philosophy and Buddhism -
An interesting interpretation of Hell
Faetarius replied to Mahdi's topic in Politics, Religion, & Philosophy
Gunwounds: So what the bible states is that if you get a few things wrong in life, (Feel jealous of your neigbours new sportscar, failed to turn in a -
Very simple and very cool analogy
Faetarius replied to GUNWOUNDS's topic in Politics, Religion, & Philosophy
Just coming back to the idea that god is in some way testing us to prove our loyalty. This isn't exactly a fair or understanding test. Some people can start off with a terrible lot in life, but remain true. Times get harder, they continue to suffer. God is obviously testing them, right? Yet this test is, in itself the act of a conditionally loving god, as a single slip sends you to hell. In college you can ask the professers for advice, guidance, and ways to improve your standards. When people pray they are doing the same. However god has not been known to reply for a VERY long time, so is in essence, making us con tinue along in life, drawing our own conclusions as to what constitutes "right" with no clarification or hints, and then nailing us for getting it wrong -
Commenting on the time dilation occuring as you enter a black hole. In theory this means that, as you approach a black hole, time slows down. Your rate of approach reduces accordingly, right up to the point that time, and your ship, stops. But as time is slowing for everything that means that you will be passing through many centuries, and, near the singularity, millions of centuries. So technically you're enjoying time-travel, with the side effects that A) You won't notice, and B) That you won't be alive to appreciate the results
Ah well, I'll play other games instead. Thanks for your help guys
Differences in Opinion - Intolerances
Faetarius replied to ps501's topic in Politics, Religion, & Philosophy
This is not an objection to the current judicial system per se. (Sure I think that it could be better in some ways but I don't know enough about law to make suggestions.) The current inter-country juducial system is very tricky ground. For many countries there are the options of things like trade embargos, political exclusion etc. However for major countries such as France and Germany prosecution is much harder. The law often boils down to the country being told to sort out what they are doing wrong or else. Or else what? Erm... Thus the problems is unsolved and no one is any better off. -
Bomb Makers have to eat too.
Faetarius replied to GUNWOUNDS's topic in Politics, Religion, & Philosophy
And reading the paper today for Modern Studies I came across a recent survey about the war in Iraq. Apparently about 52% of Americans want out of Iraq. The real kicker for me is that 4/10 people likened this conflict to Vietnam. The US is really not suceeding in convicing people about this invasion. -
Differences in Opinion - Intolerances
Faetarius replied to ps501's topic in Politics, Religion, & Philosophy
ps501, this point has been made by Devil's Advocate but I just want to reiterate why the burning of American flags is less important/noteworth than the destruction of th Koran. If an Iraqi burns the US flag in his own country then, as you say, what's the big issue. (It's more the symbolic act of rebellion against the invading opressors than a genuinely noteable act.) If an American in their country decides to burn an Iraqi flag in response then again there is nothing to get too worried about. However, if Americans destroy the Koran, the basis for the fundamental principles of some Iraqis' lives, in front of Iraqi prisoners then there is fair cause for concern. This American has been a part of taking away the prisoner's life, liberty, happiness and dignity. If he then destroys the holy book, the detainee's source of comfort in an intentional act of opression, then I would say that the prisoner's fellow countrymen have every right to get upset. (The destruction of the bible owned by an American in a similar predicament would be equally abhorrent, I am not disputing that) -
Bomb Makers have to eat too.
Faetarius replied to GUNWOUNDS's topic in Politics, Religion, & Philosophy
Can I just get some ideas straight here: 1) The US was right to invade Iraq without either the evidence of WMDs or the agreement of the UN 2) It's perfectly reasonable to spend vast amounts of money on said war to grab the oil *cough* I mean liberate the people 3) Terrorists = evil people who have no concepts of negotiation, and so are not worth even talking to 4) The terrorist attacks that happen area a major threat to world/country stability, and so attaking an Arab country will stop/discourage these attacks 5) The removal of Saddam Hussain was suddenly alright after 7 years (at least) of allowing his regime to continue because he had *obvious* links to terrorism Anyone see anything wrong with this picture? And Gunwounds, I seriously take issue with your views that "Might makes right" and that "Forceful action causes obedience and so leads to peace. The voilent application of might, the killing of innocents, and the "above the law" attitude are more or less exactly what Hussein himself is guilty of. (And before you ask, no I don't think that Saddam Hussein was a good guy, I simply agree that there are much, much better solutions than simply illegally wading into Iraq with no reconstruction plan and hoping that everything will conspire to show that the US was right in the end.) -
Yea, I tried the things you suggested. No dice. I've got an ATI Radeon X800, shouldn't be a problem. The rest of my system is also well above the minimum specs, could my computer just be trying to start too fast for the game?