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Everything posted by youkol0rd

  1. I came back from hell hoping to see great players my height but what I find is a list of newcomers it is humiliating to me and I think I need more sleep 100 years to see some return back to God that I can cope after all, how will you guys not intend to play the tournament so why not have anyone on my level hehe let me know when they appear remember, I am the god of war Youko and I'm using google translator, so no one else complains about my english hehe is now serious: I'm doing contests and when you walk through one, I'll be more free to play. for now I'm playing fifa 12, will play Diablo 3 and the second prototype but so goes back to the emperor let me know when the server is standing Like all of you and never thought I'd say this but it was easier with google translator ah, kindjal, my good old friend, do not forget to cut your hair I have not come on msn could pass the test as a lawyer and am starting to work but my focus is public competition for a solid job I hope that within three years at most I have already passed and then I can play again like the old emperor time. but if brennq harkdawg back, back before lol Desfazer edições attentivelly Youko
  2. hi guys. i moved to xwisc. xwis client is it runs nice. but only had i online. come move to xwisc add me in msn mflavio@brturbo.com bye.
  3. i will play too. i backed to hamachi but hamachi sucks.
  4. lol. Good noob list. U said top best players but u only posted all noobs of the game lol. hahahahahahahahahah U forgot the best player, dude. ME ME ME ME ME ME ME. Yeah, i m not playing at now, but i will rock u ass and all these guys ass as back i get. I m a god of WAR. i can t lose to no1 of u guys. COME 2 x 1; i will beat u gun; ops, not u gunwounds, i meant guys. hehe but u too weak gun next to me lol.; i will slow u guys speed down; u will felt like a roach running next to me. IMMMMMMMM THE BESTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT; No1 match me. i probably i will play today on hamachi. if no1 there, when i coming, i leave. late guys.
  5. COME TO DEATH GUYS. host : 3mp3r0r ( 0 = zero) pass: dune come join me and i will kick any ass. if it full, pme me in my msn, mflavio@brturbo.com and i will leave a spot to someone else play.
  6. there isnt ebfd++++ i m in ebfd2001++++ = full I WANT PLAy i did a host host: 3mp3r0r pass: dune
  7. give me hamachi host and pass and i will join there. i installed game. i wanna kick any ass me vs 5 dont forget, i m a god of war, a elite master. high top level elite 5 stars. dont get ur guard down, or u will get a punched
  8. Yeah, there is a HIgh TOp EliTe BacKing ....... ME ME ME ME ME :P ok guys, u all got a Top highest like even elite 10 stars backing again. Tell me place and host name and pass, i will be there defecting u. Remember, i m a god of war. no1 face me. I WANT RA server..... i got original CD but i lost my serial so i use key-gen. ???
  9. hi noobs. I need kick any ass. Seriusly Emperor is best game for ever. I dont find out a game like Emperor, playable to multiplay with same entreteniment. tell me what room and pass hamachi u guys playing and who there? or, if u guys back to any server??? u guys should page to EA and ask to them re-build this game to be sold and re-make a new server to it. Otherwise, I m the best of here; U guys no chance match me, alllllll noooobs. and I m backing. Remember, i m a God of War; I taught Kratos how to kill. So, surrender me nooooooobsssssss;
  10. who plays, its ME the great Youki-sama , harkdawg, gunwounds, centner, kindjal, miles, roedor, sometimes lastgoyo, sometimes silontee, .... and other new players noob are joining too. But u could forget every1 and scare me dude, i m the greatest top high level elite joining this game. my nick is zenzyr0ex. If u see me, go out cuz u gonna be kicked haha. ::) NOOOOOOOOOOOOB :O Late ladies.
  11. We dont need these noobs playing, kindjal. Shut up. and back to ur spot. lol, We got Harkdawg and Gunwounds playing this game and it is the important to us. Rest is rest. Sender : The master of masters, better than Master yoda, and stronger than Kakashi hatake = ME ::) The Great Youki-sama ;D Congratulations, late ladies. :P
  12. hey mordusxxx baby, "youHU" kiss me man, come , kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss,me " like a virgen " HU; kkk joking hehe where u dude? i missed u man. plz dont go run behind to money. come behind to me. i need u mordusxx. when are we going to date?? ops. date??? kkkk my bad. when are we going to met? met? or meat?? hmmm i prefer still a meat. hehe come lets play silla. i wanna rape ur (*&(*&(& out. and kick ur (*&(*&, . i will show u what is a high top level elite definition high fi ( lol is it TV )??
  13. Hey guys. Thanks leo u remembered from me. i read part of all written, and i m gonna resume: u work to live, and live to work.(nice one these phrase, when u get old, u will use all money u got to survive cuz u got issues in lifes, cuz of stresss. STRESS KILLS PEOPLE. the best trully i haven seen in my life. That is why i dont just keep studying. i play, i watch cartoon, yeah man, i LOVE CARTOON, . Naruto its rox. Naruto shippudden. I watch a lot movie in a week. it does good to life. get off ur mind in this freak world. the people goes sick cuz of money. U need a time to be happy. Look now ur face and see how old u got.?? u look like a old man as u are young. Stress kill and let the people ugly. SMILE SMILE SMILE . lol *A&Y
  14. mine is : mflavio@brturbo.com
  15. Srry , chipset not Nvidia lol. Chipset is intel g35 express family ... Intel chipset. The problem may be power supply. my power supply is 200 w real. Now , i will buy a 400 w real. I use a mini atx desktop power supply so i think there isnt up to 400 w real. late guys
  16. HAHAHA , i put a movie to run , star wars. i forced graphic acelerator and i got the solution. when i started the movie , at begining it froze and restarted like emperor when i play after 10 minutes ,; so i think could be memory ram ( onboard video ) seen coulnt be read or , motherboard ( chipset is broke video ) i will analisys what happening. i talk to u guys late
  17. Hi guys , i got a Intel Nvidia g35 Express chipset family motherboard onboard graphic driver and it give a error. When i m playing , 10 minutes after , computer reset the game automatically , ir boot or restart alone. Sometime shows a blue screen saying anything on conflict betwen driver and hardware graphic video. I tried find out a new driver but Nvidia site there is no option to my motherboard. i use windonws xp professional , Service pack 3 , resolution 1280 / 1024 , sansung digital monitor. my motherboard model is ECG3510M i think , if i m true . directx 9.0 The most information about that error is : graphic drive ( igxprd32.dll ). the STOP i got was : 0x000000EA ( 0x89F4D278 , 0x89FF3208 , 0XBA4EBCBC , 0X00000001 ). These error show up in blue screen when computer restarted. reseted; I need help , i need beat spaze . Always when i play emperor , it restart pc after minutes playing.
  18. Hey guys , i logged like natskipper but , i got a issue. My motherboard Intel ® G35 Express family is digital chip that restart when i m playing emperor. it reset itself. i think emperor is so old my motherboard sucks coulnt run it. error acurred in graphic card , igxprd32.dll i tried enable acelerator card video graphic but i coulnt running game too. so i will not can play emperor for a long time. untill i change pc and do sure i got a good chipset to that fuck game. late guys bye hey warlord , i was smiling of u , dude , u were dead if we start there game , haha. i said i wasnt newbie hehe , i was to beat u easier and put ur head in the helllllllllll. hwhw] bye
  19. hey drnhamister , o anythig like i ... u dont need a lot of players playing emperor u just need best players playing it and u have the 3 best players playing it .. me spaze and silonteee. u can t win me so why u wanna more people? u want people to beat them cuz they are easy hahhaa. so why u wanna many people if u can t win who is playing? huahuaha ..... :P :P ass : ................................................ youko.
  20. hey harkdawg , let ur msn in list lobby. my dreaming is been realized , i will defeat u in front of spaze haha. i always did wanna rape u out but u quit in the past before i become a god lol. ::) ::) i wonder see u dude bye ass:master of the master ............................... youko.
  21. final round tournement? spaze vs alchemi? is it a joking? lol , how people were playing? 2? hahaha i was absent but i m backing soon and i wont be down of the 1 st place. : ass: master youko the best of best ..... it was a kid tourney guys , now , i m coming back , i will show what is a real player. can someone record my games? i wanna put in youtube to every1 see what is a incredible player . spaze and alchemi are good but i m better. bye i see u soon brow's lol.
  22. I m not going play emperor for a long time. The problem is , hard study. I need get the time i have been playing emperor to study untill i get my life resolved. so i would back again. hehe I see u guys in the future , and i will catch ur msn in own site , dune2k. :- I dindt get mad at someone. ;) i like every1. ;D I would like to play that tourney but , i need get a thing before i get old. ??? >:( so let it to after. >:( late guyes , and good luck; ;) Bye silontee , lastgoyo , spazelord , and mordusxxx, I will back a day to teach u guyes how to play. I won all u guyes recently and now , i m going out . But , i will back to teach u guyes how to play haha , and i will show u guyes a high secret top tech , i havent showed it still. hehe . late . The great , bigb0ss.( that is my nick ur (*&(*&&(*& ) dont copy it lol.
  23. Lol , dont do me laught dude , I m a cool guy but what they doing with us is insane is it legalit? U buy a game , spend a good money for it and when go try have fun , u get server of this down. So , what do u do? take ur money out , in the dirty. is it nice? i dont think they should respect most of players started buying that game and trusted in it more than them. they just given up and dindt let what they had created before. they did many players go out of this game to play other games . i bought that game and i just got 4 months with Battle clan. do u think is it true? what i did? i got a speacted and it gone cuz of them. is it nice? i dont think. what cd emperor battle for dune do u get in internet ? a user cd ! u can t buy a new cd today , only a used cd. many people seeling their games cuz of E/A gave up and stopped seeling game and closed the server to this game; what we get now? hamachi or our great ra1024 good boy created a server to us. but where is BC? now there is no importance cuz most of good players gone , and i bought that game i did not play with all of them cuz of E/A; So am i questing myself , why did i buy that game? idk , i though it would be a normal game . We all know red alert2 still have a server with BC. i think C&C red alert 1 still have a server with BC; and emperor would be game of year, they killed it. Isnt it illicit? do u think it is nice? nice to u if u think it. but we can t get more players playing it as they not give ISO image file in site for free to download and they wont give it cuz they not care about that game more,. so what we must to do? Tell to every1 wanna join here , where find it; is it wrong? so , tell to them starting a new production of CD emperor battle for dune again and oppening server and fixing BC again, so we could get new and old players back. So , dont advise me what is true and wrong. i never would say to someone pick a ISO image from a site if i did know the game was been seeling. But isnt . not from them. They are forcing people sell it. it is wrong? what happened to dune world??/ we just see now C&C world; so , dont force me disguir with u plz. i dont want get mad at u. i m just angry cuz i coulnt meet many players in time. thanks E/A , u guys did me losing my precious time trying revive that game and i would buy a new version or expansion set but , i dont think its going be building. late
  24. E/A brazil said coulnt do anything about it cuz of main support is on webpage from USA. And , they have said there are many E/A server around world like EUROPE and CANADA , .... So , why can t we join there to play emperor battle for dune? hard to answer it . Servers only allows C&C to play? And , EBFD? that is the main question need be seen.
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